“Around the curve on the left is my driveway. You’ll see the gate,” I instructed Kyle.

We turned into the drive and Lane sat up straighter in her seat. “I can’t wait to see your house.”

I gave her thigh a gentle squeeze. “And I can’t wait to show it to you.”

Relief flooded me the minute my modest, log cabin with a lone porch light came into view. Everything still looked the same, but in the darkness, it was hard to tell. I was always taking a chance when I left the house unattended while I was on tour. Someone could rob me blind and I might not find out until months later when I came back. Everyone said I needed a security system, but way out here, I didn’t think I needed it.

It was good to be home. This was the one place I could get away from my life—the one place where I felt normal. Before Lane came back to me, I felt like a piece of meat. Fans, especially the female variety, always wanted a piece of me, and they shamelessly used me for my fame.

I had been looking for a love to replace Lane’s—to get her out of my head and heart, but I couldn’t find anyone that ever compared to her. The women never wanted me, not really. They wanted a rock star, and most of the time they could care less if it was Riff or me they ended up sleeping with. People always called men dogs, but in reality, women were just as bad.

Kyle pulled up next to the house and cut the engine. “Wow, man. This place is secluded.”

I chuckled as I opened the door. “Just the way I like it.”

Kyle headed toward the trunk as I helped Lane out. “I could never live out here like this.”

He stacked our luggage on the front porch. “After the crazy life I live most of the time, I love being away from it all.”

Lane fixed her hands on her hips as she peered around her surroundings. “Well, I like it.”

I raised my brow. “You do?”

She nodded before she turned and threw her arms around my neck. “It’s peaceful and a nice change from the bus.”

My hands slid around her waist, and I drew her into me. Her chest pushed against mine as I leaned down and kissed her sweet lips. “You mean you won’t miss living in cramped corners with a bunch of drunk assholes?”

She giggled in my arms and shook her head. “They aren’t so bad, but I am looking forward to some alone time with you.”

A grin spread across my face. “Be ready, babe. Right now starts an entire week of just you and me. Speaking of which…Kyle, we’re good here, man. You can head back.”

Kyle shut the doors on the Escalade and pulled the keys from his pocket. “All right, then. I’ll be back on Tuesday morning to pick you guys up.”

Lane rested her cheek against my chest and placed her hand on my chest. “Be careful driving back.”

Together we watched as Kyle drove away. The minute his taillights were out of sight, I scooped Lane into my arms.

She tossed her head back and laughed as I carried her towards the front door. “Aren’t you Mr. Romance?”

The warmth of her body against mine stirred every nerve within my body. I didn’t think I was ever going to get enough of this woman. After I stepped onto the porch, I tipped her up, and she planted both feet onto the ground. Lane wrapped her arms around herself and shook a little from the slight nip in the night air as I lifted the welcome mat to retrieve the key to let us inside.

She twisted her lips. “Really? Who knew mega-famous rocker, Noel Falcon, keeps a hide-a-key.”

I chuckled and unlocked the front door. “The hiding place stays between us.”

Before she could quip with another smart-ass remark, I lifted her back into my arms and carried her through the door.

She shook her head. “Noel, you’re such an idiot. This is a tradition for newlyweds.”

I shrugged. “Practice makes perfect.”

After a quick peck, I set her down again and flicked on the lights. Relief flooded me. The entire place was just as I had left it. Hardwood floors throughout the cabin gleamed against the glow of the recessed lighting. The great room was clean and orderly, with each of my pillows still perfectly placed on my black-leather sofa.

Lane rubbed her hands together as he took in the layout of the room, and I closed us inside. “Do you have a housekeeper?”

I bit my bottom lip as I pulled her into me again. It was nearly impossible to keep my hands to myself around her. “Nope.”

She scrunched her nose, and it was so fucking cute. I stretched my finger up and tapped it.

“You don’t think I’m capable of keeping a clean house?” Her hair trailed down her back and I caught a strand of it and wrapped it around my finger.

She licked her lips and peered into my eyes. “I didn’t know that was one of your many skills.”

Holy hell. A naughty glint twinkled in her eyes. She was going to kill me if we kept going at this pace. Not that I was complaining. Death by sex—it would be the best fucking way to die. But, three or four times a day would definitely have me addicted to making love to her. How would I ever get anything else done? I still needed to be a functioning human being.

I grabbed the waistband of her jeans and yanked her flush against my body. “I’ve got enough skills to keep you surprised and satisfied for a lifetime.”

She grabbed fistfuls of my hair and yanked my mouth down to hers. The warmth of her mouth sent a signal below my belt that it was time for action. Our tongues danced together while I slid my hand under her shirt. The silk of her bra was all that separated my hand from her perfect skin. I dipped my fingers inside the cup and shoved it underneath her breast. The nipple became rigid beneath my hand, and I squeezed it roughly, causing my cock to jerk hard inside my jeans.

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