A knock on the door startles her as she pulls her attention away from the reflection and says, “Come in.”

The door opens and in walks Tyke with a baby in each arm. Frannie’s heart instantly warms at the sight of her soon-to-be husband holding their twin boys, sleeping in his arms.

Tyke’s crooked smile greets her before his words. “Hey, Mom. Are you ready for our big day?”

She leans over and softly presses her lips to his, scolding him quietly. “It’s bad luck for you to see me, you know.”

Tyke smirks. “I don’t believe in luck—only fate, and baby, you’re mine. Nothing will ever change that.”

One of the boys begin squirming in Tyke’s strong arms and then lets out a wail loud enough to wake his brother who also begins to cry.

Both babies crying at the same time would probably make most first time parents frazzled, but not Tyke and Frannie. Instead, they smile at one another, knowing that the powerful connection their twin boys feel toward one another has already begun. When one’s in pain, the other will know.

Another knock on the door occurs before it opens and Frannie’s soon-to-be sister-in-law, Holly, comes rushing in with Aubrey and Lanie at her side.

Aubrey immediately stretches her arms out to Tyke. “Need a little help in here?”

Frannie smiles as Aubrey and Lanie each take one of her boys into their arms. “I think they’re hungry.”

“No problem,” Aubrey says. “We’ll get them all taken care of so they can sit with us and watch their parents make it official.”

“Don’t forget their Uncle Trip and Aunt Holly,” Lanie adds before turning to Holly with a huge smile. “I can’t believe you’re finally making Trip an honest man.”

Tyke laughs. “My brother has been waiting on this day for the last three years.”

Holly blushes. “I know he has, but waiting was the best thing for us. We’ve grown so much closer, and the track is doing the best it’s ever done. We’re finally ready.”

“I’m glad he has you, Holly. You make him happy,” Tyke tells her.

The wedding coordinator rushes into the room red-faced. “There you all are. It’s time.”

Frannie nods, and then turns her attention back to her babies. “Let me kiss them before they go.”

Aubrey and Lanie bring both the little boys swaddled in blue blankets to Frannie so she can lean down and kiss each one’s pink cheeks. “You boys take care of each other.”

“We’ll see you out there,” Lanie tells Frannie before she and Aubrey leave the room holding the babies.

Frannie turns toward her future husband who takes both of her hands into his large ones, and threads his fingers through hers. “I can’t wait to marry you. You make me so happy.”

Tyke releases one of her hands and cups her cheek, stroking his thumb over her delicate skin. “You’re my definition of happiness, babe. We’re always and forever.”

She melts into him as he leans in and kisses her passionately, knowing that this is just the start of their happily ever after.

Holly Pearson stands behind the double wooden doors that separate the sanctuary of the church from the rest of the building. Through those doors is the beginning of her new life as a married woman, and she couldn’t be more ready to start it.

The blond wedding coordinator stoops down in front of Noel’s son and Riff’s daughter and straightens their clothes before it’s their turn to walk down the aisle. “Okay, James and Hailey, remember to stand nice and tall and take your time walking. Hailey, don’t forget to toss the petals as you go, and James hold the pillow nice and tight.”

Holly smiles warmly down at the children before bending down and kissing them both of the cheek. “You two are adorable.”

“Yuck!” James exclaims as he wipes away Holly’s kiss, causing the soon-to-be bride to chuckle. “Girl germs.”

“Girls don’t have germs,” Hailey scolds him instantly, shaking her blond curls in the process. “Boys do.”

“Nu-huh!” James shouts back, his blue eyes narrowed at Hailey.

“Shhhh! Children,” the wedding coordinator says, trying to diffuse the situation.

The moment the woman moves away from the kids, James sticks his tongue out at Hailey, and she smacks his arm.

“Ow! Brat!” he whispers harshly.

“Poo-poo head!” Hailey fires back.

James scrunches his brow. “I don’t like you.”

Hailey curls her pink lip up. “Well, I don’t like you either.”

“Children!” The wedding coordinator warns them again. “I’m about to open the doors. Let’s be quiet and smile. Ready? One...two...three.”

On three, the heavy wooden doors open and the children march side by side down the aisle. A collective awe fills the room when the crowd spots how absolutely adorable James and Hailey are. James is wearing his all black tux with his Chucks, and Hailey wearing a beautiful tulle dress and pink Chucks both put out a mini rock star vibe.

Through the crowd, Holly’s eyes meet Trip’s bright green ones. The traditional tuxedo he purchased has been dressed up in true Trip fashion with a black dress shirt and vest, the only pop of color is a pink tie that matches the rest of the wedding party. The thick, black hair on the top of his head has been slicked back for the special occasion.

Holly smiles as the wedding march begins to play and her father, Bill, holds his elbow out to her. “Ready, honey?”

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