Another thought entered William's mind. Tomorrow would be Sunday. There were several large churches in the area. It may be easier to steal a car from a church parking lot. This would give him about an hour or more head start before the vehicle would even be missed. By that time he could be fifty or sixty miles away. He decided that would be much safer so he got a motel room and waited for Sunday.

When William woke up the next morning he was feeling pretty smug about himself. As a matter of fact he was beginning to feel he could do just about anything and get by with it. It was this type of false security that could prove to be fatal unless he changed his way of thinking. After he finished breakfast he began to search church parking lots hoping to find a car that would get him to New York City without causing suspicion. He stopped at a First Baptist Church and began to look around.

"Would you like a place near the front of the church to park?" A parking lot attendant asked as he drove into the parking lot.

"No I will park near the rear where I always park," William said as he drove on by.

It was 9:30 am and the parking lot attendant thought that William was a regular member and let him pass. It was also William's lucky day. He spotted an almost new Cadillac with the keys still in the ignition. Now he would drive Stardust's car to an area not far from the church and walk back to the Cadillac. After he had stolen the car he would go to where he had hid the car and transfer his clothes into this new car.

Everything went like clock work. William was able to get back into the parking lot undetected and drive away with the new Cadillac. He had gone about thirty miles when he spotted a Cadillac the same identical color parked at a rest area. He wasted no time in changing the license plates and continued on towards the ports in New York City.

William got a newspaper and checked the departure dates and destination for all the ships in the harbor. He saw a freighter headed for Sydney, Australia that was scheduled to leave around midnight. He waited till around eleven pm. He went aboard the ship and told the Chief Engineer his mother was sick and dying. He needed to get home as soon as possible. He didn't have the money to fly and could he please let him book passage aboard that vessel? Copyright 2016 - 2025