“As long as you had a good time.”

   “I did. I also have a new appreciation for what your husband did and what your sons do. That is some hard work. I’m sure every part of me is going to be sore tomorrow.”

   “They do work hard. Easton used to have a standing appointment with my massage therapist every Monday. He used to scoff at me for getting massages, until I convinced him to go. He still goes to the one I use in Austin a couple of times a month. Ranching isn’t any easier than football.”

   “No, I imagine it isn’t.”

   “You should consider it. You probably spend a lot of time on your feet.”

   “I do. And I should. Right now a massage sounds like a small slice of heaven.”

   After the game ended, the party broke up and everyone started leaving. Grant and his crew had to head out, because he needed to be at his team facility early the next morning.

   “I’m going to come visit you someday and we’re going to have a cooking frenzy,” Anya said before she and Amelia hugged each other.

   “I really hope you do.”

   She said her good-byes to Grant and Katrina and Leo as well.

   Flynn had an away game this weekend, so he had to report early to his team tomorrow as well, and Amelia had to work, so they packed up and said their good-byes.

   She hugged Mia. “Stay in touch.”

   “I will. Hopefully I’ll be out in the Bay Area again soon and I’ll see you.”

   “I hope so.”

   She loved this family. She had fallen hard for all of Flynn’s siblings and their girlfriends and fiancées. Saying good-bye was rough, but she had been so happy to meet all of them.

   She said good-bye to Easton, then hugged Lydia. “It was such a pleasure to meet you and spend time with you.”

   “Same here,” Lydia said “I hope we get to see you again.”

   “I’d like that very much.”

   “That would be amazing. Do come visit.”

   She was actually sad to leave the ranch. After having had so much trepidation about coming here, these people felt like family to her now.

   She really hoped she’d get a chance to come back here someday.

   Like maybe at Christmas. She was crossing her fingers that things with Flynn and her were progressing well, and that maybe, just maybe, this was the relationship that would heal the wounds of the past and propel her toward a happy future.

   She had fallen crazy in love with Flynn, and now she was crazy in love with his family.

   She hoped like hell she wasn’t setting herself up for an awful heartbreak.





   It had been an insane couple of weeks. Flynn had had an out-of-town game, and the time he’d had in town had been busy.

   Amelia and he had finally had a chance to go see Ken and Adam’s baby. They’d gone over one night and had brought dinner that Amelia had cooked. Adam had offered to cook, but Amelia had insisted that it was her gift to them.

   She’d made penne pasta along with freshly baked rolls, antipasto and a salad. Flynn had brought the wine.

   George was absolutely gorgeous and he looked a lot like Adam with his dark good looks and thick, dark hair. They’d had a great time catching up and Ken was fortunately going to be back at work in time for the media event. Adam’s leave was longer, which Ken said made him feel better about leaving George.

   Amelia had spent as much time as possible holding George, and watching her rock the baby in her arms sent weird pangs of need shooting through Flynn. He’d thought a lot the past year about settling down and having kids, but his main goal had been to find the right woman. The whole kids thing had been something that he’d thought was far off in the distance.

   Now, though, he could imagine Amelia holding their child. That “someday” was becoming more and more real to him. It was time to have a conversation with Amelia about his feelings for her.

   But it would have to wait until after this whole media event at Ninety-Two.

   He’d been in constant contact with Spencer and with the producers of the Battle of the Restaurant Jocks show, as he’d been informed it was named. Sounded hokey as hell to him, but he wasn’t in television, so what did he know?

   They were arriving at the restaurant today, and he was grateful he’d been able to arrange it for a week he was going to be in town.

   This was Ken’s first week back, and Flynn had never been happier to see someone when he arrived at the restaurant on Monday.

   “I am so glad to see you. I’m going to tell you right now that you were greatly missed. Not only by me, but by Amelia and the entire staff.”

   Ken grinned. “I do like being missed. There’s nothing worse than no one noticing you’re gone.”

   “Trust me, everyone noticed you were gone. And I’m damn glad you’re back, especially today. Though I’m sorry you’re being thrust into the middle of this whole TV show thing.”

   “It’s fine. I’m happy to stay busy. Then I won’t hide in my office and cry every time Adam texts me a picture of George.”

   Flynn put his arm around Ken and gave his shoulder a squeeze. “You know you can dash home for lunch or dinner to spend time with your baby. Or Adam can bring him by.”

   “I’m going to be fine. It’ll just take some time getting used to. And thank you for that.”

   There was a knock at the door. Flynn sighed. “That’s probably the film crew,” Flynn said. “I’ll go let them in.”

   Ken gave him an understanding nod. “Let’s get this party started.”

* * *

   Amelia had supervised the food purchases for today at the market, wanting to make sure everything was perfect before she headed over to Ninety-Two. She’d spent the past few days reviewing all of the dishes on the menu, trying to select the best. Since Flynn had been out of town the past few weeks, and then busy with practices for this week’s game, he’d left it to her to select the dish they’d prepare.

   There was some pressure. But she knew what she wanted to do and she made sure to select the freshest ingredients.

   By the time she arrived at the restaurant, she noticed the network’s two vans were parked out front, along with a couple of other SUVs.

   She was not looking forward to this. She just hoped it brought a lot of great publicity to the restaurant.

   Entering the side door, she was stopped by a very tall, imposing looking security guard.

   “I’m sorry,” he said. “No visitors today.”

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