“You okay, man?” Noel asks.

Zach wipes his nose on a tissue. “I’ll be all right.”

Noel gives Zach a sad smile and glances from Zach to me and then back. “I know you will be.”

Lanie reaches around and hugs first Zach, and then me, her belly popping out a little. “Thank you for being here,” I tell her.

“You’re welcome, sweetie. You’re two are family. I’ll always be here for you. Speaking of which, make sure you’re resting and drinking plenty of fluids. It’s good for the baby,” Lanie tells me as she pulls back.

“You’d be good to remember that, too,” I remind her. “We both need be on top of our game if we’re going to start this new marketing company.”

“I still can’t believe Diana Swagger is going to settle your lawsuit out of court. Brady must be a damn fine attorney.”

I shrug. “One of the best. Besides, you know Diana. She probably didn’t want a wrongful termination case to go public against her company. She doesn’t like blemishes on that reputation of hers.”

She nods. “Whatever the reason, I’m glad everything is working out for you. You finally have it all, girl.”

There will be no argument from me on that front. She’s right. I have the man of my dreams and my family seems to be coming around to accept Zach since they heard news of the baby in the hospital and finally figured out he’s a permanent fixture in my life. Not to mention my career looks brighter. With the amount of money that Brady thinks I’ll gain from the lawsuit, and the small loan I’ve agreed to accept from Zach, I’m looking forward to starting a small marketing firm with Lanie. Things are finally looking up for me.

We say our goodbyes to Lanie and the guys and head for the black limo that’s waiting to drive us back to our vehicle. It’s been a long, emotional day and I can’t wait to get back to Zach’s place. We are both in need of some serious rest and relaxation.

The driver opens the door as we approach and Zach helps me inside. After Zach is seated comfortably, the driver closes us in and then hops into the front of the car. Zach presses a button on the ceiling and closes the window between us and the driver.

He glances over at me. “Sorry, I wanted some alone time. I’m kind of talked out, you know.”

I nod thinking back on how many extended family members showed up at the funeral. More than anything, it seemed like people came to catch a glimpse of the band than to actually mourn the loss of Zach’s father. “I completely understand.”

Zach turns the corner of his lips up. “That’s what I love most about you. You get me—even when I don’t get myself—you do. You’re everything to me, do you know that?”

I take his hand in mine. “And you get me.”

He stares at my face. His eyes seem like they’re searching for an answer to a question that he never even asked. The ring on his bottom lip flicks in and out a couple of times as he tears his eyes away from my face and then stares down at my hand. “Fuck it. I can’t wait.”

I tilt my head. “Wait for what?”

His sits up straighter in the seat and untucks his button down shirt from his dress pants.

I grab his hand. “Whoa. We aren’t having sex in here right after your—”

I stop mid-sentence as he grabs the hem of his t-shirt and tears a small piece of the white fabric off. I stare at him as he works on ripping it into an even smaller section and tying it into a small circle.

Afraid he’s completely snapped, I ask as soft as I can, “What are you doing?”

His eyes stay trained on the fabric. “Something I should’ve done a long time ago.” Once he’s done he takes my left hand. “Aubrey, I know this isn’t a real ring, but it doesn’t make what it represents is any less real. You know I can buy you any ring you want—”

I gasp at his words and my heart thunders in my chest. “Zach—”

He shakes his head. “Hear me out. I know the timing of this is fucked up but the truth is, putting my father in the ground today only reminded me that we never know how much time we have in this fucked up world. And that time is precious, Aubrey. It’s something no amount of money in the world can ever buy us. I want to spend every second I have left on this earth with you. I want you to marry me. Right now.” His eyes stare into mine. “Let’s do this. We’ll drive over to the Justice of the Peace and get married. I’m committed to this family.” He touches my stomach and tears roll down my cheeks. “I love you, Kitten. I want to be with you always.”

I grab his face in my hands and kiss his lips, not needing to hear another word to be convinced this is the right thing to do. “Yes. I love you. Let’s do this.”

He slips the small cloth circle on my left, ring finger. “I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much you mean to me.”

I bite my lip and stare down at my hand. This homemade ring means more to me than anything he could ever have bought me because I know this comes straight from his heart. In this moment I know we are meant to be forever.


I impatiently pace the lobby of the hospital, checking my watch every couple seconds. Where the hell are they? They said they would be here in twenty minutes—one more minutes than I’m going back up without them.

The minute passes and I turn towards the elevator to head back to the maternity floor, but before I get two steps away Aubrey and Riff push their way through the revolving entrance door. I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank, God.”

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