Hell, yeah.

Reyes knew not to remain static but drew closer to her. He used the flogger to play over her butt cheeks and down the insides of her legs. He spanked her gently.

Can Scorpion even see this?

Reyes glanced around. I’m sure he can, but you should also know that there are at least a dozen video cameras, all at a variety of levels, aimed at the table.

So, every expression of mine is being recorded.

Yes. Reyes had to give her an out. Want to stop?

No. I keep thinking about “her.” I’m doing this for her.

Reyes knew exactly what Angelica meant, that she referred to the Russian slave. Me, too.

Angelica ground her h*ps repeatedly against the side of the table, still keeping time with the music.

Though Reyes hated that other men were looking at what was very private, he stayed off to the side to allow the view he knew the men would want.

“Beautiful!” the metallic voice called out. “And your slave is performing well. She’s pleasing me with her efforts. I congratulate you on your dominance of her. You may bind her now. ”

“You heard Scorpion, slave. Climb up on the table.”

Angelica moved slowly, one knee at a time, stretching out a leg, arching her back, making it all work. Eventually she was spread-eagled on her back, and Reyes took his time lashing her wrists with the silk scarves loosely to the posts. He then bound her ankles.

“Take pleasure in her br**sts,” came the next command.

Still in his dominance leathers, he moved to the opposite side of the table, facing his well-disguised audience.

Glancing down at Angelica, he asked, How are you doing?

Still focused on you, Reyes. Every move I make is for you and I can’t wait for you to fondle and suckle my br**sts.

You’re making this easy for me. He set his flogger aside.

Not hard? Not even a little?

Don’t make me laugh, but yes, I’m hard as a rock and I can’t wait to be inside you.

This isn’t so bad, you know.

No, it’s not. He drew close and caressed her br**sts with both hands, then leaned in and slowly suckled the one closest. Her back arched and she moaned.

Call me crazy, Reyes, but this is really turning me on. I love the music, and with my legs spread like this I’m feeling a lot of cool, moist air each time I grind my hips.

He drifted his hand down her abdomen. Let me make you feel even better.

The moment his fingers touched her low, she cried out. He didn’t hesitate but slipped one inside and begin to work her steadily while he sucked.

“Nice action!” the voice called out.

Just ignore that. He sucked a little harder and drove faster.

This isn’t quite what we had practiced, but you’ll make me come like this.

That’s the plan, Reyes said. I want to make it good for you.

You always do.

He watched her arms tugging on the scarves now, her legs writhing. He moved his fingers faster, pistoning.

Moans now came from the metallic voice and a few quiet commands that Reyes knew meant that Scorpion was directing his own slave.

Is that what I think it is?

Yep. Just be glad you don’t have to see it.

I am.

Reyes removed his finger in order to make use of two.

When he slipped inside, Angelica said, Oh, God, Reyes.

When you’re ready, just let go.

He moved faster until suddenly she cried out and he felt her tugging low on his fingers as her orgasm crested. A series of sharp gasps left her mouth. Then her eyes met his, her br**sts rising and falling as she caught her breath. That was so good. I didn’t think I could do this.

Other sounds, coming from behind the disguise, left no one in doubt of what was going on. A metallic shout brought the first round to a satisfied conclusion.

Engles, also hidden behind his own disguise, was heard grunting.

But Reyes knew how this would go. He’d participated in plenty of exhibitions like this one. No doubt Scorpion took opiates to sustain himself. Just like they did for humans, opiates did wonders for vampires.

You did great. Reyes released her nipple and kissed her br**sts, then nuzzled her neck. He planned on drinking from her at the latter stage of the performance, also expected. Your blood is calling to me.

Can’t wait. She was breathing hard. Reyes, I’m loving this, loving that you have me trapped on this table. I didn’t think I would, but it’s sexy as hell.

He rose up and waited for the next order.

The metallic voice called out, “Let’s see what you’ve got, Reyes. I’ve enjoyed my share of men. And I’ve enjoyed seeing you in the clubs. I’ve looked forward to a private viewing for a long time!”

Of everything Reyes had done, this smacked so much of his captivity, of displaying his aroused girth for Sweet Dove’s pleasure, that only in this moment did he hesitate.

Angelica must have known, because she quickly pierced his mind. Do it for me, Reyes. Not for that bastard. Let me look at what you’ve got, what I had in my mouth last night, what I want between my legs desperately right now.

Reyes turned slightly toward her, meeting her gaze. He knew the performance had to be geared toward Scorpion, but Angelica knew Reyes as well, that he wavered.

You can do this, she added. You’re not a slave and right now you belong to me. Let me see you, Reyes. All of you.

He met and held her gaze, then unbuckled the thick dominance belt. He unzipped and removed his pants. He was in a half-aroused state and his c**k hung low.

You’re so beautiful. I could look at you for hours.

The metallic voice intruded. “You’re a big man, Reyes, a promise of good things to come. Now, release your slave to service you on her knees. You’ll bind her again afterward, but a woman is at her best on her knees.”

Reyes moved quickly, then climbed up on the platform. Just let me know if you want to stop.

Hell, no. This is a trap we’re setting for these bastards. They’re incredibly arrogant not to suspect what we’re up to. So, let’s give them what they want, because at the right time we’ll make them pay. Besides, I already told you that I wanted this, that I want to see you, and that I want you in my mouth.

He caught the back of her neck, and with his h*ps arching he fed her his cock.

She groaned.

“The slave knows a good thing when she sees it. I think she’s enjoying herself.”

Reyes ignored Scorpion. He closed his eyes and focused on Angelica, savoring her mouth. He moaned as she sucked, as her fingers moved over his thighs, his abdomen, his balls. She had a light, sensual touch.

I love doing this to you, Reyes.

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