Sometimes, she almost hated herself.

“I know.” She swallowed. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He shut the door behind him. “I’m not.”

Heart slamming, Pepper tried to figure out what to do.

“Having you,” he whispered, “beats the hell out of dinner any day.”

She’d die if Rowdy found out just how involved she’d gotten, or the methods she’d used to keep Logan occupied. That meant she had to steer clear of him. “I… Things got out of hand last night.”

He appeared to think about that. “So have dinner with me tonight.”

Dinner, instead of sex? “No.”

Pretending he hadn’t heard her, he said, “We’ll eat the barbecue and then afterward…” The way he watched her did crazy things to her insides. “Things can get out of hand again.”

So tempting. She shook her head.

Attention almost predatory, Logan shifted closer. “Then have breakfast with me now.”

She started to refuse yet again—and he held out her panties.

Her jaw loosened, her heart dropped into her stomach, and heat flooded her face. So stupid, Pepper!

Unnecessarily, he said, “You left these on my bedroom floor.”

She already knew that! Oh, God, what had she been thinking? Bolstering herself with a thickly indrawn breath, she muttered, “Thank you.”

But when she reached for them, he put them behind his back. Not smiling, looking dead serious now, he said, “I think I’d like to hang on to these.”

“No.” Palm up, arm extended, she waited.

“Have dinner with me.” Still no smile.

He was taking this all so seriously. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


Temples throbbing, she turned away but came right back. “You know why.”

His intent gaze steady on her face, he tucked the panties into his back pocket. “Because there’s red-hot chemistry between us? So what? You enjoyed it as much as I did.”

Surely she’d enjoyed it even more. “Give me my underwear.”

“I will. Tonight. After dinner.”

To keep him from reading all the emotions on her face, Pepper spun away again. How could she resist him if he found so many ways to challenge her? Think, think, think.

She didn’t hear him move, but suddenly his arms closed around her. It felt so good.

“You don’t have to be shy with me, Sue.”

It wasn’t about being shy; it was about self-preservation.  Please don’t do this to me. Her resistance was at an all-time low.

“It’s just dinner,” he murmured, not giving an inch.

“We both know it’s not.”

“That’s your decision, Sue. Always.”

And every time she got alone with him, she decided on sex. “You know what will happen.”

At her whispered admission, he went still, and then his arms tightened around her. “If you don’t want sex, if you’re saying you didn’t enjoy it—”

“I did.” She couldn’t lie to him about that. “Too much.”

“Not possible,” he declared. “But if you prefer we cool things a little, then how about if we go dancing after dinner? That’ll keep us occupied, right?”

She almost choked. What man made such a suggestion? What man gave up on the idea of sex to dance?


Keeping her back snugged up close to his chest, he said, “We could hit up a club.”

“No!” Oh, God, she wanted nothing to do with that idea, but she shouldn’t have reacted so strongly. No way did Logan mean Checkers. It’d take an hour to get there, so he’d probably thought to visit someplace closer.

She didn’t know of any clubs, though.

“What’s wrong, Sue?”

She lied. “I…don’t dance.” She loved  dancing. As to cooling things—was it possible?

Could he honestly be content just spending time with her? Doubtful. She wasn’t an idiot.

“Then jog with me.” He rocked her side to side. “I know you like to run, or you wouldn’t have the treadmill, right?”

Diabolical. The offer of jogging was even more tempting than dance. But she couldn’t do that, either.

And why did he keep asking, trying to find a way to sway her?

Turning in his arms, Pepper gave up with a disgruntled, “Dinner, and only dinner.”

Satisfaction showed in his dark eyes, and she finally got that smile she’d been watching for. “Come early. Say, five?”

Incredible. “Logan, are you sure you want to do this?”

Mocking her a little, he said, “Yes, Sue, I’m very sure.” He released her and backed up to the door. “Stop being so skeptical. We’ll have fun. I promise.”

It wasn’t possible to have more fun with him out of bed than in it, but she only nodded. “Five o’clock, then.”

His gaze dropped to her mouth. “I’d kiss you, but I’m not sure—”

“Better not to test things.” He might be able to resist, but she’d crumble for sure.

As if he knew that, he looked down at the floor a moment, then met her gaze resolutely. “I like you, Sue Meeks. Remember that, okay?”

She couldn’t help but shake her head—and she even laughed. The sound so surprised her, she covered her mouth. Copyright 2016 - 2024