I readjust in my seat. “Sorry, I’m still here. The guys are all coming in. Looks like Lane’s staying on the bus with us for a while.”

“That’s great. She and Noel need some time together to finish reconnecting.”

I sigh. “It’d be better if you were here.”

“I’m hoping soon. I can take a half day off work on a Friday and fly out to you for the weekend sometime this month. I don’t think I can go an entire month without seeing you,” she says.

I know it’s twisted to enjoy someone’s misery, but I kind of like the idea that she’s missing me. It makes me feel almost downright giddy.

I try to frown as I say, “Soon,” but I don’t think I succeed because even I can hear the smile in my voice.

I roll my eyes. I’ve actually turned into one of those pussy-whipped pansies I always make fun of. Good god. What’s this girl doing to me?


After three weeks of constant texting and emails I don’t know how much longer I can go without seeing Kitten. This distance thing is killer. I’d give anything to be able to hold her in my arms all night like I did back at her apartment.

The catering area backstage at this show is pretty small. The room holds two round tables with four seats at each. Part of the road crew for Black Falcon fill one table, while the other is populated by Striker and Donovan from Embrace the Darkness. I roll my eyes and head to their table. I’d prefer to stay away from these two assholes, but I’m not going to let them bully me out of a seat to eat my dinner.

I sit down and open my silverware packet and pill out a plastic knife to butter my roll. The two men look up at me as I sit down without asking permission. Striker tucks a strand of his black hair behind his ear and relaxes, while Donovan smirks next to him.

Striker eyes me as I prep my food. “Hey, mate. How’s it going?”

His British accent is so strong at times it’s hard to understand him.

“Good. You?” I return pleasantries before I take a bite of food.

“Not bad. Say…” He leans in on his elbow. “I heard that little dish, Lanie Vance is staying on with Noel. Is that true, then?”

I swallow hard. “You better be careful with that. Noel’s not messing around when it comes to her. He’s serious about her. I suggest you stay away from her if you know what’s good for you.”

Both men laugh and my fingers curl into fists.

“Right, well, I don’t think I’ll be taking lessons in love from the likes of you. No offense, mate, but you don’t exactly have longevity with the ladies,” Striker says.

Donovan shakes his head next to him. “I don’t know. He’s seems attached to the red-head he’s been fucking—tries to fight me every time I tried to get a piece of that action.”

“Watch it, dick.” Anger rages through me and I fantasize about punching this dick square in the throat.

Donovan throws his hands up in surrender. “Easy. Take it easy. She’s yours. I fucking get that. It doesn’t mean I still don’t think she’s hot as fuck, because let’s face it. She is.”

I uncurl my fingers and they throb as the blood begins to flow back into them. He’s right. Kitten is a sexy woman. I noticed her beauty right away, so I imagine the rest of the male and half the female population does, too. First it was Donovan, then that pencil-dick boss of hers and I’m sure they won’t be the last.

I need to figure out a way to cool all my emotional shit before she gets tired of my bullshit.

I shrug causally. “She is, and I plan on keeping her all to myself for a very long time.”

“Blimey,” Striker says. “Are you telling me the biggest player I know is settling down?”

“It’s time, man. She’s the one.”

It’s a lot easier than I thought to admit my feelings. Maybe it’s because Aubrey makes me feel so different, that it feels natural to want to be a different person—a better one.

Still, I don’t want to push this level of calm anymore. If I stay here much longer I may rip their heads off. I finish my plate and stand before taking off towards the bus.

A string of groupies line the parking lot. They instantly paw at me the moment I’m within reach. Normally I would be eyeing one to hand a golden ticket to, but I have absolutely no desire for random sex. I only crave realness and that’s something only one woman in the entire world has ever given me. There’s no way I would break the little bit of trust we’ve built on a random fling.


My cell rings while I’m at work and I curse myself for not muting my ringer here. If someone’s personal cell goes off with a music ringtone these people love to hand out dirty looks like candy.

I yank it out of my purse and answer Lanie’s call. “What’s up? Can I call you back in a bit?”

“This will only take a second,” she says in a rush. “My mother fell and broke her leg.”

I gasp. “Oh my god. Is she okay?”

“I hope so. I’m on my way to Texas as we speak to find out what’s going on and take care of her. Quitting my job couldn’t have worked out better since I would’ve probably been fired for taking time off anyhow.”

“Fate has a strange way of pointing us in the directional path of our life. That’s for sure.”

She sighs. “Isn’t that the truth? I’ll call you when I find out more about her.”

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