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Rock My Bed

Page 68

I lift an eyebrow because I think the temperature is perfectly fine. “It’s not hot in here. You’re nervous.”

She shrugs. “It could be, I guess. I’m thinking it’s because my hormones are all out of whack.”

What dumb luck. “Oh, damn. Did you start your period? That will so suck for the honeymoon.”

She shakes her head and giggles. “I won’t be having another one of those for a long time.”

My eyes widen as a grins spreads across my face. “You’re pregnant? I knew it!”

“Shhhh!” She laughs. “Yes! But no one knows except for our parents and now you.”

“Oh, my god!” I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight. “I’m so happy for you. I’ve been having the feeling you were. No wonder you wanted to rush this wedding along.”

Lanie steps back and pats her flat stomach. “Who knew I would be the one having a shot-gun wedding.”

To say I’m stunned is an understatement, but I’m still ecstatic that everything is finally working out for them. I know she’ll be a great mother.

A throat clears behind me and I turn around.

Noel’s father and Zach walk into the kitchen together both sporting black tuxedos. Zach is dapper with his hair styled into a short all-black Mohawk to match his outfit. His eyes rake over me and linger on my chest a few seconds too long before we lock eyes.

He lets out a low whistle. “You two look amazing. Lanie, Noel is going to lose his shit when he sees you.” He leans in and gives Lanie a peck on the cheek. “I’m really happy for you guys. You’re perfect for each other.”

Lanie smiles and touches his arm. “Thank you, Riff.”

Zach steps back and wraps his arm around my shoulders, tucking me into his side.

Noel’s father takes his turn hugging Lanie and whispers into her ear. I think it’s sweet of Noel’s father to walk Lanie down the aisle since her own father had passed away last year. I know she would give anything to have him here today.

Mr. Falcon pulls back and kisses her other cheek. “You’re father would’ve loved to be here.”

A tear leaks from her eye as she quickly grabs a tissue from off the counter and blots her face. “I miss him so much.”

“I know you do, kid,” he tells her.

Emotions flood me and a lump in my throat builds but I swallow it back to keep her from turning into a complete mess five minutes before she says her vows.

Lanie smiles at Zach and me with tears still in her eyes. “I’m glad you two have finally come to your senses and stopped all this craziness and admitted you have feelings for each other. It’s good to see that you’re finally together.”

I laugh and try to lighten her mood. “You’re just happy we’re not going to make your wedding all tense.”

“That, too.”

Zach clears his throat again. “They sent us in here because they’re ready to start.”

Lanie raises her eyebrows and smiles so wide I can nearly see all of her teeth. “Let’s do this.”

“Shall we?” Zach pokes his elbow out towards me.

I tuck my arm through his and stare down at my black bridesmaid dress as I make sure everything is in order before he opens the door and leads us through. The humid evening air of the Texas summer blasts into me as we walk down the hill to the dock and I’m glad I chose an up-do for this event. The sun set in the horizon is the perfect backdrop to make the ceremony magically. Candles flicker all around, providing light while accentuating romance. The sound of Noel’s voice signing a pre-recorded acoustic version Faithfully covers the landscape as it plays through the surrounding speakers.

Nearly one hundred wedding guests line the flower covered path at the bottom of the hill. The dock was too narrow for all the guests to sit on, so the wedding planner set up most of the white folding chairs on the grass just before the entrance to the dock.

Trip and Tyke grin at me from the dock entrance, manning their positions as ushers to make sure we don’t trip and bust our faces walking over the threshold. Tyke’s blond hair is styled back off his face while Trips shaggy, black hair falls into his, making his green eyes really stand out. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Trip without something covering the top of his head. If I didn’t know better, I would think there’s a real gentleman inside that tux.

White and red roses line every inch of the wood railing all the way to the end of the dock. A small landing sits at the end, allowing enough chairs for Lanie’s and Noel’s immediate family an intimate seat at the union. A beautiful floral archway filled with more roses creates a backdrop for the ceremony with Noel in his traditional black tux standing underneath it. The pastor stands next to Noel with a Bible in his hand ready to officiate the ceremony.

Zach places his free hand on top of my hand that’s looped through his arm while we walk slowly down the dock. “I can’t wait to do this with you someday.”

I swallow hard and my eyes grow wide. Something so romantic coming from him takes me back.

Zach chuckles as he takes in my shocked expression. “I mean, way in the future, of course.”

A light breeze scoots across the lake and blows my dress around my feet as I peer up at him and smile.

The thought of being with him forever causes my heart to pause for a split second. While we’re nowhere near being ready to make such a huge leap together, it’s nice to know he’s taking our relationship seriously this round.

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