“Lanie Vance, I have loved you from the moment I saw you. So many times I’ve dreamed of making you my wife one day, and I think today is that day. I love you with every inch of me. I’m drawn to your fire and passion, and I don’t think I can ever be without it again. I want you everyday for the rest of my life. You and”—I leaned in and kissed her stomach and then my eyes met hers—“our baby. You two are my life. I’ve had this ring”—I pulled the princess cut diamond ring from my pocket—“since the day we went shoe shopping with Kyle. Before you knew you were pregnant. This had always been my plan. Having a baby doesn’t change how I feel about you. You are my heart, Lane, always have been. Will you marry me?”

Her eyes searched my face, and I prayed to God she found whatever answer she was looking for when she stared at me. After what felt like an eternity, she nodded and a huge smile spread across my face. “Yes. YES!” Her fingers tangled in my hair, and she crushed her lips into mine. “I love you.”

“Yeah?” I felt tears of exquisite joy slide down my face.

She cried and smiled at the same time. “Yes. I’ve always loved you.”

“I knew you did, even when you fought it.” She laughed, and I knew we were at the start of something really good.

I told her I loved her too before I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the sweet lips of my soon-to-be wife. This was it. This was what every up and down in my life had been bringing me to—this time and this moment with Lane.

“This is just the start to our forever,” I whispered.

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