Reese put his hands on his thighs in sudden decision. “Here we go. I found Cash in a box in the middle of a street. The box was taped shut, so I know someone put him there on purpose.”

“Dear God!”

He liked that reaction because it mirrored his own. “It was sheer luck that he hadn’t already been hit by the traffic. I saw the box move, got suspicious and stopped. The second I lifted it, I knew there was a dog inside, so I put him in my car, cut the tape—and out popped Cash.”

Hand covering her mouth, Alice looked at Cash with a wealth of emotion. She moved in closer to hug Cash tight.

Sensing her deep sympathy, the dog looked at Reese with worry. Expressive dog.

“I didn’t really think it through,” Reese explained. “I just took him to the vet, then spent a small fortune getting him a flea dip, his ears cleaned, his blood checked…the whole shebang. Thus his name, Cash.”

“That was so kind of you.”

Great. Melodrama. Just what he didn’t need. “That was human of me. Whoever put him in that box is lacking humanity.” And should be beaten, at the very least. “But the point is, now I have a dog, and I’m fond of him and he of me, but unfortunately I sometimes have to work weird times of the day so—”

“You’d like me to be the dog sitter?”

In case she thought to refuse, Reese went about convincing her. “He’s smart, so I know he can learn about tearing up stuff and waiting to go outside. Of course I’ll supply all his food and anything else you’d need. And—”

“I’d love to.”

“I’ll pay you,” he said at almost the same time.

They stared at each other.

Reese moved down a step to be closer to the dog—and to Alice. “I’m sure we could come up with an agreeable wage, and I could even pay overtime whenever my hours get too screwy.” Like they were bound to be again today.

“I like Cash.” She held the dog protectively to her chest. Cash’s eyebrows went up and down as he looked at Reese with uncertainty. “I don’t mind watching him.”

“But I’ll still insist on paying you.” He patted his thigh. “Come here, Cash.”

The dog bolted over to him, crawled into his lap but then stretched out to lick at Alice’s hand.

A diplomat or an affection hog—Reese wasn’t sure which.

Alice looked ready to melt. “Okay.”

On to the next hurdle. “You can’t watch Cash and ban me from your apartment.”

Her gaze shot up to his. “I wasn’t banning, exactly…”

Before she could get too worked up, he said fast, “It’s okay. I’m not going to pry.” Yet. “But I’m a cop, you know. I’m trustworthy. And I need to know Cash is safe.”

Umbrage put her shoulders back and stiffened her neck. “If you’re suggesting—”

“Not suggesting a thing.” More like setting up the rules. “I’m only saying that ours will be a friendly business arrangement, and there’s no reason for you to worry about me overstepping, in any way.” Just because he suddenly wanted to kiss her silly…no reason at all. “I want everything clear up front.”


“The details of our arrangement.”

She continued to regard him in stiff wariness.

Better to save that discussion for later. He checked his watch to drive home his lack of free time. “But right now, I have to go shower and shave and get to work. Are you okay for now?”


Still stiff. Great. So far he batted a big fat zero. “Today will probably be another lousy day. But I might—” as in definitely would “—come by during my lunch so that Cash doesn’t think I’ve handed him over.”


He rubbed his bristly jaw, but time did run thin. “We’ll talk more as soon as I get a chance.” He cupped Cash’s furry face. “You be good, my man.”

Almost as if he understood, Cash did an army crawl over to Alice. He rolled to his back on her lap and gave her a big doggie grin.

Alice cuddled him like an upset child.

“You big mooch.” Reese had to laugh. Well-laid plans went to shit all around him, but at least he had a handle on this. “Thank you, Alice. It means a lot to know Cash is well cared for.”

She didn’t look up at him. She kept her face tucked close to Cash’s. “My pleasure.”

And that was something else he’d like to see.

Alice’s pleasure.

There were a lot of reasons why he should curb those thoughts. She was a neighbor. She had some issues going on that he didn’t yet understand. And she was his dog sitter.

But… He looked down at a crooked part in her hair. No, he really didn’t care about any of that. He wanted her. Eventually he’d have her.

“I’ll see you, Alice.”

She didn’t say goodbye. But then, she’d never said hello, either.

* * *

LOGAN AND REESE stood together while the lieutenant briefed everyone on the bombing.

Without looking at Logan, she said to Reese, “I want you to take the lead on this.”

Given her apparent mistrust, that surprised both men. Logan was heading up the task force; it didn’t make sense to switch things up right now, but what could he say? He needed as much free time as he could get. The fact that Peterson was working an angle of some sort could be used to his benefit. Copyright 2016 - 2024