John Bristol sat at his computer workstation testing a change to a circuit he had just made. He had hired on as the electronic design supervisor just two weeks ago with this company. Recently he had to close down his own company that his business partner had financially run broke. With the amount of money that his partner had embezzled he had no way to save it.

For the last two weeks he had been working on a project that centered on a government contract for an integrated tactical combat communication device named the "CASTER" which was an acronym for something John couldn't remember. He straightened up in his chair, let out a big sigh as he pumped the air with his fist once and said to himself "Yes, got ya' you little sucker!" He crossed his arms, a satisfied look on his face as he stared at the screen for several moments savoring the results, a smug look on his face.

He rubbed his tired eyes then picked up the phone sitting next to him, punched in an extension number and waited for the person to answer. "Hello Carlos, this is John Bristol. I've got it, that's right, I fixed the problem it was right in front of us all along. Right, I'll call him and let him know. Thanks, I knew we could make this thing work. I'll ask him to rush a Beta unit for us to test tomorrow morning." John hung up the phone and sat there smiling for a few moments savoring his success. This was the first time he had felt good in a long time. His ailing business had slowly died right in front of him for almost a year and he took it to heart as it did.

He reached over and punched in another extension number into his phone. "Marie, good morning, this is John Bristol, is Michael available? I've got great news for him and I would rather tell him this in person. Thanks Marie, I'll be right up."

John got into the elevator and punched the button that would take him to the top floor executive suite. The doors opened and he stepped out into the reception area. John's personal secretary Marie, a pleasant mid-fifties classy looking woman sat at her overly ornate wooden desk, she smiled as he walked over to her.

"Go on in, he's expecting you. I hope it was okay that I told him you had good news for him."

"Yes Marie, that was fine, it's actually tremendous news." He walked over to the large double doors that led into Michael Pines office and walked in. John had been in Michael's office only two other times since he had begun working here a couple of weeks ago but the view from the windows still amazed him, it was breathtaking. Two adjoining corner walls were floor to ceiling windows with an incredible view facing east. All of Silicon Valley and the eastern mountain range beyond could be seen clearly from here. Copyright 2016 - 2024