"Girls bathing," said Ivanoff.

"Let's go and look at them," suggested Sanine.

"They would see us."

"No they wouldn't. We could land here, and go through the reeds."

"Leave them alone," said Ivanoff, blushing slightly.

"Come on."

"No, I don't like to...."

"Don't like to?"

"Well, but ... they're girls ... young ladies ... I don't think it's

quite proper."

"You're a silly fool!" laughed Sanine, "Do you mean to say that you

wouldn't like to see them?"

"Perhaps I should, but ..."

"Very well, then, let's go. No mock modesty! What man wouldn't do the

same, if he had the chance?"

"Yes, but if you reason like that, you ought to watch them openly. Why

hide yourself?"

"Because it's so much more exciting," said Sanine gaily.

"I dare say, but I advise you not to--"

"For chastity's sake, I suppose?"

"If you like."

"But chastity is the very thing that we don't possess!"

"If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out!" said Ivanoff.

"Oh! please don't talk nonsense, like Yourii Svarogitsch! God didn't

give us eyes that we might pluck out."

Ivanoff smiled, and shrugged his shoulders.

"Look here, my boy," said Sanine, steering towards the bank, "if the

sight of girls bathing were to rouse in you no carnal desire, then you

would have a right to be called chaste. Indeed, though I should be the

last to imitate it, such chastity on your part would win my admiration.

But, having these natural desires, if you attempt to suppress them,

then I say that your so-called chastity is all humbug."

"That's right enough, but, if no check were placed upon desires, great

harm might result."

"What harm, pray? Sensuality, I grant you, sometimes has evil results,

but it's not the fault of sensuality."

"Perhaps not, but...."

"Very well, then, are you coming?"

"Yes, but I'm--"

"A fool, that's what you are! Gently! Don't make such a noise," said

Sanine, as they crept along through the fragrant grass and rustling


"Look there!" whispered Ivanoff, excitedly.

From the smart frocks, hats and petticoats lying on the grass, it was

evident that the party of bathers had come out from the town. Some were

merrily splashing about in the water which dripped in silver beads from

their round, soft limbs. One stood on the bank, erect and lithe, and

the sunlight enhanced the plastic beauty of her form that quivered as

she laughed.

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