I peer down at her. “What makes you think I want her?”

She laughs. “Come on. We all know it. It’s you that can’t admit your own feelings about her.”

I sigh and go back to looking at shirts. “You’re her best friend. Aren’t you supposed to protect her from assholes like me?”

She shakes her head. “Not when the asshole is in love with her.”

“I don’t want to hurt her,” I whisper.

Lanie places her small hand on top of mine that’s resting on the rack. “Then stop what you’re doing, because I know she loves you, too. If you keep fighting it, both of you are going to end up miserable and hating each other.”

I swallow hard. It’s not my intention to ever hurt her but that’s exactly what I’m doing by trying to push her away. It kills me to know I’m hurting her.

Noel comes out wearing the tux he picked out and runs his hand through his thick, dark hair. “What do you think?

Lanie squeals the moment she sees him and rushes into his arms. “You look hot, baby.”

I turn away as their make-out session commences.

My thoughts drift to my time with Kitten and how happy I felt when I was with her. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and Lanie’s right. I’m an idiot for throwing it away. I need to make this right with her. I still want her, but I’m afraid she’ll tell me to take a flying leap because I lied to her about already sleeping with other people. I don’t care if she’s slept with that fucking Ken doll of a boss of hers. It doesn’t matter. If she did, I know she probably only did it because of the lie I told her.


I can’t believe this is the weekend my best friend gets married. It feels surreal to me. I can only imagine what it’s like for her to finally marry the man she’s loved for so long.

The minute my plane lands I turn on my cell phone and a text from Isaac pops up on the screen.

Isaac: My flight lands tomorrow at ten in the morning. Thank you for asking me to be your date to the wedding.

I smile. He’s so well mannered and the complete opposite of Zach.

I lay my head back against the seat. After last weekend, I don’t look forward to seeing him again. It’s hard enough knowing we have to walk down the aisle without killing each other at the wedding. Why did Noel have to pick him as the best man?

Aubrey: See you then.

Coming down the escalator to baggage claim, I immediately spot Zach standing with his little sign waiting for me again.

Great. This is going to be another fun weekend.

Why am I not surprised to see him? I’m beginning to think he’s getting some sick thrill by torturing me. And why would Lanie allow it? I know she’s busy, but couldn’t she send one of the twins instead?

Zack tugs his ball cap low on his forehead and a places a pair of dark sunglasses over the bill. I hate the fact that even though I’m pissed at him for hurting me, I still think he looks good in his jeans and form-fitting black t-shirt.

Zach grabs my bag from my hand and says, “It’s good to see you.”

I stare at him with narrowed eyes. “Don’t!” I snap at him. “After last weekend I’m over you.”

A pained look overtakes his face as I turn on my heel to head for the exit.

I only make it one step before he grabs my wrist and stops me in my tracks. “Look, I was a jackass last weekend. You don’t deserve to be treated that way. I’m sorry.”

His eyes seem sincere, but his apology doesn’t make me feel any better or make me forget what he’s done. “I will accept your apology so we can get through this weekend, but it still doesn’t change anything between us. You sleep with other women and shove it in my face to hurt me on purpose.”

He takes his sunglasses off and rests them over top of his hat and leans into my face. “So, what if I have? You’re fucking your boss! Don’t you think that hurts me?”

I try to yank my arm free, because all I want to do is smack his face. The harder I yank the tighter his grip gets. “Let go of me!”

Zach shakes his head. “What is this? You get to hate me all you want, but when I mention you’re doing the exact same thing you get pissed!”

“It’s not the same thing,” I huff, knowing that simple kisses are as far as I’ve been with Isaac.

He pulls me into him and forces me to look him in the eye. “Are you fucking him?”

I want to hurt him, like he hurt me so I refuse to give him a straight answer. “That’s none of your business.”

“It is my business! Now tell me!” One last jerk and my arm’s free. I rub my wrist as I stay silent and gaze up at his face. His eyes never leave mine. It’s almost as if he’s studying me while his jaw works under his skin, trying to get the truth out of me. “Are you sleeping with him?”

I fold my arms. There’s no way I’m going to make this easy on him. “You left me, remember! Why aren’t you happy about this? It’s what you wanted.”

He drops my bag and grabs me by the shoulders. “Because you’re mine! Can’t you see that? I still want you and I know you want me too.”

I gasp and my mouth drops open. Why would he say this to me now? Is it because I’m dating Isaac and he can’t have me now? Well, too bad. I’m not going to let him play around with my heart anymore. “You told me to move on, so that’s what I did. Get over it!”

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