She snorted. “You also told me you were a neighbor. You told me…a lot of things. All of them lies.”

Logan softened. “Not all.”

“Screw that! I won’t believe anything you have to say.” Almost desperate, she zeroed in on Reese. “Will you tell Rowdy something for me or not?”

Reese opened his mouth—and Logan rudely elbowed him aside. “I already told you, if you have something to say to your brother, you can damn well go through me.”

Nose to nose with him, Pepper said. “Fine.” It was Logan who got poked in the chest this time. “Tell him I’ve got it covered. Tell him not to worry.” And then, more tentatively, she added, “Tell him…it’s my turn.”

Reese didn’t understand that cryptic message at all, and he doubted Logan did, either. Whatever she meant, it couldn’t bode well for anyone.

The sounds of the station escalated as five men came in together to file complaints. Drunk and disorderly, somewhat battered from an apparent brawl, they shouted and caused quite a disturbance while sharing accusations, the occasional shove and threats both physical and verbal.

As if oblivious, Logan and Pepper continued to watch each other.

Finally Logan nodded. “I’ll tell him.”

She turned to go.

“Stay.” Logan reached out for her, but at her killing glare, he let his hand drop without making contact. “After I talk to Rowdy, I’ll let you know what he has to say.”

She shook her head. “I already know what he’ll say.”


She stopped again.

“I don’t want you to worry.”

“No, you just want me to be a pawn, to play my part without getting in your way.”


“There’s a lot between us, all of it bad.”

“No,” Logan said with more force.

“But I’ll tell you what, Detective.” She gave him a hard stare. “Give Rowdy my message, and we can call it even.”

“Not that easily.” Logan flexed his fists. “I know you’re pissed, Pepper. I get that.”

She laughed, shook her head and began backing up.

Reese almost felt sorry for Logan as he struggled with impotent frustration. Before it got better, it was going to get a whole lot worse for him.

He had tried to tell Logan that. He’d tried to head off the inevitable. But Logan wouldn’t be derailed from his hunt for justice.

And now they’d all have to improvise.

* * *

“YOU AND I ARE GOING to talk.” Careful not to spook her, Logan closed the distance between them. Even while trying to think ahead, to plan ways to keep her close, he marveled at her makeover.

He’d known that on the inside, she was as hot as a woman could be. But standing there now in skinny jeans and a tank top, no bra, her hair loose and mouth shiny, she all but took his breath away.

Now he knew what she’d hidden from him, and he could even guess why.

“Whether you want to hear it or not,” Logan said while sidling nearer, “I need to explain a few things to you.” Like how he’d gotten caught in his own trap, and how much she’d come to mean to him.

Pepper kept him in her sights, always maneuvering so that he couldn’t move alongside her. “Believe me, it’s clear enough. I might be disgustingly gullible, but I’m not totally dense.”

“You’re not gullible.” But she had been eager for affection—and he’d abused that need.

“Not anymore, no.”

She looked ready to bolt, so he said, “I have no plans to hurt your brother.”

“Another joke, right?” Her laugh held no humor. “You’ve already hurt him, probably more than you’ve hurt me—not that you’re keeping track, are you?”

Her sarcasm wore on him. She looked so different, acted so different. Did he actually know her at all? “As soon as I get my answers, Rowdy can get on with his life. You have my word.”

She glanced at Reese, then back at Logan. “If you actually believe that, then you’re in over your head and just don’t realize it. But do me another favor, okay?”

She seemed to have softened her stance; she looked less wary, maybe even exhausted. Right now, he’d promise anything to ensure her safety. “Name it.”

“Don’t trust anyone. If you truly mean for my brother to get out of this whole-hide, then you watch over him. You, and only you.”

Reese pretended affront. “Miss Yates, are you accusing me of something?”

Her attention stayed on Logan—and she backed farther away. “Keep your cell on you, Logan, okay? I’ll be checking back off and on.”

“Give me your number and I’ll call you after I talk with Rowdy—”

“Not happening.”

Logan gave up with a sigh. Gently, hoping she wouldn’t cause a scene, he said, “I’m sorry, honey, but you’re not leaving.”

This time her laugh almost scared him.

Still smiling, she said, “The thing is, Logan, I’m already gone.”

* * *

BEFORE EITHER OF THEM could move, Pepper bolted. Being slender and fast, she easily ducked through the chaos of the drunks who’d come in and the additional officers who’d shown up to help straighten out the confusion. They were close enough to the front door that she’d exited the station in seconds, her long legs covering a lot of ground. Copyright 2016 - 2024