The more she was with Reyes, the more she wanted to do exactly this, to be close to him, to kiss him, to make love.

But it would hardly serve to extend the moment. Reluctantly, she drew back and addressed something very specific. “I know that the Starlin Festival lasts at least three weeks. But I thought it culminated in a masked ball. Is that still true? Will there be another one?”

“Yes. The final event is all in black and white and takes place at a location called the Crystal Cavern, another well-disguised Starlin location. But I’ll tell you flat out we won’t be going to that one. It’s a full-on orgy, with lots of ‘sharing.’ ”

She shuddered slightly. “Let’s definitely find an excuse not to attend.”

His gaze slid down the side of her gown from her waist to her h*ps and all the way to her ankles. “I like that you’re covered as well, but all I want to do is to slide my hands beneath the fabric to feel what I can’t see.”

She stared up at him, enjoying this so much, that he was comfortable with her. “If we weren’t leaving in a few minutes …”

“I know. I’d have you back in bed so fast.”

“You know I’m a little sore, right, in a good way I mean?” She smiled.

He growled softly. “As you should be, since I spent so much time inside you before we fell asleep.”

“I didn’t know a man could do half the things you can do.”

He leaned close and nuzzled her ear, whispering, “And there’s more to come. I never told you this, but I can split into two beings.”

She drew back and met his gaze. “What do you mean?”

“Some vampires, with sufficient power, especially those with Ancestral markers, have the ability to become two people at the same time.”

“You mean … two of you?” Her chain vibrated at her neck so that she felt his growing desire.

He nodded. “Yes.”

Angelica’s cheeks grew warm, but not with embarrassment. The thought of having two of Reyes tending to her made her short of breath. “Sort of like a threesome.”

He nodded slowly.

Her body stalled out, so that she wasn’t even sure she could feel her feet. If she understood him, when they made love at any given time she would have two pairs of hands on her instead of just one. The thought was so intoxicating that she weaved on her feet.

He caught her arm, steadying her. “Hey, are you all right?”

“Oh, sure. Just had a couple of images of you that tripped my brain.”

At that he took her in his arms again. “And what were you thinking? Tell me.”

“All four hands on me, my br**sts, my abdomen, my bu**ocks.”

This time he listed and she had to keep him upright.

“Maybe we should go.”

He drew back and forced himself to focus. “Yes, that’s what we should do.” After a couple of deep breaths, he added, “Time to put on your mask.”

From the nearby table she picked up one of the smallest masks she’d ever seen, pure black and built more like a pair of glasses without the lenses. They slid into place and into her hair without disturbing the coiffure that Mathilde had so painstakingly created for her.

He donned his at the same, a similar small pair with a gold coloring that matched his chest armor.

After stepping onto his foot and with his arm holding her tight, he flew her slowly, protecting her vulnerable human physiology.

You’ll enjoy the resort where the ball is being held. It’s on the Mediterranean in a massive hidden cavern open to the sea.

Sounds beautiful.

It is, especially at night.

Does that mean you’ve seen it during the day?

Of course. With altered flight I can go anywhere in the sunlight and not be affected. I’m only in danger when I touch down.

They passed through more stone that felt like soft fingers grazing her skin. Once breaking through to the cavern, Reyes slowed down even more, which gave her a tremendous view of the scope of the resort. A cave shelf that stood at least a hundred feet high overhung the sea by at least fifty yards. A beach of light-colored sand met a bank of rocks, and several sets of stairs, carved into the seawall, led thirty feet to the main resort area. The coastline, beneath the shelf, curved, and all sorts of dwellings, including a massive hotel, held beachfront locations.

She glanced behind her and watched as more and more vampires flew in, many with their slaves in nothing but chains and feathered masks. Each couple landed in the same area or continued, as Reyes did, to levitate slowly through the air.

Does this entire place belong to Starlin?

Yes. Impressive, isn’t it?

I’m stunned.

My original plan was to purchase a home here as soon as I became a member. It would be another way to get close to the movers and shakers.

I keep forgetting that you’re wealthy. She glanced at him and saw that his lips curved. And I like that about you very much. You’ve been chased, she sent.


She chuckled. But never brought down.

He drew off to the side to make sure he didn’t block incoming traffic. Holding her gaze while he hovered and kept her tight against him, he created a disguising shield. Not until now.

Her brows rose. But I haven’t been hunting you.

At that he smiled fully, something rare for him. I seem to recall a certain red dress …

She planted a hand on his cool breastplate. That was not hunting, Reyes. I only wanted a chance to be with you.

In your bed.

Yes, there’s no sense pretending anymore. I wanted to jump you.

His turn to laugh. He seemed so relaxed, something he hadn’t been, even though they were going to meet Scorpion at some point during the party.

When Reyes removed the disguise he reminded her to adopt her servile attitude once more, then put them back in motion. She kept her head bowed but let her gaze drift over the sea on her right, then to the homes on her left, all staggered up the sloped incline toward the cave shelf and finally to the hotel with the entrance at the walkway level.

As at the underground cavern, what surprised her was all the plants, like this was any ordinary beach community with window boxes full of trailing vines, flowers, and even small shrubs. A few of the larger homes had small patches of lawns and large trees.

Another community that made use of grow lights.

Your civilization never ceases to surprise me.

There’s a lot to value in what we’ve achieved, but we’ve got a long way to go.

He levitated to The Starlin Hotel, touched down outside, then took her leash in hand. I really hate this. Copyright 2016 - 2024