The sudden silence nearly choked her. Had the storm finally quieted, too? She wasn’t in the habit of propositioning men. Even before her life had changed so drastically, she hadn’t thrown out dinner invitations.

She hadn’t needed to.

Wondering what Logan thought, if he’d accept her offer, she turned to him. He’d crossed his arms, but his nonchalant stance couldn’t hide his antagonism.

“Well?” She wished he’d say something.

“I’m trying to figure out if you’re really inviting me for dinner, or for sex.”

Both. Feeling a little foolish, she shook her head. “Never mind. It was a bad idea.”

“Oh, no, you don’t.” In three long strides he reached her. “Whatever we just did, I liked it.”

Her knees went weak. “Me, too.”

“Yeah?” He caressed her again. “It was unusual—”

He meant odd. Weird. Bizarre.

“—but I don’t think I’ve ever been that turned on.”

“Really?” Sure, she’d loved it, but then even a crumb was delicious to a starving woman. And that had been no more than a crumb.

Guys were always easy, but still, she couldn’t believe he’d be that accepting of her restrictions.

“Absolutely.” With two fingers, Logan touched her chin. “If you’re asking me over for more of the same, I’m in.”

Could she make the apartment dark enough? Would she have an opportunity to buy blackout blinds? Did she dare have an encore of that unique and somewhat torturous intimacy?

“But,” he said, interrupting her thoughts, “if it’s only dinner you want, I’m in for that, too.”

No way. If he accepted a “dinner only” invite, it’d be because he figured he’d eventually get back in her bed. “Okay.”

Proving her right, he slid both hands around her neck. “You know I’m rooting for the first option, right?”

“Yes.” She was sort of rooting for it, too. “I understand that. I just don’t know…”

He kissed her. “We’ll play it by ear, see where things take us.”

“Okay.” And if she could find a way around Rowdy’s temper over it all, then for sure, the bed would win. But she had no illusions about keeping this from her brother. He knew everything she did, and who she did it with.

Well, not the sexual details, of course. But he always watched her so closely, no way would he miss the fact that Logan had been in her apartment, during a power outage, without a lot to do to keep them busy.

Rowdy wouldn’t be happy. She sometimes thought if he could have his way, he’d keep her locked up, out of sight.

Out of the way.

Thinking about that bothered her, so she again said to Logan, “You need to go.”

Something dark and dangerous—probably ego—glittered in his eyes. “You have my number handy?”

“On top of the fridge.”

Despite his menacing expression, his touch remained gentle, persuasive. “Keep it by your bedside, all right? Better, program it into your cell phone. Just in case you need me.”

Need him? Did he mean for sexual satisfaction or physical protection? Either way… “I’ll be fine.”

Answering her question, he said, “If this blackout lasts, you don’t know what kind of trouble might come knocking at your door.”

True enough, but she wasn’t worried. “It’s just a storm.” God knew she had survived worse things than weather. “And actually…I’m good with numbers.”

“Meaning you’ve memorized it already?”

She shrugged.

“Good.” Still he hesitated. “I’m leaving under duress.”

Never had she known anyone like him. Sure, most men would take sex in just about any circumstances that they could get it. But what they had just done had to top the list of peculiar sexual encounters.

Still, she knew he’d reached satisfaction. His harsh groans had been wonderful to hear, and the way his body had tensed, the heat pouring off him during his release—she’d loved every second of it.

He’d gotten what he wanted. But now, instead of being glad to escape further involvement, he wanted to hang around.

That sort of made her smile. “Thank you.”

Taking her by surprise, he wrapped one arm around her waist, the other under her backside, and he lifted her off her feet. Given her height, that was no easy feat, but he didn’t look strained.

Actually, he looked turned on. Again.

With her pelvis flattened to his hard abdomen, her legs aligned with his, she braced her hands on his bare shoulders. Hot.

“Logan!” She gasped. “What are you doing?”

Her well-covered br**sts were even with his chin, but he stared into her eyes. “I need another taste to tide me over until tomorrow.”

“Oh.” She found no fault with that plan. “Okay.”

Treating her to the full effect of his potent appeal, he kissed her—and this kiss was different from the others. Not entirely sexual, but not exactly sweet and innocent, either.

It was maybe a kiss of…understanding. And interest.

As he lowered her back to her feet, he said, “Think about me tonight, Sue. And think about what we’ll do tomorrow.” He gave her one more kiss before leaving.

Pepper watched him go. Think about him? She doubted she’d be able to think of anything else. Copyright 2016 - 2024