“It was an easy guess. When he acted all put-off when I asked if he was your man, I knew right then he was probably gay. No guy in his right, heterosexual mind would be turned off when thinking about tapping what’s between your legs.”

I know in his twisted brain that was probably a compliment, but his vulgarity won out, making it a feel a little sleazy. “Thanks…I think. Max is my best friend, and I guess if we are pretending to date, you should know that.”

Trip nods. “You’re right. We should really get to know each other to make this feel real. What else can you tell me?”

I bite the inside corner of my lower lip. “There’s not much to know, really.”

“How about sexual history. Couples usually talk about that pretty early on in a relationship. If Jackson says something to me about it, I want to be prepared.”

My stomach squeezes for a brief second like we’ve just hit the first big drop on a roller coaster. I hate the idea of Trip knowing I’ve only slept with one man my entire life, and it just happens to be the one guy I’m trying to win back. I’m sure it’ll give him a good laugh, knowing I’m such a prude. He’ll never let me live it down. But in order for us to make this lie work, I should at least be honest with him. “Only one.”

There’s a look of surprise on his face. “Really? Wow.”

“Why would that surprise you?” I’m a little offended he would believe for a second I’m an easy lay.

“At the club, the way you moved, that said to me you had volumes of experience.”

Whatever. That’s like judging a book from its drunken cover. “Just because a girl dances a certain way doesn’t mean she’s been around a lot.”

“You’re right. I shouldn’t be so quick to tramp-stamp a girl, but you have to admit, the way you moved that night wasn’t virginal.”

I fold my arms. “Just because I said I’ve only been with one person doesn’t mean I’m not experienced.”

Trip reaches out and runs his fingers down the bare skin on my arms. “Believe me, sweetness, you’re inexperienced until you’ve been with me. If I fucked you, I’d take you to a whole other level.”

My mouth drifts open and I squeeze my thighs together, trying to relieve the tingle between my legs. The way those naughty words roll off his tongue makes me wonder what other wicked things it can do.

Trip’s gaze holds mine. It’s like he’s waiting for permission to pounce on me. I think I want this. I’ve been thinking more about him today than I have Jackson. All his teasing is driving me crazy.

I open my mouth to drive deeper into the subject of us having some crazy-random sex together, the screen door shuts, jerking me attention away from Trip. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

Jackson Cruze stands in my doorway with his black and white riding gear on and smiles a smile so beautiful it makes me nearly forget the heat I was feeling with Trip only moments ago. I pull my arm away from Trip’s touch and shake my head. “No. Come on in. I’m glad you came.”

“Me too,” Jackson says as I step around the counter and allow his eyes to roam over my body. Remembering Trip’s coaching, I allow my shoulders to fall back and arch my back a bit. It totally works as I catch Jackson’s hungry eyes inspecting my breasts beneath my tank-top. “You look great. There’s something different about you and I can’t get over how amazing you look, Holly.”

Trip clears his throat and then throws his arms around my shoulders in a possessive manner. “You better learn how to get over it really fast. She’s mine now, and I don’t appreciate you staring at her like that.”

I smack Trip’s washboard abs. “Stop it. Jackson and I are just friends. He’s moved on, just like I have.”

Trip’s eyes burn into mine. “I know you have, baby, but I don’t like old friend you used to fuck hanging around you. Don’t want them getting any ideas that they can have a taste of what’s mine now.”

“Trip!” I scold him. “Be nice.”

Trip drops his gaze on me and tilts my chin up before planting a kiss on my lips. I close my eyes and decide not to fight him on this as I relax and allow his tongue entrance into my mouth. Everything going through my mind about how to play this in front of Jackson fades away. Jackson clears his throat now and my eyes snap open as the not so subtle sound reminds me this little show is for an audience of one.

Trip grins when he pulls back. “That’s just a reminder of what you got last night. No playing nice with the douchebag over there. If he tries to touch you, I’ll break his fingers.”

Before Trip even fills me in on the next step in the plan, he heads out the front door. I flinch when the screen door bangs shut behind him. I know he’s playing the role of jealous boyfriend, but damn if that kiss didn’t feel real.

I bite my lip and turn towards Jackson who is studying me, an odd look in his eye. “So that’s who you’re with now, huh? He doesn’t seem like your type, Holl.”

I narrow my eyes. “What do you know about my type?”

Jackson takes a step towards me. “I know some overpowering asshole like that isn’t for you. You’re better suited with a guy like me.”

“What makes you think you’re so much better than Trip? He’s never cheated on me, which is a lot more than I can say for you.”

“I’m beginning to see what I huge mistake that was. I don’t like seeing you with someone else.”

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