Isabel felt guilty about the amount of time Romero had taken away from his work, but even when her mother offered to stay with her for a few days so that he could go back to work he insisted on being there with her. She couldn’t get over how devoted he was to taking care of her. She’d been a little surprised with the showers they took together. When he’d gently sponged her there was no sexual connotation at all. The only thing he was interested in was her well-being. Even when she teased him by touching him sensually in the shower, he’d warned it would be too much exertion for her.

His initial reaction to the doctor saying she may have pneumonia, before the chest x-ray, he’d gone white. But it wasn’t until after the x-ray came back negative that he told her he’d heard of people dying of it.

By the end of the week when she was feeling better, neither had spoken of Cici or Frisco’s. His actions that whole week confirmed that there was no way he would ever deliberately hurt her. He’d made a mistake and she forgave him. However, the sting of knowing he tainted her memory of their first dinner together, still lingered.

Romero tried to convince her to take another few days off until she was feeling a hundred percent better, but she insisted she was. A week had been more than enough and she needed to get out.

Though she’d forgiven him, she still couldn’t get two little words out of her head. She’s different. What did that mean? Had he dated her? He’d probably slept with her. Valerie let her in on that much about him. Through out the years there had been no shortage of hussies willing to jump in bed with the big sexy bouncer. She was sure the women who worked at his uncles’ topless bar didn’t have qualms about casual sex, especially with someone who looked like Romero.

Isabel shook off the jealousy. He’d been wonderful—more than wonderful—this past week. She would just put it behind her.

Valerie left her a message about the deal she could work out for Charles’ party so Isabel called her that evening when she got home from her first day back at work.

“Only thing is,” Valerie said. “For a room that size all we have available in the next few weeks is either a Friday night or a Sunday afternoon. All Saturdays are completely booked for the next two months.”

To Isabel’s surprise, her sister wanted to book that Friday. “This week? That’s so soon.”

“No, it isn’t. I already have everything planned. His gift, the band—they just finished telling me they’re available for the next two weeks and it’s perfect because Charles won’t be back from his trip until Thursday. I can run around all week without him getting wind of it. Tell her to book it.”

After calling Valerie, she told Romero about it and he frowned. “Babe, I don’t think you’re up for parties just yet.”

“Trust me. It’s not like my sister throws these wild parties. Think of my dad’s dinner. A bunch of stuffy suits sitting around listening to a boring jazz band.” She sat next to him on the sofa. He’d brought his plasma television over from his apartment and promptly hung it in her front room. It was his new favorite place to sit and relax.

He put his arm around her, his eyes still full of worry. “I can’t be there that night. I gotta work some party over in La Jolla Shores.”

“That’s okay. My whole family will be there.” She stroked his leg. “Not to mention Alex and Valerie. My sister invited them and Valerie said they’d go.”

He touched her face. His expression reminded her of how he wanted to call 911 that first night, because her fever was so high. Somehow, she managed to convince him to just drive her to the emergency room. “Don’t worry. I’ll leave early. I’m sure it’ll be boring anyway. But I have to show up for at least a little while.”

“How you feeling?” The concern in his eyes warmed her.

“Great,” she said, kissing him softly.

“You didn’t get tired or feel weak all day?”

She smiled. “No, not at all.” She kissed him deeper this time. “In fact.” She stood up, tugging his hand. “C’mon. I think a week of not exerting myself has been long enough.” She flashed him the most seductive smile she could.

“Are you sure?”

God, was she ever. “Yes, Dr. Romero. I think it’s time to show you my appreciation for the past week.”

Even as hesitant as he seemed, a week had been more than long enough for both of them. He seemed just as ready as she was.


That week she had another collaboration day and was off again—with no pay, of course. She planned ahead, making one of Valerie’s favorite treats for lunch and invited her over. They hadn’t had a good girl talk session in a while and Isabel was in need for one.

Thoughts of Cici’s perfume all over Romero and those two little words still lingered. Valerie dug into the homemade pizza eagerly. “Oh my God, this is so good.”

Isabel smiled. She missed sitting and talking to Valerie like this. Valerie gushed all about married life and how wonderful things were so far. “He keeps bringing up babies though, and I’m just beginning to adjust to managing an office on my own. I’m afraid to take time off right now. I know I’ll have to if I have a baby.”

“Well, why don’t you just set up a date? Compromise—say two years from now or something.”

Valerie shrugged. “He actually almost had me convinced. I had to switch my birth controls pills. I was getting migraines and the doctor said it might be because I switched brands a few months ago. I’m going back to the old ones but I had to give it a month to get these out of my system. Alex tried persuading me to just stay off them. Said we won’t actively try,” she laughed. “As if he can go even a day without trying.” Copyright 2016 - 2024