“One day, we’ll exceed even Briggs in volume.”

Daniel Briggs was the largest slaver in the entire vampire world and his Dark Cavern system, which he owned and operated, moved more slaves than any other outfit. He was also untouchable as the most powerful vampire on the planet and currently now headed up the Council of Ancestors.

Once Reyes brought Starlin down, he fully intended to turn his sights on Briggs. The vampire owned hundreds of clubs from which he drew new talent, the current euphemism for fresh slaves. Briggs even owned the Ocean Club, which Starlin also used to gather its slaves, including Angelica.

Wishing Fitch enjoyment of the festivities, Reyes tugged on Angelica’s leash.

As he moved past Fitch, however, Angelica’s voice shot through his head. Reyes, he just grabbed my ass.



Reyes didn’t stop to think; he whirled, leaped toward Fitch, and had him in a choke hold on the ground, one knee hard into the vampire’s sternum. “You don’t touch my slave. Sharing is a courtesy but not a right. You ask first. Have you got that?” Board or no board, Reyes was setting some boundaries.

A crowd gathered quickly, but Reyes didn’t care. He had to live this life for now and Angelica had already sacrificed so much to play her role, but like hell would he let any man touch her and not feel the consequences.

“Understood.” Fitch’s voice now sounded hoarse, like he had laryngitis. “Apologies.”

Reyes released him slowly, then rose to his feet. He didn’t wait to say anything more to the man, but Reyes did notice the startled look in the blond slave’s eye and that tears welled quickly after.

Reyes understood. He cursed several times as he moved away. He’d just made it worse for the woman. Fitch was a bully, like most of these slavers, and he’d take his humiliation out on her.

Reyes? Are you okay? What’s going on?

I want you to move forward and walk in front of me; just keep your head down. I can’t have that happen again.

Angelica moved past him, unsteady in her stilettos. I’m getting a feeling you’re upset about Fitch’s slave.

I am. He’ll punish her because I humiliated him just now. I wasn’t thinking, but I felt your horror rise up like a wave because he’d fondled you and your reaction jump-started my own.

Did you just ruin your chances with the board?

Don’t give a f**k if I did. I thought I would be more tolerant, but not chain-bound.

Angelica sighed. Nothing about this is simple, is it?

No, it’s not.

At the next party a live band had just set up. Over two hundred guests danced on the largest outdoor patio Reyes had ever seen. Drinks abounded and by now several slavers were stumbling around. Others made a show of dominating their slaves, everything on display. More than one woman was being hurt.

Wanting to get Angelica away from as much of the cruelty as possible, he guided her toward the front entrance of the house. Another board member owns this place. Master Kell.

But the chains had grown very quiet on Reyes’s neck. When he didn’t get a response he drew close and stroked the back of her arm in such a way that no one could see what he was doing. Hey, are you okay?

She turned back to glance at him, then lowered her gaze. I don’t suppose there’s someplace we can hide out for a while. I’m a little overwhelmed. Her telepathic voice grew faint, That man was raping his slave anally right on the lawn.

I know. Let’s get you inside.

The mansion, made of cream-colored stone and decked out with handsome pillars for support, went on for at least fifty feet in either direction and had two stories and a grand curved staircase.

A woman stood in the center of the foyer, wearing a sophisticated tight black dress. He understood her role as the housekeeper.

“How do you do, Master Reyes, and welcome to Master Kell’s home.”

“My slave needs the facilities.”

The housekeeper nodded, her expression unchanging, then gestured toward the stairs. “You’ll find several to choose from on the third floor.”

He leaned close. “Which one would be most private?”

“Ah, yes, of course. You’ll want to go left, then right. Master Kell has made this suite available to certain associates. Very private.”

“Thank you.”

Wishing this nightmare would be over, once more he gestured for Angelica to precede him. As she started up the stairs he was grateful to be following her because he could block at least some of the attention her nakedness drew. He hated that she was on display and the entire trip up the stairs brought dozens of pairs of eyes turning in her direction.

Thank you, Reyes, for sticking close. I don’t feel quite so exposed.

You’re more than welcome.

This has to be hard on you and probably way too familiar.

You’re exactly right. More than at any other point, I’m reminded of what it was to be a sex slave.

When he arrived at the designated room he turned and locked the door. He wanted to apologize again to Angelica, but she flung her arms around him and thanked him. “I’m sorry, but I so needed to be away from all that, at least for a little while.”

He wrapped his arms around her but slipped back into telepathy. This place is probably videoed, so we’ll need to keep up appearances.

Her arms fell away, and the relief she’d felt was clearly short-lived. She dipped her chin. Well, at least we’re away from all the visuals. Just tell me what to do.

I should warn you, I’ll have to really play up my role.

It’s okay.

Aloud, he spoke in a commanding voice. “Facedown on the bed. Now.”

The décor was sparse, a round bed covered in a violet throw. Angelica stretched out.

Just try to relax.

She released a deep sigh, then put a hand over her face, shading her eyes. I’ll try. And despite that we might be filmed, this is still easier than having to watch what was going on outside.

He sat down next to her and caressed her bottom. Is this okay?

You mean besides the fact that it feels really good?

Yes, besides that.

It’s fine. Whatever you need to do is fine. I trust you.

Reyes couldn’t really imagine what this was like for Angelica, the horror of it, seeing all this perversion all at once. For the sake of those who were most likely watching he dropped to his knees on the floor behind her, spread her legs, and leaned over her.

“You’re to stay in this position, slave, and do as you’re told.”

“Yes, master.”

As he held her waist and kissed her bottom the chains at his neck vibrated, telling him that she liked what he was doing. His ever-present desire for her began to flow, hardening him, making him want to bury himself deep between her beautiful thighs.

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