I shake my head, trying to rid myself of the thoughts. Who he sleeps around with is none of my concern. It just makes him look like a jackass even more if he starts stringing along this Lanie chick while he knows he’s got another woman knocked up. “Well, good luck with all that.”

“Whatever you’re thinking, don’t. I’m keeping my word to Sophie. I will be there for the baby. Lane coming back into my life won’t change the fact that I’m responsible. I’ll take care of her and stick by her side throughout the pregnancy just like I promised.”

I hold up my hand. “I don’t give a flying fuck what kind of arrangement you and Sophie have worked out. All I know is that neither of you can really stand the other. How you two are delusional enough to think you’ll be able to come together as some sort of cohesive family unit is beyond me. Thoughts like that prove to me how screwed up your concept of family is.”

“You don’t have to understand it—”

“And I don’t have to listen to you talk about it either. Like I told you before, the days of our personal friendship is over. You ruined that when you couldn’t keep your dick out of my girlfriend.”

“I told you I don’t remember sleeping with her. I didn’t do it on purpose, I was drunk. It happened. I’m sorry—”

“Save it. I’ve heard this song and dance from you before, and frankly I’m sick of it. You did it. Man up and admit it. Don’t play the victim card here.”

“God, Riff, are you ever going to accept my apology? I didn’t mean to hurt you, man.”

Hurt me? He has no fucking clue how much it actually takes to hurt me. My life has never been sunshine and rainbows, and I learned a long time ago in order to keep heavy shit away. If you don’t let people in, they can’t hurt you. Things are so much easier when you can keep the caring part of you locked away from the rest of the world. The idea of Noel hurting me is laughable, and it pisses me off that he thinks he has that much influence over me.

“Whatever. I hope she rips your heart out again for fun and I’m there to laugh when she does.” A little harsh I know, but it gets my point across.

Noel flinches as I turn around, not giving him a chance to reply. I trudge toward the security of our bus, Big Bertha, and I whip out my phone to check the time. The night’s still young. I hope that fiery, wild cat doesn’t make me wait too long. I need a good fuck to take my mind off shit.

Chapter 2


A couple days after the concert in Texas, I’m back in my comfortable little cubicle at Center Stage Marketing working away. Sometimes the work as an assistant is a little tedious, but typically, I don’t mind. My new boss, Isaac Walters, and I seem to be hitting it off.

Isaac is an up and coming hotshot at the firm. Even though he’s fairly green to the marketing world, he’s proven that he knows his stuff. Already, he’s landed major accounts that the old bloodhounds around the firm would kill to represent. I can learn a lot from him, and hopefully one day this place will give me a shot to run a few jobs on my own.

I stare at my computer screen. Ever since that crazy-random kiss from Riff, he’s been constantly hoarding every spare minute in my brain. I’ve tried to convince myself that he’s a total jackass and to forget about him, but I can’t.

Stupid body for getting turned on by him.

After a few simple clicks, I pull up a social media site. It feels a little creepy and a slight bit stalkerish, but my curiosity is intense. I type in Zackary Benjamin Oliver, the name behind Riff’s stage persona, and hit search. Two seconds later a few names pop up, but none of them are the man I’m looking for, which disappoints me.

I lean back in my chair and tap my bottom lip. He must only use his nickname on these types of things so his fans can follow him. I try again, only this time typing in Official Riff. The person with the most followers lands at the top of the list. It’s him. I could spot that signature, crazy hair anywhere. His page fills my screen after a few clicks and I study his profile picture. The green in his eyes is striking, and I lean in to study the rest of him. His strong jaw line, prominent nose paired with his kind eyes give him that I’m very approachable vibe, but all the tattoos scream rocker badass, quickly reminding me of his true nature. His plump top lip curls into a slight snarl, almost like he’s growling, while his hands grip his guitar in a suggestive pose.

I bite my bottom lip. Damn it! Why does he have to be so sexy?

If only things had gone better between Lanie and Noel, I wouldn’t have missed out on what I can imagine would have been an amazing one-night stand. All the what-ifs flow through my mind. If he fucked half as good as he kissed, I know it would’ve been mind blowing.

I sigh. Maybe it was for the best I didn’t hook up with him. A night like that would’ve probably ruined me for all other men and it would’ve meant nothing to a man of his stature. I’m sure he sleeps with models, actresses and any other beautiful women he wants. Compared to them I would only be a blip on his radar.

The mouse in my hand hovers over the ‘Friends’ button. I debate on opening a can of worms by connecting with him, but decide to click it anyway because what are the odds that he’ll actually remember me?

The phone on my desk rings. “Yes, Mr. Walters, what can I do for you?”

“Aubrey, can you please come to my office for a quick meeting.”

I start grabbing my tablet and pen as soon as he mentions needing to see me. “Sure, I’ll be right there.”

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