“Preparing,” Pepper said, grim-faced. “He needs to be unhindered, and he has to be able to get in there unannounced.”

Logan put the gun in his waistband.

“Do you need a knife, too?” Pepper asked.

“I don’t want to cut his throat, honey.” He pulled his T-shirt over the gun.

After giving the leash back to Alice, she went about checking the locks on the windows and closing the drapes.

“I already got the windows in the bedroom and bathroom,” Alice told her.

“We’ll dead bolt the door behind you.” Pepper checked the lock and nodded in approval. “As Alice said, it looks sturdy. And don’t worry, I’m not opening the door to anyone I don’t know.”

Seeing she had more to say, Logan waited.

“We won’t interfere, but, Logan…”

She braced her shoulders and her courage, as he knew she’d had to do too many times in her life.

Touching her soft, warm cheek, he said, “Try not to worry, honey. You have my word, I’ll do everything in my power to see that Rowdy isn’t hurt.”

Lips trembling, she knotted a hand in his T-shirt. “Damn you, Logan.”

It amazed him that one woman had become so precious to him. On the off chance he failed, he wouldn’t walk away without her knowing. “I love you.”

Her eyes flared and her hand fell away from him. “What…?”

“I love you.” Smiling, he said, “Think about that while I’m gone, okay?”

And with that parting shot, he left.


ONE OF THE MANY precautions they’d taken as partners was that Logan had a key to Reese’s apartment, and Reese had one for his home. As it turned out, he didn’t need the key to get in.

Someone—probably Andrews—had left it slightly ajar, no doubt so he could sneak in on Reese without risk of being heard when the door closed. Logan followed suit and left it slightly open.

After scanning the entryway and finding it empty, he followed the drone of conversation in a back room. On silent feet, the gun now in his hand, he inched forward.

“You won’t get away with this,” Peterson said. What was she doing here?

Andrews laughed. “Of course I will. I didn’t become a powerful man by being ineffectual. But I’m not in a rush, so we’ll just bide our time until I have word that Pepper is under wraps.”

Logan didn’t let the sick threat affect him. Pepper was safe; Andrews couldn’t threaten her now.

Reese gave a huff of scorn. “With the club shut down and you playing a zombie, you don’t have the resources needed to go after Pepper.”

“You have no idea how my operation has grown. But as it turns out…you’re right. It’s tough to build a large entourage of truly trustworthy, capable gunmen. That’s why I’m utilizing new contacts.”

“The traffickers?” Peterson asked.

“Exactly. After the untimely assassination of their boss—”

Reese interrupted to ask, “Were you the sniper, by chance?”

Peterson curled her lip with disdain. “I wish I could take the credit. But I’m guessing that was Morton.”

Apparently they’d worked out their differences. Logan was careful not to cast a shadow, not to bump anything.

Was Andrews here alone?

And where was Rowdy? Please, God, don’t  let him be hurt. It would devastate Pepper.

Andrews laughed. “He brought me the bomb to use but I couldn’t very well fake my own death and leave behind a witness, now could I? That’s not smart business. He knew too much, and I decided his dealings would be more profitable for me without him taking a cut.”

Finally he heard Rowdy say, “You are such a cowardly fraud.”

It relieved Logan that no one sounded hurt or even too fearful. Rowdy and Reese were both cool and analytical. Peterson sounded outright pissed.

He took a small step forward.

“By now,” Andrews said, “the traffickers will be closing in on your sister.”

Glacial with defiance, Rowdy said, “Fuck you. She’s safe.”

“Logan Riske has a brother. The brother owns property,” Andrews stated. “These things are easy enough to know when you have police contacts.”

Logan peeked around the door and saw Andrews and another, bigger man, both armed. Rowdy stood at the foot of the bed, Reese and Peterson on it.

In that split second of time, he saw Reese staring at Peterson with accusation.

Judging by her tone, it infuriated her. “Say it and I’ll beg him to shoot you first!”

“Then how?” Reese asked.

“I thought it was you,” she told him.

“You’re the one who’s been suspicious. You’re the one who met with the bastard.”

“Oh, please,” Andrews said. “The conniving bitch only wanted to know the other cops who are on my payroll. Isn’t that right, Lieutenant?”

“Yes. And they have been uncovered. I have a full report ready to go. Whether you kill me or not, I’ve accomplished that much.”

So neither Peterson nor Reese was dirty? They’d only been suspicious of each other? Later, after he had Andrews locked away, he’d allow himself to feel relief.

But right now, with menace throbbing in the air, he didn’t lessen his focus.

Reese said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t…didn’t…trust you,” Peterson snapped.

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