The offices were empty and silent as he made his way down the hall to his own. Mia wouldn’t be in for another hour and a half, and already he was antsy with anticipation. He flexed his hands, curling them as he sat behind his desk. He should have just gone by her apartment on his way in. He should have just sent a car for her after she got finished with her dinner with Jace. But he’d been determined to prove to himself that he didn’t need her. That he didn’t think about her when she wasn’t with him. He needed this space between them, because she was fast becoming an addiction he had no hope of surviving.

Yeah, that wasn’t working out so well for him so far.

He picked up his phone and dialed his mother’s number, waiting as it rang.

“Mom, it’s Gabe. Sorry I didn’t answer. You caught me on my way up to the office.”

“You won’t believe this,” she said, distress clear in her voice. She wasted no time getting to the heart of why she’d called.

He sighed and leaned back, already knowing what was coming. But still, he asked, pretending ignorance. “What’s going on?”

“Your father said he wants to reconcile! Can you believe that? He was here last night.”

“And what do you want?” he asked softly.

She sputtered a moment and then there was a long silence. Clearly she hadn’t expected him not to react. Or maybe she hadn’t even thought about what she wanted yet.

“He says he didn’t sleep with all those women. That he loves me and wants me back and that he made the biggest mistake of his life,” she raged. “He bought a house, Gabe. A house! Does that sound like a man who hasn’t moved on and isn’t over his marriage to me?”

“Do you believe him?”

There was another distinct pause. Then he could hear her sigh heavily, and he could picture her sagging, her face crumbling.

“I don’t know,” she said, upset radiating from her voice. “You saw the pictures, Gabe. Everyone thinks he was with those women even if he wasn’t. And now he comes crawling back to me because he made a mistake. After all the humiliation I’ve suffered and all he’s put me through, he expects me to just simply forgive and forget and move forward like he didn’t walk out on me after thirty-nine years of marriage.”

Gabe held his tongue because there was nothing he could say. It wasn’t a decision he could make for her, and he couldn’t very well advocate her taking his father back because Gabe knew all too well how she felt. How ironic that his own ex-wife had come to plead her case at the same time his father was pleading his. There was no way in hell he’d ever take Lisa back so he understood his mother’s reluctance where his father was concerned. He’d be a huge fucking hypocrite if he nudged her in that direction. He wouldn’t do it, even if in his heart he wanted his parents back together. His family. Two people he’d looked up to his entire life.

“I understand why you’re angry,” Gabe said. “I don’t blame you. But you have to do what you want, Mom. Decide what makes you happy and damn what anyone else thinks or says. Do you still love him?”

“Of course I do,” she said in agitation. “That doesn’t go away in a month or two or even a year. You don’t give thirty-nine years of your life to a man and get over him just because he decides he no longer wants you.”

“You don’t have to make a decision right away,” he pointed out. “You’re in the driver’s seat on this one, Mom. He’s got a lot of making up to do with you. There’s no crime in taking your time and weighing your options and your feelings. No one says you have to take him back overnight.”

“No,” she agreed. “And I wouldn’t. There’s too much we’d have to work out. I love him, but I also hate him for what he did and for the way he did it. I can’t forget all the pictures of him with those other women. I can’t look at him without seeing him with someone else.”

“I just want what’s best for you,” Gabe said gently. “Whatever that is. You know you have my full support no matter what you decide.”

There was another sigh, and then he could hear the tears in her voice. It made his jaw clench and his fist curl in anger. Damn his father for what he’d done to her.

“I appreciate that, Gabe. Thank God for you. I don’t know what I would have done without your support and understanding.”

“Love you, Mom. I’m here any time you need to talk.”

This time he heard her smile as she returned his love.

“I’ll let you get back to work,” she said. “But you’re in awfully early this morning. I think you should consider taking that vacation we discussed. You work way too hard, Son.”

“I’ll be fine. You just take care of you. Okay? And call me if you need me, Mom. You know I’m never too busy for you.”

They rang off and Gabe shook his head. So his dad had made his move. He hadn’t just experienced a brief moment of regret resulting in his confession to Gabe. He’d gone to Gabe’s mom and began the long, winding path to reconciliation.

He busied himself with e-mails, keeping an eye on the clock. The closer it came to the time when Mia would arrive, the edgier he got. Twice he nearly sent her a text to ask where she was, but he put his phone down each time, determined that he wouldn’t sound so goddamn eager.

In his desk was the last plug he intended to use on her to ease her into anal sex. The image of her bending over his desk, her cheeks parting as he inserted the plug, made him grow achingly hard. He couldn’t wait to slide his cock in her ass instead of a plug. He was growing impatient. He wanted full access to her body. He’d given her enough time to adjust to his demands. It was time to indulge fully in every dirty, hedonistic fantasy he’d conjured around the two of them.

He was already thinking ahead to the weekend. Next week she’d accompany him on a business trip out of the country. Before that he wanted a few days where it was only the two of them. Her full initiation into his world.

Anticipation licked up his spine, his entire body growing heavy with lust as he imagined her tied and spread before him. Of him plunging into her ass from behind. Of fucking her mouth until his cum spilled down her lips. Of sinking so far into her sweet pussy that there was no separation between them.

He’d already claimed Mia. He’d fucked her tirelessly. But what was to come was his removing any doubt from her mind that she belonged fully and completely to him. He wanted every time she looked at him for her to have the knowledge in her eyes of his possession. For her to remember him taking her and marking her in vivid detail.

If that made him a primitive asshole, oh well. It was who he was, and he was helpless to control his need for her or the fierce urge to dominate her wholly.

At eight thirty, his door opened, and Mia walked in.

His body leapt to life, relief hovering over him like a cloud.

“Lock the door,” he commanded in a quiet voice.

She turned to do as he’d ordered and then she swiveled back around, staring at him across the space. She was too far from him. He needed her next to him, his touch like a tattoo on her skin.

“Come here.”

Had it only been since yesterday afternoon that he’d seen her? It seemed forever, and he was only interested in reestablishing his dominance over her. Or reminding her whom she belonged to.

He reached in his desk for the plug, and today, instead of having her bend over the desk and raise her skirt, he motioned for her to follow him to the sofa along the wall. He sat and then patted his lap, pulling her down to lie over his legs.

She rested her cheek against the soft leather and turned so that she could see him out of the corner of her eye. Her hair tumbled around her face, and her eyes had a sleepy look that glowed with desire.

Sliding a hand underneath her skirt, he was satisfied when he encountered the smooth, naked flesh of her ass. He pushed upward, baring her to his gaze, and then he reached for the lubricant, knowing today she’d need more because this plug was the largest yet.

He teased her opening, stroking it with his fingers as he liberally applied the gel. She went tense over his lap and he caressed her bottom, sliding his hand up her spine.

“Relax,” he murmured. “Trust me, Mia. I won’t hurt you. Let me make you feel good.”

She let out a sigh and went limp over his lap. He loved that she was so responsive. So sweetly submissive.

He began to work the tip of the plug inside her opening, stretching the small ring as he gently stroked back and forth, gradually gaining depth. Her fingers flexed and then formed tight balls. She closed her eyes, and a soft moan escaped her full lips. Lips he had every intention of availing himself of. Or perhaps he’d sink into her pussy. She would be exquisitely tight with the plug nestled inside her.

She gave a small cry when he finally lodged the plug fully inside her. He immediately caressed and stroked her behind and her back, soothing and comforting her.

“Shhh, baby. It’s done with now. Take deep breaths. Don’t fight it. It will burn a moment and feel tight and full, but just breathe.”

Her chest rose and fell in quick succession, her entire body heaving over his lap. After giving her a moment to gain control of her senses, he eased her upward. After instructing her to stand between his knees facing away from him, he reached to unfasten his fly and he pulled out his dick.

He scooted to the edge of the couch, and then reached up to put his hands on her waist, guiding her down onto his waiting cock.

She gasped when he sank into her pussy and her ass came to rest on his lap. Oh hell yes. She was tight and quivering around him. Liquid heat, surrounding him and sucking him deeper.

After fucking her this way for a few strokes, he pushed her upward and then rose to stand behind her. He turned her and positioned her on her hands and knees, her ass perched high in the air, her knees on the very edge of the sofa.

Her pussy was spread and bared to him, the pink flesh glistening welcomingly. Like nectar he couldn’t wait to dive into.

He pushed inside her, stroking deep into her wetness. He loved taking her from behind. It was one of his favorite positions.

Grasping her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh, he held her firmly in place and began driving forcefully into her. His hips slapped against her ass, the noise loud in the silence of his office.

He glanced down, watching as his dick disappeared into her pussy and then as it withdrew, slick with her juices.

“Touch yourself, baby. Finish yourself off. I’m not going to last,” he said in a strained voice.

It was a familiar thought and statement. It was one he seemed to make every time they made love. He simply couldn’t control himself around her. He only knew one speed when it came to Mia. All out.

Her pussy clutched around him like a fist. She went soft and silky, instant liquid, dissolving around him. It made him crazy. He closed his eyes. They nearly rolled back in his head. His release built, coiling in his balls and then racing up his length until it burst from his cock and splashed deeply within her body.

She felt so damn good. Nothing had ever felt better. No one had ever made him feel this crazy and out-of-control, but in a totally good way. He couldn’t even explain it.

She just did it for him.

She was his drug. His addiction that he was helpless to break. Moreover he had no desire to ever break it.

He leaned into her, remaining inside her warm clasp for several long moments. When he eased away, he helped her to her feet and sent her into the bathroom to freshen herself while he straightened his clothing.

He’d just had one of the most mind-blowing orgasms of his life and yet he was ready to go again the minute she walked out of the bathroom. He sucked in his breath and returned to his desk, determined to act with a little class and not be reduced to a rutting beast.

As he glanced over his calendar, he realized he hadn’t yet told her of their trip to Paris the next week. He’d wanted to surprise her and he hoped she’d light up as he imagined she would.

“I’m traveling to Paris next week on business,” he said casually.

Mia’s head came up at her desk. “Oh? How long will you be gone?”

Was it disappointment he heard in her voice or was it merely wishful thinking on his part?

He smiled. “You’re coming with me.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yes. We leave Monday afternoon. I assume your passport is still valid?”

“Yes, of course.”

There was excitement in her voice and her entire face had lit up.

“We’ll spend the weekend together and I’ll take you shopping for anything you may need for the trip,” he said indulgently.

She sobered and her gaze dropped for a moment. He couldn’t tell if she looked guilty or if she was merely avoiding his eyes. His brows furrowed as he continued to stare at her. Waiting for what she’d reacted to.

“I have plans Friday night,” she said in a husky voice. “They were made before. I mean before you and I…” Copyright 2016 - 2024