Pa looked uncertain. It didn't make sense. Monroe knew an awful lot about timber. Of course, he said he studied to be a forest ranger - but that wouldn't teach him how to log timber. Maybe it was because she wanted to believe he was good - and single - but she was certain that Pa was wrong. What about Mrs. Monroe, and Del? Why would they concoct such an elaborate story? What about the police - and Monroe telling them it wasn't his company? She had no trouble believing Monroe was working for a detective. He said he wasn't a detective, but hinted that he might be involved in undercover work.

She shook her head. "I don't believe it."

Ma frowned. "What don't you believe?"

"That he's married; that his name is really Logan - why would he make up all this stuff - for what purpose?"

Pa scowled at her. "Because he is after my daughter."

She sighed. This was unfair to Monroe. "Pa, Monroe ain't been chasing me. I been chasing him."

Ma put a hand to her forehead and closed her eyes. "Lan' sakes, Mary Jo. Ain't you got no…"

"I ain't had no man company in a long time. Monroe made me feel…like a female. He's been nice to me - respectful. He's a gentleman."

Pa looked at Ma. It was plain that he was beginning to doubt. "What's this Monroe look like?"

Ma shrugged. "Tall, muscular - hair thinnin' on the top of his head. He's got greenish eyes and…and an artificial leg."

Pa thought about it. "That ain't Logan. He's tall and scrawny." He looked at Mary Jo. "What do the other two men look like?"

"Joe is a big man with red hair pulled into a ponytail. He has a fuzzy beard and brown eyes. Tom is tall and not near as big. He has short black hair with gray in it and blue eyes."

Obviously none of them were Logan, so Pa was wrong about that part. She had a gut feeling that Monroe was working for Logan in some way. She'd have to ask him.

Pa pointed a finger at her. "You and Billy Ray stay away from that camp until I talk to Logan and figure out what's going on."

She didn't promise to stay away, but she wouldn't take Billy Ray there. If Monroe came to pick her up, she was going to go with him. Copyright 2016 - 2025