The chains speak your irritation every single time.

He glanced around. Are you hungry?

A little.

I’ll have you pile up a plate and hopefully find someplace private. Unfortunately, for show I’ll have to control what and how much you eat.

Don’t worry about that. Let’s do whatever we need to do.

He passed by a seafood buffet and wended his way to a less populated room that opened on to a side garden. Another buffet sat in the middle with a spicy aroma.

Italian. How does that sound?


He ordered her to load a plate, then directed her into the garden. He wanted to have her stretch out on the chaise longue and kick off her shoes, but there were security cameras everywhere. He chose instead a chair and ottoman, so that she could take the subservient position in front of him.

I’m pretty sure we’ll be on video again, so follow my lead.

She lowered her head, nodding, holding the plate with both hands.

You’re doing great. Just try to keep the fire from your eyes.

Her lips threatened to curve. The fire?

Yes, you have fire in your eyes, one of the things I value about you.

So, you value me.

You know I do. He wanted to tell her more, but several people had entered the garden and he risked his cover by appearing to hesitate. We should get this show started.

Ready when you are.

He gestured to the ottoman. “Sit down, slave.”

When she’d taken her seat he continued, “You’re to feed me.” Can you make your hands tremble?


She did an excellent job, preparing bites of food for him, her fingers shaking, her head down. He ate two forkfuls before he said, “You may have a bite, a small one.”

She obeyed him.

By now they had an audience, one that continued to grow. In Starlin terms, they were both famous. He sat back watching her, forcing a hard expression to his features, just short of a glare. To her mind he sent, You’re doing great.

This whole thing is freaking me out, Reyes. Why have at least twenty people come to watch this?

They’re hoping it will devolve into either violence or sex.

Is that what we need to do? He could feel her mounting tension through the vibration of the chains.

Doesn’t matter. Not gonna happen.

“You may prepare another small bite for yourself.”

Using the side of her fork, she sliced a piece of corkscrew pasta in half, speared a pea-sized worth of prosciutto, and slipped it between her teeth.

You’re beautiful. Have I told you that, Angelica? And now you’re blushing. Aloud, he said, “I’ll have a bite of the bread.”

“Yes, master.” She lifted the toasted sourdough.

Look at me, Angelica. She lifted her gaze to his, and the moment she did he opened his mouth and she slid the piece inside.

Reyes. She whispered his name through his mind and suddenly all he could think about was having her under him. He’d wanted her from the beginning, but in this situation, with her feeding him bits of pasta and bread and looking voluptuous in her black-and-turquoise leopard bustier, he was aroused all over again. In an effort to calm down he shifted his gaze to the row of nearby large planters that held thirty-foot cypresses.

You okay? Her voice and her concern did little to help his problem.

Not exactly, but I think it’s time you stopped feeding me.

She settled the plate on her lap and folded her hands. I don’t suppose you could find us a dark corner somewhere?

What are you proposing?

Her gaze flicked suddenly to his, then fell obsequiously to her lap. You know what I’d like? I mean, really like?

He could hardly breathe and he didn’t dare try to stand up. What’s that?

Reyes, I know this is going to sound strange, but I’d love a first kiss. We haven’t had that, you know. We’ve had other things, but I’d like a real first kiss.

Are you forgetting that you kissed me at the Ocean Club?

Her chest rose and fell in a deep breath. That’s not the kind of kiss I’m talking about. That was just me showing you how much I wanted you.

Reyes loved the idea of giving Angelica a first kiss. I can find us someplace private. He rose to his feet, took the plate, and set it on a nearby table. Gathering up her leash once more and without saying either a word to her or to the now-disappointed crowd, he led her back into the house.


Angelica felt Reyes’s determination vibrate through her chain. He didn’t dawdle, either, but moved as swiftly as her stupid shoes would let them. He even levitated her up to the second, then the third floor of the sprawling mansion.

A lot of the bedrooms were in use, but he didn’t bother finding an empty one. They would all have cameras; that much Angelica understood extremely well about this perverse culture.

At last, he drew her out onto one of the balconies that proved empty of guests but had a lush garden. Guiding her away from the French doors, he pulled her off to the side so they couldn’t be seen.

“Get rid of your shoes.” He kept his voice low.

“Oh, can I really?”

“Hell, even I’m in pain watching you walk in them.”

“I’ve been siphoning your power,” she said, also whispering, “but it still isn’t enough.”

He supported her while she stepped out of the monstrosities. She flexed her feet and moaned. “Thank you for that. Although I’d be hurting worse if I hadn’t been using your power to heal my feet along the way.”

“I don’t know how you women bear them.”

“Not easily, but they’re pretty.”

“And these are unusually absurd.”

He drew her into the shadows off to the side. “So you wanted a first kiss.”

“Does that seem silly to you?”

“No, actually, it doesn’t. This has all been ass-backwards and I’d apologize again, but it doesn’t change what’s happened.”

He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her against him, which sent a spattering of goose bumps traveling down her back. She settled her hands on his arms, aware yet again that he was heavily muscled and more man than she’d ever kissed before.

The lighting in the patio was very soft, but she siphoned a little more of his power and warmed up her vision so that she saw him perfectly. “Reyes,” she murmured.

He tilted his head slightly and moved in. He met her parted lips with a soft pressure of his own that went straight to her knees.

She slid her arm around his neck, and when he deepened the kiss she moaned all over again. His tongue dove within, causing her body to strain against him, needing more. Copyright 2016 - 2024