She frowns. “You sure you’re going to be all right by yourself?”

I sniff and then smile, hoping to lighten the mood. “Are you kidding? Now I can have all the wild sex parties I want with you gone. Maybe I can even get Riff to visit.”

She rolls her eyes. “I’ll tell him you miss his…”

I smack her arm. “Don’t you dare tell him that, no matter how true it is. That boy has one giant—”

She shoves her index fingers in her ears. “La! La! La! La! Not listening to you!”

I laugh. “Go on smartass, before you miss your flight. Riff says the pass to get into the V.I.P show for tonight will be at the door under Long-Dick Dong?”

She shakes her head. “Those guys really love giving that pseudonym. I’m so glad to hear he and Noel are working things out since Mike finally told them the truth.”

I sigh. “Me too. I can’t believe that bitch would do that to them. Doesn’t she know she nearly destroyed one of the greatest rock bands ever?”

“Love makes people do insane things, Aubrey. Look at me. I’m traveling cross-country to apologize to a man I’m not even sure wants me anymore. He’s not called once in the last couple days since he learned the truth. This is probably a mistake.”

I push her long, brown hair over her shoulder. “The only mistake when it comes to love, is not going for it.”

As I say those words I realize that’s some pretty sound advice and wonder why I’ve been too stupid to take it myself.


The next couple of days drag on without Lanie. Sure, I missed her before, but I knew she was coming back so it wasn’t as bad. Now, with her gone for good, I’m completely alone in this big city, with only my co-workers who don’t speak to me much.

“Hey, Aubrey. You got a second?” Isaac asks from his doorway.

I nod. “Sure.”

I pick up my notepad and head into his office behind him. Isaac sits in the chair opposite his desk and gestures for me to take the one next to him. I look down at the legal pad in my hand. Something tells me I really didn’t need this.

Isaac clears his throat. “I wanted to check in with you and see if you’ve thought about what we talked about the other day?”

I twist my lips. “I’m not sure I follow you.”

“About us?”

I tense a little in my seat as it suddenly clicks I’m kind of playing two men. I’m not a woman that does that, at least, not intentionally. Things with Zach have gotten more complicated since I went out and grabbed a drink with Isaac and stated trying out the idea of dating him.

How can I tell Isaac I’m just not that into him without making things tense for me here at work?

I sigh. “Right now isn’t a good time for me to date anyone.”

He rubs his chin and glances down at the floor. “Fair enough. I hope we can still remain friends?”

I smile. “Friends it is.”

He thrusts his hand out to me and I give it a firm couple of shakes after I stand. “Guess we should get back to work then.”

Isaac frowns as I let go and turn towards the door. I feel terrible for hurting his feelings, but it’s better than leading him on more when my heart isn’t fully in it.

I halt mid-step the moment my eyes land on my desk chair. Zach sits in it, with his long legs stretched out and his hands behind his head. His full lips pull into a slow grin the moment our eyes meet. I allow my eyes to rake over him. The dark jeans fit snuggly around his powerful thighs and his hair pokes up at the ceiling in true Riff style. He looks just as good as I remembered.

I glance around and notice all my female co-workers watching us intently. I’m sure their curious what this tattooed man is doing making himself at home in my seat.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper harshly as I walk over to him.

He shrugs with his head still propped up. “I had a little time off, so I decided to come see my favorite girl.”

I walk over to my desk and throw my paper and pen down. “And you decided to come here while I’m working. Why didn’t you text me and let me know that you were coming?”

“I didn’t want to give you a chance to tell me not to come. Once I was in the cab, I told the driver to bring me here.”

I glance nervously over my shoulder. All I need is for Isaac to see me with another man after I told him I didn’t want to date anyone right now. “Where are you staying? After work I’ll come visit you.”

He wiggles his eyebrows. “I planned on staying with you since I know Lanie isn’t there.”

Great. “Zach, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

He shrugs again. “Okay then, I’ll sit here with you until you get off work and you can come help me find a hotel. It’s nearly four, so you won’t be much longer, right?”

I run my hand through my hair. I hate being bullied into situations. “All right, fine. If you promise to go right now so I don’t get into trouble with my boss, you can stay with me.”

Zach’s grin gets even wider as he stands. “Where do you live?”

I snatch a scrap piece of paper off my desk and write down my address. “I’ll meet you there at five fifteen.”

He takes the paper from me. “How will I get in?”

I walk around him and open my bottom desk drawer. After retrieving my keys from my purse, I hand them to Zach. “Go ahead and make yourself at home until I get there and leave it unlocked for me. I have the feeling we’ll need to have a little chat about the boundaries of our friendship.” Copyright 2016 - 2024