"It's great. This is the first time I've been out of the US and it is amazing. I love my country, but nothing is older than about two hundred and fifty years old. Here, that's considered young. I was so impressed at the Coliseum and the Imperial Forum ruins, simply amazing. Jennifer and I have had a wonderful time visiting all of those places. The other night we even went out sightseeing after sunset, Rome is even more beautiful at night. The lights really do make it truly look like a totally different city."

A puzzled look came on Vittoria's face. "This Jennifer, she is your wife or girlfriend then?"

"No, she's Michael's fiancée. He's been so busy he hasn't had any time to spend with her. Since I've had so much free time here, we've become tourist buddies." Vittoria got a worried look on her face, as she reached up and played with one of her green dangly earrings, nervously chewing on the corner of her mouth as she did.

"I did not know that Michael was engaged. He never said anything about it."

"Well you know he's been so wrapped up in business, personal details can get lost really easily." It was obvious to John that Vittoria hadn't known of Michael's engagement or that he had brought his fiancé with him by the surprised and confused look on her face. He didn't mean to be the one to tell her, but now that she knew, he thought this may change things a bit for Michael. He was hoping that Michael wouldn't get angry with him, after all how was he supposed to know that Michael was having an affair and to cover for him?

Vittoria stopped playing with her earring, her mood changed drastically. "You will excuse me John, I have some things I suddenly need to attend to but it was nice meeting with you again." She quickly turned and headed out of the conference room. John could tell by the look on her face and the quickness of her leaving that she had been bothered by the news he had given her. He noticed Michael following her out of the room with his eyes.

Thirty minutes later most of the men and women had left the conference room, Michael walked over to stand next to John. He leaned over and spoke softly. "Well, I think that went particularly well. Let's get back to the hotel, I've promised Jennifer that I would spend some more time with her this afternoon." They were driven back to their hotel. John was lying on his bed, day dreaming about the time he had spent with Jennifer. The hotel phone on the nightstand rang. He picked up the phone and answered. It was Michael, asking him to meet him in the bar down in the Lobby.

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