“Hey, if it isn’t sleeping beauty,” Trip teases. “Lonely back there in the love shack?”

A blush creeps up into her cheeks as we all laugh. She squeezes in next to me on the love seat and lowers her chin to avoid our stares.

Trip and Tyke gravitate back to the Xbox to resume the game they were playing.

Trip looks over at Lanie and smirks. “Lanie, since he isn’t here, you have to tell us what Noel was like when you guys dated before.”

“Yeah,” Tyke agrees, while adjusting the bandanna on his forehead. “We need dirt—the good stuff. Did he get the crap kicked out of him in school? We need ammo to torment him.”

She shrugs. “Sorry, guys. There’s isn’t much to tell. Noel’s pretty straight laced. He doesn’t have many secrets.”

“That you know of,” I chime in.

Her head snaps toward me. “What’s that supposed to mean? You keep alluding to some big thing Noel is keeping from me.”

I shrug. She really doesn’t have a fucking clue. Damn him. I knew it. “It means just that.”

“Noel doesn’t keep things from me. He doesn’t like secrets between us.”

“Well maybe you should—”

“Dude!” Trip cuts me off. “Now is not the time, man.”

“You don’t think she should know? I guarantee he hasn’t told her. Look at her face.” I point to Lanie. “She has no fucking clue what I’m talking about. I’m trying to look out for her. She’s a nice girl and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

Trip rubs his forehead. “I know. I know. But, it’s not our place to tell her.”

Lanie waves her hand. “Guys, I’m right here. Tell me what the fuck is going on.”

I set my eyes on her. She really does look clueless, like she trusts him completely and it makes me feel pity for her. She has to know. I don’t give a fuck who gets mad, least of all Noel. I’ve had enough of his shit. “Lanie…Noel has a girlfriend.”

She furrows her brow. “What? No way! You guys are messing with me.”

Tyke frowns, and I shake my head.

“I—I don’t believe you. He wouldn’t…No.”

I toy with the hoop through my bottom lip. “It’s true, Lanie. I’m sorry.”

She clutches her chest. I can literally see her struggle for air to breathe. She gasps with her eyes wide and then turns pale.

Fuck. I’m not prepared for this big of a freak out.

Tyke drops to his knees in front of her and places of his hands on her shoulders. “Breathe, Lanie. You’re white as snow.”

There’s a long pause as she processes the information and for a second I feel guilty for telling her, but know deep down it’s the right thing. Hopefully, this pain will be like a band-aid. One quick rip and done.

She raises her head and questions, “How long?”

“How long what, Lanie?” Tyke asks.

“The girl. Has he been with her long?” Tyke looks to Trip then to me for an answer. He hates being wrapped up in drama of any kind. Guess it’s up to me to field this one.

I roll my lips into a line, and this is harder to do than I thought. “Not long—only a few months.”

“This whole time—why would he do this?”

“Because Noel Falcon is a selfish prick,” I say. “He doesn’t give a shit about anybody but himself.”

She scrubs her fingers down her face. “Oh, god. I can’t believe this.”

I touch her shoulder gingerly. “I’m sorry, Lanie. He’s a shit.”

Her face twists and it’s obvious she’s fighting back tears. Her legs wobble as she pushes herself up from the seat.

“Lanie? Are you all right?” Tyke asks.

“I’m fine,” she says before heading towards bedroom door, slamming it behind her.

As soon as she’s gone Trip turns around and glares at me. “Jesus! What the fuck was that?”

I rub my forehead. I knew he’d be all over my ass. “Don’t start. It had to be done, man.”

“But I told you, nothing good would come of doing that.”

My eyebrows crinkle. “Her knowing is good. Noel needs to take some responsibility for his actions. Someone needed to force his hand.”

“And that had to be you? Don’t you know how much shit this is going to stir up? We’re already struggling to keep this band together as is. Do you want to fuck this all up on purpose for us?”

I shake my head. “No! I just…”

I stop myself from yelling out that Noel’s a selfish prick and I’m done with that fucking asshole.

I sigh. “Look, I’ll go talk to her, okay.”

Trip glances at his brother and then back to me. “You better fix this, man. This band is my fucking life.”

I shove up from the love seat and head towards the back of the bus. I knock softly on the door. I feel like a complete ass for saying anything now, but she needed to hear the truth.

When she doesn’t answer, I open the door slowly. The mattress is bare and the sheets lay in a massive heap in the corner of the small room. She’s a fucking tornado when she’s pissed.

Her tear streaked face stares up at me, and I can see how torn up she is. Her shoulders sag as she pats the spot beside her on the bed.

I give her the best smile I can muster, but I know it’s sad “You okay?”

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