“That’s understandable,” he says as he rubs my back. “I think that reaction is perfectly normal.”

“Well, my family doesn’t think so. My mother thinks it’s ridiculous that I can’t get past my fear and pretend like they aren’t evil killing machines.”

“Maybe someday you’ll feel differently but until then, no one should push you.”

“Thank you.” I wrap my arms around him, loving that he seems to understand my feelings about the situation.

I sigh as we stay locked in our embrace. “What are we going to do about this email? Do you think we need more time apart to throw people off our scent?”

“What good would that do? They’ve already caught us on tape. There’s not much we can say to dispute that,” he answers.

“I don’t know.” I pull back so I can look him in the eyes. “We can always deny it. The video doesn’t zoom in on our faces too much.”

He shakes his head. “Believe me; your face was pretty clear. They’ll know it’s you.”

I toy with his hair, thinking of a new plan. “Well, what if you appear interested in someone else here? Do you think that would lead people away?”

“No. That’s a terrible idea. And I won’t do that to you.” The tone in his voice is adamant.

“Come on, Tyke. We’ll both know it’s just for show, and I’m not asking you to sleep around—just be extra nice to other women.” I take a deep breath. “I know it’s a crazy, irrational plan, but will you just try until we can figure out who is behind all this?”

He huffs. “I don’t like it.”

“For me?” I bat my eyes at him. “Once it’s over and you’re out of here, we can come clean. By then it won’t matter as much if the world finds out we’re together.”

His body shifts below me, uncomfortable. “Okay, I’ll do it, but you have to promise that you won’t get all jealous because this is your idea. If you start acting like a psycho stalker, I’m done with the fucking game.”

“Fair enough. But I promise to keep my inner crazy on lockdown.”

For the next week, after our little plan of diversion is set in motion, Tyke does exactly as he promised. He’s overly nice to every female within five feet of him, but I can honestly say it doesn’t bother me in the slightest because the moments when no one is looking and he winks at me, I know that I’m the only one on his mind. That he’s being overly flirtatious to protect me. Because I asked him to.

It’s a completely weird and screwed-up situation, but one I feel is completely necessary until we find out who in this place has dirt on us.

While most of the women respond to his innocent come-ons with blushes, smiles, and giggles, there’s only one person who seems to be taking it a little too seriously.

Josie Sullivan.

It’s no secret Josie demands to be the center of attention, but she’s completely eating up every ounce of what Tyke throws at her. I know it shouldn’t bother me that’s she’s reading too much into what’s going on between them, but I can’t help it. Her body is amazing, and she’s a celebrity. Any woman who tells you that type of competition doesn’t worry them is a liar. I wish he would focus on someone else more, but Josie seems to be putting herself in close proximity to him all the time now.

I turn my attention back to the products in front of me. While Kimmy is on the other side of the store buying cleaning supplies for the facility, I’m being sneaky and checking out pregnancy tests in the pharmacy aisle.

It’s been three weeks since Tyke and I first had sex, which by my calendar makes my period a week late. I know it’s probably just the stress of everything going on causing the delay, but it doesn’t hurt to know for sure.

Once I find the test that most doctors seem to recommend, I quickly pay for it and shove it into my purse before I go and search for Kimmy.

The entire ride back to Serenity, I listen quietly as Kimmy drives and babbles on about her design school courses. It’s totally rude of me to just pretend that she has my full attention, but I can’t help being distracted by the fifteen-dollar test that has the potential to be a gamer changer.

“Frannie, are you okay?” Kimmy asks. “You seem distracted. Is it Tyke?”

I shake my head. Even though Kimmy knows that Tyke and I’ve fooled around, I don’t feel the need to divulge any additional information about our relationship, especially until I find out who is behind the video.

It could be anyone, so I’m on high alert with all my secrets.

“No. That was a one-time thing. He hasn’t crossed my mind really since then,” I lie.

She frowns. “I’ve noticed him being overly flirtatious with everyone but you lately. Do I need to nut punch him for being a dick?”

I burst out laughing. For some reason, the thought of petite Kimmy punching Tyke is comical. “No. But thank you for the offer.”

She smiles. “What are friends for?”

It’s a nice thought—being friends—but I can’t allow myself to give in to the idea, no matter how genuine she seems. She has stuck to her word about keeping my secret, though, or at least I think so. Wayne hasn’t let on that he knows anything if she has blabbed to him.

After I say my goodbyes to Kimmy, I make my way down to the little cottage that’s been my home for the last month and quickly lock myself inside. The plastic sack crinkles in my hands as I pull the pregnancy test out of it and read the directions. It says it’s best to use the first morning’s urine, but I can’t hold out until tomorrow.

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