“Noel…don’t be that way. I need this job.”

I grabbed her hand. “But you don’t need this job. I’ll take care of you.”

She pulled her hand away. “I don’t want to be taken care of. Don’t you understand? I need a life outside of us—independence. The job Striker’s offering allows me to remain on tour with you and still work. He won’t be around like you think. It’s the best of both worlds.”

I folded my arms across my chest and attempted to listen calmly. “What kind of job?”

She grinned. “It’s putting together an online marketing campaign for a new line of men’s jewelry Striker has designed with a jeweler. It’s a personal project for him.”

I raised my pierced eyebrow. “Men’s jewelry? I knew that British fucker was part fairy.”

Lane laughed and smacked my leg. “Be nice.”

I held up my hands defensively. “What? Just stating the obvious.”

She rolled her eyes at me, and I tugged her body against mine in the seat. “This is serious, Noel.”

I sighed. “I know. I’m sorry, but you have to admit he’s a tool.”

“He’s pretty nice to me.”

“Yeah, because he wants in your panties. But I’ve got news for him. It isn’t happening. Those panties belong to me.”

She gave me a pointed look. “Do they?”

I leaned down and kissed her lips before I worked my way to her ear. “We both know you love screaming my name when you come. So yeah, they belong to me,” I growled.

Lane blushed fiercely. I knew that was fighting dirty, but when it came to claiming her, there were no rules. She was mine, and I wasn’t above reminding her or anyone else of that from time to time.

We pulled into the parking lot a little later, and Big Bertha was a comforting sight with the regular crew gathered around it. Although I didn’t know the roadies all too well, it was good to see their familiar faces.

Kyle parked the SUV near the back of the bus and hopped out.

“Feel good to be back?” Lane asked as I helped her out.

“Yes and no. I miss the guys, but there’s never enough alone time with you.”

She threw her arms around my neck. “See, then you should be happy about this job.”

My shoulders tensed under her touch. “I’m just not happy about your new boss.”

She traced my chin with her finger. “Nothing will happen between me and Striker. I love you. So quit worrying.”

It was easy to trust Lane, but it was hard to trust that douchebag, Striker. Who knew what his plan was. Everything inside of me told me it wasn’t just to give Lane a job. She was a beautiful woman. Any man would’ve told you that, and that’s why it didn’t add up.

“I could always try to get the Black Falcon account back from Center Stage,” I told her, hoping it changed her mind.

She shook her head. “No. They have Aubrey working on it now, and I can’t take that away from her.”

I knew Aubrey was her best friend and she and Riff kind of had a thing, but her career wasn’t what mattered to me. I guess I was just a selfish jerk because taking something away from Aubrey to give to Lane was something I would’ve tried in a heartbeat if she wanted it. But she would kill me if I did that. There didn’t seem to be a way around her taking this new job.

I sighed again and felt utterly defeated. “You won’t be around him much?”

“If ever,” she countered.

“If it makes you happy, then I’ll try my best to be supportive.”

Her lips crushed into mine. “And that is why you’re the best boyfriend in the entire world.”

I grinned and ground my pelvis into hers. “I thought this made me the best.”

She smacked my chest. “You are impossible.”

I laughed. “But you love me.”

The skin on her cheeks was so soft as I cradled her face in my hands. I dipped my head and planted my lips on hers.

“Oh, God! Would you two get a room already?” a voice remarked behind us. “A week of fuck time didn’t get it out of your systems?”

I turned to find Trip grinning like an idiot. “Don’t be a jealous asshole. Someday you’ll find a woman you don’t have to pay.”

“Ha. Ha. Very funny, dickhead. Now come on and get your asses on the bus. We’ve been waiting for twenty minutes on you two so we could head out.”

I nodded to him. “All right. We’re coming. Simmer down, saucy.”

He flipped me off and headed for the bus. I turned back to Lane. “Come on, before he gets his panties in a bunch.”

Once inside, it was good to see nothing had changed. All the guys were present and accounted for. Tyke and Trip busied themselves with restocking the kitchen with supplies, while Riff talked on his cell with a stack of Oreos in front of him. With my girl at my side, all things were right with the world. Everyone that mattered, with the exception of my mom, was here on this bus.

Lane kissed my cheek, and I watched her with a huge smile on my face head towards the bedroom to settle in.

Tyke handed me a beer from across the island. “Good break? I see that sappy grin.”

I twisted off the cap. “Don’t hate.”

Tyke held his hands up palms up. “I’m not. It’s just going to be weird around here with both you and Riff settled down and all.”

The liquid in my mouth nearly strangled me. “Riff?” I peered over at my friend sitting at the table wearing a goofy grin while he talked quietly on the phone. “With who?”

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