When to the sound of martial music Sarudine's remains were borne to the

churchyard, Yourii from his window watched the sad, imposing

procession. He saw the horses draped in black, and the deceased

officer's cap that lay on the coffin-lid. There were flowers in

profusion, and many female mourners, Yourii was deeply grieved at the


That evening he walked for a long while with Sina Karsavina; yet her

beautiful eyes and gentle caressing manner did not enable him to shake

off his depression.

"How awful it is to think," he said, his eyes fixed on the ground, "to

think that Sarudine no longer exists. A handsome, merry, careless young

officer like that! One would have thought that he would live for ever,

and that the horrible things of life, such as pain and doubt and

suffering, were unknown to him, would never touch him. Yet one fine day

this very man is swept away like dust, after passing through a terrible

ordeal known to none but himself. Now he's gone, and will never, never

return. All that's left of him is the cap on the coffin-lid."

Yourii was silent, and he still gazed at the ground. Swaying slightly

as she walked beside him, Sina listened attentively, while with her

pretty, dimpled hands she kept twisting the lace of her parasol. She

was not thinking about Sarudine. It was a keen pleasure for her to be

near Yourii, yet unconsciously she shared his melancholy mood, and her

face assumed a mournful expression. "Yes! wasn't it sad? That music,


"I don't blame Sanine," said Yourii with emphasis.

"He could not have acted otherwise. The horrible part of it all is that

the paths of these two men crossed, so that one or the other was

obliged to give way. It is also horrible that the victor does not

realize that his triumph is an appalling one. He calmly sweeps a man

off the face of the earth, and yet is in the right."

"Yes, he's in the right, and--" exclaimed Sina, who had not heard all

that Yourii had said. Her bosom heaved with excitement.

"But I call it horrible!" cried Yourii, hastily interrupting her, as he

glanced at her shapely form and eager face.

"Why is it so?" asked Sina in a timid voice. She blushed suddenly, and

her eyes lost their brightness.

"Anyone else would have felt remorse, or have suffered some kind of

spiritual anguish," said Yourii. "But he showed not the slightest sign

of it. 'I'm very sorry,' says he, 'but it's not my fault.' Fault,

indeed! As if the question were one of fault or of blame!"

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