I set my empty bottle on the bar and lean into her. I push her auburn strands away from her neck and allow my fingers to trace the delicate skin right before her ear. She stiffens at first and I can see her struggle internally before I feel the tension leave her.

Her shoulder pushes into my chest as I dip my head and trace her jaw with my nose. It’s such an intimate move to make inside this tight bar where there’s probably fifty eyes trained on us, but I don’t care. If I wait any longer to get close to her, I might explode.

When I reach her ear, my tongue darts out and I taste the flesh of her earlobe. She squeezes her eyes shut and her mouth drops open a bit. The smell of her fruity shampoo and perfume fills my nose and my cock jerks.

I lick my lips and reach around to play with the hem of her shirt. “I don’t think I can wait any more.”

She turns to face me, our noses nearly touching. “Then don’t. Tonight I’m yours, remember?”

“Mine?” I swallow at the sound of that word in my head. I’ve never tried to claim a woman before and I have no fucking clue why I told her she was mine earlier tonight. But it feels right, which is completely fucked up, because I know I don’t deserve anything good in my life. I ruin everything I touch. Every person that’s ever mattered in my life has told me that at one point or another, so I know a future with anyone is out of the question. God strike me down for wanting to get to know this girl. I’m no fucking good for her.

I take her beer from her and toss it into a nearby trashcan before taking her hand into mine. “Let’s go.”

I need to fuck her—the sooner the better. It’s the only way I know that’ll get her out of my system.

Chapter 7


Riff swipes his room key in the door and it flashes green. That looks like a green light if I’ve ever seen one. I take a deep breath. It looks like it’s go time—now’s the time for me to make my mark.

He holds the door open for me and I step through the threshold backwards while grabbing a handful of his t-shirt in my fists. Riff’s eyebrows shoot up for a brief second and then he grins devilishly. He likes me taking control. I can see it in his eyes.

The door closes with a bang and I throw my arms around his neck, crushing my lips to his. He doesn’t hesitate, not even for a brief second, before he tangles his hands in my hair and deepens our kiss. We melt together and start peeling off layers of clothes.

Neither of us speak, which is fine by me. We both know what we’re here for. There’s no need for empty words or promises neither of us intend to keep. Instead, we both focus on the here and now, allowing our mouths, lips and tongues every opportunity to explore each other.

Once we are both down to our underwear, he steps back, allowing himself a moment to take in the sight of my nearly naked body. Unsure of what to do with my hands, I arch my back, throwing my plan to seduce him into action. My bare shoulders rest against the door and I run both of my hands into my hair, attempting to be as sexy as I possibly can. Confidence is key in any situation when trying to maintain power. I’ve learned that much from my new boss already. So, I keep eye contact with him and lift my chin.

It must be working because Riff bites his lip as his hungry eyes drink me in. “You are too fucking sexy for your own good.”

Any games I remotely thought about teasing him with at the moment fly out the window. Riff grips my hips in his hands and pushes me against the door. The hard length underneath his boxers presses against my stomach and I lick my lips in anticipation. His lips fly over every inch of my neck before he dips his head and kisses the tops of my breasts. I throw my head back and a moan escapes me.

Why does his mouth have to feel so amazing?

My hands trail up the taut muscles in his back as he rises up and kisses my mouth. His expert hands undo the hooks on my bra quickly, before he peels it off, letting it fall to the floor by our feet. He runs his hands down my sides and pauses at my hips. I suck in a quick breath as he shoves my underwear down around my ass before gripping my bare bottom. This only excites him further. His mouth flies into a fury, tasting every inch of my skin that he can.

Instead of taking the time to slide my panties down, he grabs one side and rips them at the seams. The loose, lacy material falls limply down my leg after a quick shove from Riff.

Riff growls against my skin as he grabs my ass and hoists me into the air. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist as he balances my weight against the door and allow my fingers to run across the stubble of his recently shaved head.

He grinds his pelvis into mine and it’s almost more than I can take to know only a thin piece of fabric separates me from the relief that only he can give me. “Oh, god, Riff.”

It comes out almost like a plea and I can hear the desperation in my voice for him to take me.

“Don’t call me that. Not in here,” he whispers roughly in my ear. “Call me Zach.”

I’ll call him whatever he wants as long as he doesn’t stop touching me. Every move he makes is right, turning me on to the point of nearly losing my mind—so much for taking control of this situation.

I kiss his mouth feverishly while the head of his penis rubs against my sweet spot. “Take me, Zach.”

In any other moment, I would’ve laughed at myself for sounding like a cheesy twit, but they’re the only words I can find that express exactly what I need.

I want him. Now.

Zach growls as soon as his name leaves my lips and he turns us around and tosses me down on the bed. I prop my weight up on my elbows to get a better look. He grins as he shoves down his boxers, putting himself on full display for me. I stare at him, taking in his god-like physique. Full sleeves of tattoos proudly cover every inch of his impressive forearms. Muscle lines every inch of him and his chest displays a vast array of artwork as well. My eyes pass over his nipple piercings and land on a line of script directly over his heart. The name Hailey stands out boldly against a series of hearts.

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