"The problem is Sis I can't ever remember you two having a spark of romance you're the only one that seems to remember it."

"Well anyway, it doesn't matter John and I are just friends. But I did something I shouldn't have tonight. I couldn't help myself, I gave him a kiss, I mean a real passionate kiss. But when we kissed tonight…" Jennifer paused for a moment and looked back out the window at all the city lights. "It was magical."

"You shouldn't be doing that, it will only confuse the issue more and it's not fair to this John to give him false hopes that you care for him."

"That's the problem, I really do care for him and I'm sure he likes me too."

"I'm rooting for the new guy Sis, but I know you've got your heart set on fixing the relationship between Michael and you, so if you're going to do that, you need to focus on that only. Listen, I've got to go, call me again and keep me informed on what happens next. This is getting better than those soap operas we used to watch together when we were in High School."

Jennifer said goodbye and closed her cell phone and put it back on the table. Suddenly she began to cry. She turned and ran to the bed, lying face down on it, her tears coming in sobs as she tried to stop crying but to no avail.

John looked at his watch and got up off his bed to grab his cell phone. He sat back down on the bed and pressed a speed dial number, a moment later Ron answered the other end. "Hello Ron, we need to talk."

"John, I'm glad you called. First off, I apologize for the other day. It's just that I had been waiting for that return call for two days. I hope you know I would normally never be that short with you. So how's everything going? Oh yeah, you had mentioned you had met a lady. Is this a really cute Italian lady?"

"Ron, I'm in trouble here. I think I'm falling in love with our boss's fiancé."

There is a long pause before Ron responds. "Okay, what are we saying here? What boss?"

"Michael, our boss, I'm falling in love with his fiancée Jennifer."

"John, how could you be falling for his fiancé all the way over in Italy?"

"Easy, she came along with us. She is staying in the same hotel as us. I took a whole day tour alone with just her yesterday, tonight she and I went to dinner without Michael and afterwards we walked around Rome together seeing the sights."

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