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Rock My Bed

Page 67

“Isaac?” I call his name as he blasts through the door to the parking lot.

He marches out towards the car, but doesn’t stop as I keep calling his name. When he reaches Lanie’s car he jerks on the locked door handle a few times before yelling, “Fuck,” loud enough for the entire state of Texas to hear him.

I touch his arm. “Will you give me a chance to explain?”

He jerks away from my touch. “Jesus. How could you do this to me? Why did you ask me to come down here if you still have a thing going with him? I ask you point blank and you told me there was nothing going on.”

Tears well in my eyes and my entire body shakes. The look on his face crushes my heart as I realize this game Riff and I played has finally caught up with me and is affecting someone else. I never meant to hurt Isaac and right now the harsh words from his beautiful lips are deserved.

I drop my head, unwilling to face him. I deserve his cruelty, so I don’t defend myself.

The wedding gift he’d bought for Noel and Lane slams into the ground at my feet, tearing open. The crystal vases inside the box shatters upon impact and shards of glass litter the parking lot.

“How long Aubrey? How long have you been sleeping Riff behind my back? Did this go on last weekend, too?”

I lift my chin and find Isaac’s usually delightful blue eyes dark and narrowed. There’s no excuse for me to be crying other then the guilt I feel as the tears glide down my cheeks. “I—I’m sss…orry.” My words are a weak stutter, but I suddenly have no control of the panic wrecking havoc on my body.

He shakes his head. “Sorry? You’re sorry. That’s the best you can do? You lead me on for nearly two weeks and all you offer is a half-assed apology.” He throws his hands out. “And that’s only because you got caught! What? Were you planning on stringing me along until he got tired of you? Because you know he will. You told me yourself he’s the biggest manwhore in the band. What makes you think you’ll be any different? That you mean anything to him?”

This is the most angry I’ve ever seen Isaac and it’s hard for me to witness the nicest man I’ve ever known lose his head right in front of my eyes. The one thing I never wanted to happen did. I’ve ruined this relationship, but I love Zach. I can’t fight my feelings for him.

“I don’t know what else I can say,” I whisper, still at a loss.

“There’s nothing you can say. People at the office were right to gossip about you and call you a fucking whore.” His words tear at my heart and I bury my face in my hands.

“That’s enough!” Zach’s voice cuts across the lot and I suck in a quick breath. “Don’t you say another goddamn word to her or so help me…”

Isaac laughs. “So help you what? She’s my date. I can say what ever the fuck I want to her, so butt out!”

“She is mine,” Zach growls as he steps between Isaac and me. “And she’s been mine long before you ever came into the fucking picture. She’s only with you because I couldn’t get my shit together. You were a distraction.”

Isaac’s eyes narrow. “Whatever. You’re probably right. She’s not worth it anyhow.”

Without warning, Zach draws back and blasts Isaac square in the nose with his fist, shattering Isaac’s glasses. Isaac grabs his face as blood pours from his nose while shock registers on his face. “Don’t you ever talk about her like that again you son-of-a-bitch.”

“Not a problem.” Isaac’s watering eyes flick to mine. “Aubrey, you’re fired. Don’t bother coming back to the office. I don’t ever want to see your face again. I’ll have your personal belongings shipped to you.”

I nod as the realization I’ve lost more than my companionship with Isaac hits me hard and tears flood down my face.

Zach watches me cry and he growls, “Shut the fuck up and leave already you fucking Ken doll want-to-be or I’ll make sure you never speak another word to her or anyone else ever again.”

Isaac shakes his head and throws his hands up in surrender, clearly not wanting to test Zach’s threat.

The tension in Zach’s drawn fists relaxes as Isaac heeds his warning and walks away. Tears keep falling as I hate myself for being an awful person, but know deep down being with Zach is the right thing to do.

“Don’t cry.” Zach pulls me into a tight hug, wrapping his strong, tattooed arms around my small waist. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

I sniff. “Me too, but if that’s the price I have to pay to be with you, I’d do it all over again.”

“I want you to know, I meant what I said earlier. I love you with every inch of my broken soul. I know it’s a mess, but I’m giving you all the pieces, hoping you can make sense of it. I love you, Kitten.” He kisses my lips and warmth surrounds my entire body and a sense of security flows through me as we stay wrapped in one another’s arms.

Chapter 23


I fluff out Lanie’s wedding dress as we stand in her kitchen waiting for the signal it’s time for her to walk down the aisle. Her dress is bell shaped, showing off her naturally tiny waist and slim arms. The side of the dress has black designs in the tulle and looks very befitting for a rocker wedding.

This is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen her. She’s practically glowing.

“I wish they’d hurry up. I’m starting to sweat,” Lanie complains as she fans herself with her hand to keep the newly applied makeup from melting off.

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