Ryker reaches a gloved hand out and rests it against the glass. I drop the sign to the ground, raising a hand up to press on the other side. He jerks his head toward the Zamboni door and starts skating slowly that way, indicating he wants me to follow. People in my row immediately jump up, press back against their chairs, and give me room to walk along the glass with my hand still opposite of Ryker’s, only the glass between us.

The cheering in the arena has become deafening, which is testament to the furor this is kicking up, because normally TV timeouts are fairly quiet among the fans, who take the opportunity to use the restroom or get drinks. The arena attendants are unlocking the door, and another steps up to the railing to help me up and over it.

Reluctantly I pull my hand away from the glass and climb over the rails, accepting hands around my waist to pull me down on the other side.

I turn and Ryker’s standing at the open gate, watching me with burning eyes. I walk toward him, my heart flipping end over end with excitement and nerves. His lips curl up in a wicked smile, and when I’m a foot from him, he drops his glove to the ice so he can grab me behind the neck. It’s his signature move after all.

I’m pulled to him and his mouth is on mine in a fiery but brief kiss.

The fans in the arena go nuts.

When he releases me, he says in a low voice, “You have some explaining to do.”

I bat my eyelashes at him. “I have no clue what you mean.”

Ryker snickers, bends over, and picks up his glove. When he looks at me, his look says, I’m going to spank your ass tonight.

And I think, God I hope so.

“You just outed both of us to the world,” he murmurs as he leans in toward me a bit.

“Felt fucking fantastic too,” I quip.

And oh, geez…that smile. That laugh. The way his eyes shine as if they’ve never had a happier moment.

“I love you,” he says. “And I suppose we have some fallout to deal with, huh?”

“Nah,” I say with a dismissive wave of my hand. “I’ve got it all handled.”

At least I hope I have it handled.

He cocks a skeptical eyebrow at me.

“It’s handled,” I assure him, and then quickly shoo him away. “Now go play hockey. I’ll see you after the game.”

Ryker grins and shakes his head as he slips his glove on.

He starts to turn back toward the net, and I yell out to him, “Hey, Brick.”

When he turns I call out, “I love you too.”

I wait until he has his mask back on before I turn away and walk into the tunnel that heads back to the locker room area. I’m going to wait back here for the final minutes so the attention goes back to the game.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out. It’s a text from my father. It’s already gone national. ESPN reporting.

Damn, that was fast. I knew a public outing like this would spread the word, but I didn’t know it would move at the speed of light.

My father and I, however, are prepared for this. In fact, everyone in the executive office knew this was coming. I had prepared everyone so that decisions could be made.

I text him back. Meet you in the press room.

This too was planned. We have to give an explanation tonight.

He texts me right back. Proud of you. Love you.

I’m not sure how it happened, that I got blessed with having the two most perfect men in the world, but I’m a very lucky woman.

My fingers type out a quick message. I love you too, Dad.

Chapter 29


If I thought it was impossible for my night to get any better after Gray made her public declaration, I would be sorely wrong. That’s because at this moment, she’s straddling my cock and riding me slowly.

Our eyes connected the minute she sunk down onto me and they’ve stayed locked ever since. I watch her body undulate, bringing me more pleasure than I deserve as a human, and I take her good hand in one of mine, supporting the bandaged arm at her elbow.

I’m pretty sure I know why it feels so damn good the way she’s fucking me right now. Gray Brannon stood up in front of nineteen thousand people tonight and put her job on the line for me, just so that she could tell the world how she felt about me. It’s probably the most humbling experience of my life, and I only hope that I’m truly a good enough man for her. I know I’ll strive to be.

“Are you close?” she pants out.

I’d actually been holding back because I didn’t ever want this to end, but I nod at her. Might as well let go and get to the big finale, because I have a feeling tonight there’s going to be multiple finales.

No sleep, just lots and lots of finales.

Gray closes her eyes and picks up the pace. I grab her hips, helping her to go faster and harder while I thrust up inside of her. And then I get lost in the sensations that Gray Brannon makes me feel when we are joined ever so intimately. It’s so easy to get lost, especially now that we are free to be together in all ways.

I walk back into the bedroom carrying a bowl of popcorn and two beers. Gray is propped up on my pillows with the sheet pulled up over her chest. I think about chastising her for it, but I’m actually too sated to care right now.

I hand her a beer and then crawl into the bed, arranging the sheet over my lap and placing the bowl of popcorn on top. She reaches a hand over and takes a few pieces, without ever taking her eyes from the TV screen, which we turned on to SportsCenter. She’s as nervous as I am to see how this is all going to play out in the public arena.

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