She rubbed at one eye but came to a quick decision. Handing Cash’s leash to him, she said, “Let him out while I make up the couch for you.”

“I won’t be in your way?”

“I made the guest room into my office, so for the most part, you’ll be undisturbed.”

“I was worried about you being disturbed.” He was so tired, he could sleep through a train wreck.

Her face colored a pretty pink, intriguing him further.

The blush lifted his exhaustion, encouraged his libido, and made it near impossible to get his physical reactions under control.

She glanced at his lap again, then quickly away. “Take Cash out, then you can sleep. And afterward…I suppose we have to talk.”

Reese smiled at her. “I can hardly wait.” He started to go but thought better of it and caught the door before she could shut it. “You aren’t just waiting for me to walk off so you can lock me out?”

For the longest time she stared at his feet. Finally, she lifted her chin. “Truthfully, Detective, I’d as soon not spend the day alone anyway.”

Was it memories that wrought that confession? “Then I’m glad I’m here.”

She pulled her robe tighter around her, nodded and whispered, “Odd as it seems…so am I.” Gently, she closed the door in his face. He listened for the sound of a lock clicking into place but heard nothing.

“Great,” Reese said to the dog as he led him down the steps and out the front door. “Isn’t it just like a woman to get in a parting shot guaranteed to keep a guy stirred up?” Cash made a noise that, to Reese and his tired brain, sounded like agreement. “We’re going to have our hands full dealing with that one.”

But damn if he wasn’t already looking forward to it.

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