He grimaces and shakes his head like I’ve just insulted him. “God no. We’re just friends.”

Just friends I can work with. He must be gay. Any red-blooded guy would be proud to own up to tapping an ass like Holly’s, but…whatever.

I’m so glad she wasn’t my random fuck last night, although I bet she would’ve been ten times better than what I ended up with.

Damn it.

I have to stop thinking about her that way. She’s not some random chick I’ll never see again. There’s no ‘hump and dump’ option here. I need her on my side in order to get the low-down on this place. I can already tell she’s the key to making this a successful business venture.

I glance back in Holly’s direction and watch as she piles a bunch of binders on the counter. She doesn’t even look in my direction. “What makes you so sure she doesn’t hate my guts?”

Max grins wider than the Cheshire cat. “I was there last night. My girl in there doesn’t just let any guy get his lips on her. If she didn’t like you, she would’ve kneed you in the balls the moment you came on to her. Granted, she was drunk last night, and she’s going through some things, but she still allowed you to kiss her.”

I look him directly in the eye. “You seem awfully protective. You sure you’re not into her?”

He shakes his head. “She’s my best friend and I watch out for her. I don’t like to see her get hurt because she’s a good person and deserves better than what she’s been dealt lately. Holly’s a tough woman, but she’s also sweet and sensitive. If you aren’t sincere in your intentions toward her, I’m asking you to back off. She’s not ready for more heartbreak.”

I open my mouth to ask what he meant by that exactly when Holly calls my name. “Trip, you coming or not? I don’t have all day.”

Max takes a couple steps back. “I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

I nod as his words of warning flow through my mind. “Later, man, and thanks.”

“No problem. Good luck.” He laughs as he hops on his dirt bike and fires up the motor.

Inside, the stifling air is hard to ignore, but now I understand why they don’t turn the air on. Their business is failing and they need to save every penny they can. I yank my ball cap off and wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my wrist. The entire state of Arizona is hot as hell.

Holly’s eyes train on my hair and her lips twist. “Do you dye your hair? I didn’t notice how black it was last night.”

She leans over the counter to fetch the schedule. I eye her daisy-duke covered ass appreciatively while her head’s turned. If she catches me eye-fucking her, she’ll smack the shit out of me, but it’s worth the risk. Her ass is one hundred percent biteable and I curse myself for wanting a piece.

I run my hand through my hair, pushing it back off my face before slapping my hat back on. “Yeah. I like it jet-black. It helps people tell me and my twin brother apart.”

She tilts her head and leans on the counter across from me. “Is he identical?”

I nod. “He is, except for the hair. His is more of a sandy-blond color.”

“Huh.” The look on her face tells me she’s trying to figure out why I color my hair. Or worse, she’s figuring out who I am.

“You’ve got something on your mind.”

“No…well, yes. I was wondering something.”

“What’s that?”

She clears her throat. “I can see wanting to stand out from your brother when you’re little to help people tell you apart, but why do feel the need to do it as an adult?”

I sigh in relief. I was fully prepared for her to ask me about Black Falcon. “We work together.”

Her eyebrows crunch together. “Does he work for the same investor too?”

Fuck. Panic floods over me as I realize my slip up. Quickly, I try to cover my mistake. “No. I’m working for the investor as a favor. He and I are personal friends. My brother and I have our own business.”

“Doing what?”

“We, um…” I trail off, trying to think of a plausible lie. “Our family owns a…”—I glance around the counter and the cowtail candies catch my eye—“farm.”

She flinches at the same time I want to punch myself in the face for saying something so ridiculous. “What kind of farm?”

I don’t know the first thing about farming. Why in the fuck did I say that?

Holly stares at me expectantly and I clear my throat. “Cows. We farm cows.”

I want to fucking kill myself.

“Really?” She raises her brow. “Like a dairy farm? I’ve never seen a farmer look like you before.”

I nod. Milk, yes. That’s something I know about. I’ve seen people milk cows before on television not to mention I eat a ton of cereal and milk. “Yes, exactly like a dairy farm. We go out and milk the cows every morning by hand.”

She laughs. “Nice try. You almost had me for a minute. I know they get hooked up to machines for milking. I’ve seen that in a movie before. I didn’t know you had a sense of humor.”

I laugh too but it’s fake as hell, and I pray she can’t hear the nervousness in my voice. “There’s no fooling you.”

She leans across the counter with a smirk on her pretty pink lips. Without knowing she’s doing it, she gives me a perfect view of her boobs. “There’s a stellar mind behind these good looks, sweetheart,” Holly says while lowering her voice to imitate me.

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