“I know you will.” Her gaze flitted away from his, then back. “But I’ll miss you, more than I can say. I just wish this wasn’t such a mess, I’d want to stay otherwise.”

“You would?” He couldn’t explain exactly how he felt or why he was so surprised. From the first, Angelica had expressed admiration for him, and sharing his bed with her over the past couple of weeks had been one of the finest experiences of his life. He’d come to know every inch of her body, and he loved looking deep into her eyes when he brought her to ecstasy or when his own body shook with passion.

The blood-chains he shared with her might have enhanced the experience, but the bond couldn’t manufacture what wasn’t there. And right now, as he held her gaze, he wished that he could build a life with her.

But that was impossible. His body and soul were deeply scarred, brutalized by his captivity. He wasn’t truly fit to be with a woman. Besides, all his energy for years to come had to be focused on making his world right.

Taking Angelica home would relieve him of the false hope her presence in his life continually pressed on him, and he’d be better able to fulfill his Starlin takedown goals without her.

Putting his relationship with her back into its careful mental compartment, Reyes took a long look at all the bruises, his expression solemn. “These have such a realistic appearance. Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not hurt?”

“I’m fine. And remember, I’m siphoning your power all the time. I might not heal as fast as you do, but I can feel a low level of healing going on right now.”

He touched her shoulder. “I can see that you are, but I wish now I’d never suggested this.”

Angelica shook her head. “I completely disagree. This will cement your reputation, especially after all the fuss you made about ‘seasoned meat’ and ‘auctioning me off at my six-month transition.’” She shuddered.

He smiled down at her, then pulled her into his arms. He kissed her, a deep penetrating kiss. He wanted her to feel just how much he appreciated all that she’d done, especially how bravely she’d carried off her role as his slave from the time he’d bought her at auction.

Drawing back slightly, but still holding her close, he said, “You’ve done so well. I’ve said this often, but you’ve amazed me. You’ve shown such tremendous courage, when you should have fallen apart. And now this, letting yourself essentially take on some tattoos to prove that I’m into the lifestyle.”

She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him hard in return. He loved this about Angelica, that she never held back, not in her role as his slave, not in bed, not in her obvious affection for him.

The word love rolled around in his head as he held her tightly. He didn’t want to let her go, and as the kiss continued he once more let her feel the depth of his admiration for her.

His body heated up, and the cooing sounds she made let him know he could have carried her then and there back to the bed. But he feared he’d forget all about the ball and, because Sweet Dove was expecting him, he had to go.

The final act must be played out.

Drawing back slowly and reluctantly, Reyes pressed his forehead to hers. “I will miss you more than I can say.”

“I know. Same here.” She released a heavy sigh, then added, “I guess we’d better get ready for the ball.”

An hour later he flew Angelica to the Crystal Dome, a place he’d never been before, though it was legendary in Starlin circles. The cavern was magnificent and huge, a giant geode of white crystal, carved and polished for the most part, with a few crystals left upright for unique seating and decor.

The entire ceiling was a smooth dome, lit from behind, an engineering feat all by itself.

He walked her through the archway, then drew her off to the side. She wore a simple cat’s costume, adding at the last minute a pair of long black gloves, and he’d opted for a bodyguard look with a snug black T-shirt, leather pants, steel-toed boots, and a simple black mask.

The din from the ball in full swing made conversation impossible except through telepathy.

Angelica squeezed his arm. This place is amazing and so beautiful. Too bad this group has charge of the room.

He knew what she meant. They stood just to the side of the opening against the wall. The floor sloped in an easy grade toward a low stage about thirty yards distant where the band stood in disarray, guitars on the floor.

Is everyone here drunk? she asked.

Or high.

I would say I’m disgusted, but I need a harsher word. I just don’t think there is one. All this beauty wasted on such a useless set of people.

Just keep your eyes lowered if you can.

Will do.

Though he was once again attached to Angelica with a leash, he held her arm tightly and kept her close to him. They’d arrived at the Crystal Dome late, hoping to make an entrance, but instead found a drunken orgy in progress and not much dancing.

Half the band was engaged in either fellatio or full-on intercourse.

As though attempting to earn his keep, the drummer sustained a sultry rhythm.

Most of the slaves were naked, bruised, and cut-up.

Screams rang out here and there.

This is the finale? Angelica glanced around, but scowled. If anyone throws up on me, we’re outta here.

I see Engles. He’s waving to us from the left of the stage and he’s looking you over. Ah, now he’s smiling and nodding. He approves of the bruises.

Bastard! And could he have worn a larger codpiece for his Renaissance costume? I believe I now understand the concept of hatred. I detest that man.

Reyes leaned close. Just keep the fire from your eyes. He then kissed her ear, nibbling. Although that fire is my favorite part of who you are.


Her voice, whispering his name through his mind, put a fist around his heart that squeezed hard. He would miss that as well, the woman speaking telepathically with him.

Do we have to go to Engles? she asked. Here’s a thought. Maybe you should just take me back to bed and keep me there for, oh, I don’t know, the next century.

Don’t tempt me. And he was tempted, especially since she wore a short black bustier and thong, as well as long black fingerless gloves. Her black cat costume consisted of a pair of ears, a few whiskers glued to her cheeks, and a tail she kept wrapped around her arm the way she’d once wrapped up her auction scarf. He remembered her then, completely nude, her eyes flashing with rage against the audience, and yes, he was tempted.

Engles will break his arm waving that hard at us.

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