I sigh and lean my head on Max’s shoulder. “Why can’t you be straight? You’re the perfect man for me.”

He chuckles beside me. “My life would be a whole lot easier if I was. Come on. Let’s get your drunk-ass home before I have to peel you off another huge mistake with a penis.”

We turn and leave the club. Once outside, and away from the sexy man who had me ready to chuck everything I stand for in order to have one sinful night, I feel relieved. I have no idea how this guy had so much power over me, but at least I never have to see him again. Too much time alone with a man like him would have me breaking every personal rule I’ve ever set for myself. Thank God that’ll never happen.

Chapter 2

I Knew You Were Trouble


Why the hell is it eighty-seven million degrees in this store? I know we’re poor and our family business is barely staying afloat, but damn—a little air conditioning would be nice.

I re-adjust the fan on the counter, allowing the air to blow directly on me. It’s disgustingly hot in here and my gray Mountain Time Speed Track uniform doesn’t help the situation. It allows zero airflow to my skin and it’s taking every bit of energy I have to not curl up under the counter and sleep off my hangover from last night.

I glance around, and when I’m sure there are no customers lurking about, I unbutton my top and stuff it under the counter. Immediately I’m relieved. The white wife-beater I have on is soaked with sweat, but at least now when the hot air whips across my skin, it feels a little cooler. Dad and I are going to have to have a serious talk about this uniform situation if he doesn’t cool this place down soon. He says it adds class and professionalism when the employees have clothing assignments. Poor Dad has been implementing every “make your small business successful” tip out of all those financial magazines he’s been reading lately.

I gather my long, blonde hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and grab the spray bottle I’ve been using to keep cool. I tip my head back, close my eyes and douse my bare skin in water. A little sigh of pleasure slips from my lips as the relief of being cool finally wafts over me.

“Damn. If I’d known I was going to see an erotic show in here I would’ve brought some singles with me.” My eyes snap open and land on a tattooed arm in front of me holding two hundred-dollar bills. “You’ll have to show a little more skin if you want me to stuff hundreds down your pants, sweetness. Only a damn good show ever earns those.”

My gaze travels up the toned arm and shoulder, until it finally lands on an absurdly handsome face. A light beard covers his chin, while a baseball cap covers most of his shaggy, dark hair. His bright green eyes dance with amusement and his plump lips pull up on one side, revealing a devilish smirk. It’s like the face of Adonis staring right at me and it makes my stomach flip.

Holy shit! It’s him. The green-eyed devil from the club I never wanted to see again.

“Wow. Really?” I snatch the money from his hand a little harder than I mean to and do my best to pretend that I don’t know him since he seems to have forgotten we nearly had sex last night. “How much time do you need?”

“Easy there, sugar tits, no need to be bitchy. I’m plenty fun once you lose that stick up your ass,” Adonis says before winking at me.

Ugh. I bunch my eyebrows and my lip curls. What. A. Pig. And he actually has the nerve to fucking wink at me without mentioning something—anything—about last night?

This asshole has some balls.

This one is far worse than the typical biker boys that come here pretending like they’re the next bad-ass motocross rider on earth. Those guys I can handle. They don’t make my body hum with need or do something totally out of character, like sleep with a stranger.

Since Jackson broke up with me, all the guys around here have been giving me their best lines. I’m just not ready to actually date someone else. Jackson was someone I trusted. What he did nearly broke me. I’m not ready to put my heart out there again.

I’ve been shooting the wind out of all the proverbial sails belonging to men who have been trying to gain my attention lately. All it takes is my are-you-kidding-me-you-don’t-have-a-shot-in-hell look and they turn tail and run—never looking back or giving me any more problems. Like I told Max, I’m done with guys for a while. I never ever want my heart broken again. Just because I let my guard down and kissed this one last night doesn’t change anything. If I’d known I would ever see him again, I wouldn’t have let things get that far.

Looks like I’ll have to kick my bitch factor up a couple of notches to throw this one off my scent. “You look about as much fun as an albino getting sunburn. Now, how much time do you want on the track?”

“All business, aren’t you?” His gaze trails up and down my body as he rakes his teeth over his bottom lip nice and slow. “You always this difficult? Because I have to say, you seem like a girl that could be a lot of fun if she let loose.”

I roll my eyes and sigh, trying to decide if I can get away with cussing him out and telling him there’s no chance in hell he’ll ever get close to me again. Been there, done that, so not doing it again.

By the looks of his tattoos and bad-boy swagger, I can tell he’s like all the other guys that come in here. Most never have their shit together, and still live at home with their mommies so they can play video games all day—so not attractive.

I open my mouth to tell him to give up now, but quickly close it as my father’s shaking head pops into mind like my guilty little conscience. Always treat the customer with respect, even when they are rude to us—that’s Dad’s number one rule. So I do my best to push my personal distain for this guy out of my mind and turn on my cold indifference. “Time?”

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