"A little, most of the people I've talked to were hoping you would be sticking around for a long time, they all really liked you. Oh, there is one tidbit of news you might find interesting. When Michael returned a few days after you, he brought someone back with him."

"Of course Ron, he brought Jennifer back with him."

"No he didn't, she came back earlier than him, she came back on Sunday night. John, what I'm saying is he brought back Vittoria, not just as a representative from the Italian manufacturing company, but he's introducing her as his girlfriend to everyone. And from what my gossip group tells me, Jennifer broke up with him when they were still in Italy. She left and came home the same day you did but without Michael."

John sat with his mouth open, a confused look on his face. "How could that be, on the train ride back to Rome she told me she was giving him a second chance. She said she wanted to do that because they had so much history together. I wonder what happened. Wait a minute you really have a gossip group at work?"

"Maybe after talking to him she changed her mind. That may have been what Vittoria was hoping for all along John. Once she found out about Jennifer, she figured the best way to get Michael all to herself was to make sure that his fiancé left him. How many women would stay with a guy who was having an affair?"

"Ron that could be it, like Jennifer said, if Vittoria hadn't said anything, she probably wouldn't have found out about the affair."

Friday rolled around, it was the end of his first week at the new company and John was getting the hang of where everyone's office was and even most of their names, well first names anyway. About eleven forty five he was intently staring at his computer monitor working on a new electronic design when someone knocked on his open office door. Before he could look up a female voice said, "Can an old friend take you out to lunch?"

John recognized the voice but could hardly believe it. He grinned from ear to ear. Jennifer stood there in his doorway; he got up and they met halfway. He looked at her left hand and noticed that Jennifer wasn't wearing her engagement ring on her hand anymore, the light tan line still visible from it. They kissed and hugged. Finally they released and John, still smiling from ear to ear said, "What happened, I thought you were going to go back and give Michael another chance?"

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