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Rock My Bed

Page 69

At the end of the dock, we part ways, and Zach claps Noel on the shoulder as he stands next to him.

I settle into my spot, and the wedding march begins to play. Everyone stands and turns around, directing their line of sight to the top of the hill.

Lanie makes her way down the path in her breathtaking gown, clutching Mr. Falcon’s arm tight. The wedding guests all gasp and let out a collective “aww,” as she comes further into sight. Her mom sits a couple feet away from me in a wheelchair with her injured leg in a cast straining her neck to get a better look. She blots her eyes and lets out a quiet sob as she takes in how beautiful her little girl looks.

Noel’s face lights up as he refolds his hands in front of him while he anxiously waits for Lanie to join him by his side. I smile, knowing he’s perfect for her.

Riff catches my eye and mouths, “I love you,” to me.

The caring part of him is what pulled me in. I knew it was in there, and it’s my job as the woman in his life to help him explore it. I grin at the thought of how special those tender words are coming from him before mouthing it back.

When Lanie makes it to the end of the aisle, Mr. Falcon gently unfolds her hand from around his forearm and guides her hand into the crook of Noel’s arm.

Noel’s gaze never leaves Lanie’s face. It’s in that moment I truly see how much love he has for her. While their relationship has had a rocky path to get to this happy point, kind of like Zach and me. Things for them will work out because they love each other, and as they say, love conquers all.

Lanie hands me her bouquet and joins hands with Noel.

“Dearly beloved. We are gathered here together in the presence of family, friends and loved ones to unite Noel Falcon and Lanie Vance in holy matrimony…”The pastor proceeds with the ceremony while my best friend stares into the eyes of the man she loves.

A tear wells up in my eye and before I know it, I’m batting them away like crazy. I’m happy for her, but it also saddens me to know that our friendship will now change. We’re growing up and she and Noel are starting a family of their own.

Noel grins as he answers, “I do.”

The same vows are directed to Lanie and she half laughs while crying as she answers, “I do.”

The pastor points his gaze at Zach. “The rings?”

Zach fishes them from the inside pocket of his tux and places them in the pastor’s outstretched hand.

The rings are held up for the crowd to see as he says, “The rings you chose are made of one of the strongest, and most precious minerals our earth has to offer. These rings will withstand the test of time and symbolize the love you two have for one another. Noel will you take this ring and place it on Lanie’s left hand and repeat after me.”

Noel slips the ring on Lanie’s dainty ring finger and says, “With this ring, I thee wed all my hearts affection, all that I am, all that I ever shall be, and everything that’s apart of me, I give to you now, my wife.”

Lanie and I both sniffle along with most of the crowd as Noel gets a little choked up at the end as his emotions flood him.

“Lanie, repeat after me…” the pastor has her repeat the same vows as she places a silver band on Noel’s left hand. Her fingers shake a bit as she shoves it the rest of the way on his finger.

“Now, I want you two to look deep into each other’s eyes and think back to that moment when you knew this person was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with…” At those words spoken by the pastor, I stare at Zach who is watching me intently.

It’s hard for me to pinpoint the exact moment I knew he was the one, because I felt a connection with him almost immediately. When I saw all the layers under his macho exterior that’s when he really started tugging at my heart. His love is intense and passionate, and I’m ready to receive every bit of it that he’s willing to offer me.

“You have stepped into a deeper commitment today, and I charge you to keep true to the vows you’ve made to one another today. Noel, your bride commits herself into your hands for safekeeping, placing herself into your protection for the remainder of her life. So from this day forward let no word or deed of action cloud her with tears. If there are tears, may they only be of joy.”

Noel smiles down at Lanie and wipes his eye as the pastor recites a similar speech to her. “Lanie, you have won this man’s heart with your grace, beauty and intelligence. May you comfort him in times of need and remain true. And to the both of you…always remember you’re holding your very best friend by the hand right now. Always be quick to forgive one another and cherish the love you have for one another. If you both agree to all of these things, please say I do.” Lanie and Noel both answer at the same time before he continues, “By the power vested in me by the great state of Texas, I now pronounce you man and wife. Noel, you may kiss your bride.”

Cheers erupt all around as Noel leans in and lifts Lanie’s veil before wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her lips.

Noel pulls back and gives her one last peck before she smiles at him and then turns to me for her flowers.

They face the crowd and the pastor says, “May I present to you for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Falcon.”

Another round of applause and hoots explode at the end of the dock as I watch my best friend walk down the aisle to become one with the love of her life.

Zach approaches me and I hook my arm through his. His grin as we follow Noel and Lanie down the aisle is as big a mine. It’s funny how our conceptions about a person can be totally off base. Never in a million years did I think a crude proposition from a rock star would lead me to love. He completely, and unexpectedly, stole my heart, and I was powerless to stop it.

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