He leaned back in his chair. He really didn’t want to see Angelica in a fantasy outfit. He already lusted after her, so having her soft curves on display without much covering her up was going to make the situation something of a trial for him.

She appeared and time slowed to standstill as his gaze drifted over her body. The barely-there costume made use of a handkerchief’s worth of sheer red fabric, along with a few sequin-embellished triangles that covered her ni**les, her peach, and little else. A few narrow straps held everything together.

She put her hands at the hem of the material that dipped just below her navel. She flipped it up and down a couple of times. “Feels a little breezy, otherwise it fits quite well.”

At that he smiled. This was the woman he knew, the one who had kissed him at the Ocean Club, who’d made him think that maybe his life could be more than he imagined.

Her legs went on about a mile, slender and shapely. Red-painted toenails peeked through the cutouts in the front of her sequined shoes.

He set his tumbler on the table at his elbow and stood up.

He wasn’t going to even bother concealing his arousal, though the coat helped.

Even so her gaze took him in, and her brows rose. “So does this mean you don’t find anything wrong with this getup at all?”

He shrugged. “Only that we have to leave this room. As I said before, I really hate the idea of other men seeing you like this.”

“Vampires, you mean.”

“We’re all males. Human or vampire, we think with our dicks.”

She chuckled but after a moment, she frowned slightly. “Will everything else do? I saw about ten sets of false eyelashes but I couldn’t bring myself to use them.”

He loved her appearance right now with just a little makeup, the same way she’d looked at the club, fresh, earthy, very feminine. “You look fine. In fact, I think you look wonderful.”

A short leash, also covered in red sequins, dangled from her hand. She held it up. “I suppose I have to wear this.”

He crossed to her and took the leash. “It’s probably the most important thing you will wear tonight. In its way, it’ll protect you, because it will keep us connected.”

He unbuckled the collar, from which several thin loops of silver chains hung. Pushing her hair over her shoulder, he reached up behind her neck and secured it without making it too tight.

When he was done, she planted her hands on his arms, which surprised him.

“Reyes, I’d like to thank you.”

“What for?”

She took a deep breath. “I’ve had time to think, to process, and I realize now what you’ve done, that you really did risk so much to save my life. I also think it’s incredibly selfless of you to be working on behalf of all these enslaved men and women.”

He cleared his throat and pulled away. “I think it’s generous of you to say that, but you may be cursing me by the end of this evening. You’re going to see some shit tonight, and it can’t be helped. You might even be required to perform, if you get my drift. Are you sure you’re up for that?”

“I’ve already told you I am. I’ll do whatever’s needed.”

“Okay, then.”

She surprised him all over again. His threats and sexual violation had accomplished nothing, but asking for her help had brought him more success than he would have believed possible.

He clamped the other end of the leash around his right wrist. “Before we go, is there anything you’d like to know?”

“Actually, there is, and I think it has something to do with your world. While I was at the parking lot of the Ocean Club, I got the feeling that no one actually saw my abduction even though there were plenty of people coming and going. How was that possible?”

“Many of us have an ability to create what we call a disguise. I’m sure the men who abducted you did exactly that. Nothing that happened to you would have been visible to anyone but them. And if they had sufficient power, which they probably did, it would’ve been invisible even to other vampires.”

She nodded slowly. “Well, that would explain it. I had a bad feeling about those men, but I was sure I was safe. The next minute they grabbed me, put a cloth over my mouth that smelled medicinal, and now I’m here.”

“Angelica, there was nothing you could have done. My only regret is that if I’d understood you were marked to be taken that night, I would have walked you to your car myself. As it was, I took off shortly after I thought you’d left, after I believed you were safe. And frankly, I blame myself or maybe that red dress you were wearing. You looked amazing.”

Her lips parted as she met his gaze. For a moment he felt the way he had back in the foyer of the club: He wished he could take her home. And now, ironically, she was in his home.

He looked away because as always, he was drawn to her, but not a damn thing could come of getting close to the woman right now. She was human, not fit for his world, and in the morning he’d take her home.

“One last thing. There’s something I want to try with you before we go. It could make it easier on both of us during the party. You’re a strong woman, which tells me there’s a chance we could do this.”

“Do what?”


Her eyes went wide. “Seriously?”

With a smile, he sent the words straight into her mind. Why not?

She blinked, gasping slightly. “Did you just say, ‘Why not?’” She put a hand to her forehead. “Oh, my God, I heard you.”

He nodded and his lips curved. Damn, the woman had chops, more than she knew. Now you give it a try.


He chuckled. Just like that. You’re a natural.

Then, right now, I’m speaking to you, inside your head?

Yes, you are. Now tell me something about yourself, something I may not know.

I like to drink tequila when I’m alone in my apartment.

Aloud, he asked, “Why the hell do you like drinking tequila alone?”

“Because I do.” She glanced past him. And I’ll bet you drink whiskey while you’re alone.

Yeah, I do.

She shook her head. “Wow. This really is a different world.”

“But this is good news. We’ll be able to communicate with each other throughout the evening. I can warn you when I have to put on a show and command you to do something. And you can let me know if any of the other guests try to manhandle you while I’m not looking.”

“Well, that does sound like an advantage.” Then suddenly she was in his head. So I’ll be able to communicate with you at any time.

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