After he talked to all of his other employees, he walked over to John and waited for John to finish a conversation with Carlos. "John, thanks again for making this possible, I can't thank you enough. I would also like to invite you to come to my house for dinner at seven o'clock on Thursday night. We need to talk about making these in a production facility. I'm working on something along that line that I'm sure will interest you. I'll have ironed out all of the details by Thursday night. I would like to introduce you to my Fiancé Jennifer as well, not only is she the sweetest girl in Silicon Valley, but the best cook in the Bay Area."

John sat at a lunch table in the company cafeteria as he ate from his lunch tray. Ron walked over to join him, he sat on the other side facing him. "Well, I hear congratulations are in order. You are the talk of the company. I'm real glad I suggested to Michael that he hire you."

"Thanks Ron, I appreciate that. I really needed the job. It's amazing how you can go from being on top of the world to the bottom in no time flat."

"The worst thing John is that it wasn't your fault. Who knew your business partner could do something like that. Anyway, you're on top of the world here now."

"I guess so, I've even been asked over to John's house for dinner Thursday night."

"No kidding? That means you get to meet his Fiancé, she's a knockout. Wait a minute, are you allowed to bring a date?"

John laughed. "Don't even ask, I'm not taking you along."

"It's a shame you and Amy broke up, you could have taken her along."

John got a sad look on his face as he responded. "Yeah, that was the other thing I lost besides my company. I guess her leaving after my business folded was proof she was just there for the money, when I became just a common employee she dumped me."

"I'm so sorry for you, with all you had been through with your company the last thing you needed was that. I really didn't see that coming either, you two seemed so good together."

"Well at least I hadn't fallen in love with her. I really don't feel all that bad about it. It was good with her, but it wasn't great."

As John got dressed he felt nervous about going to Michael's home for dinner. In all the years he had worked for other companies, he had never been invited to dinner at the President's house. Most of the Presidents and CEO's he'd known always kept themselves aloof of the employees. Copyright 2016 - 2024