“You know, as I was sitting in the police department earlier, I had a thought.”


“At this point, if it weren’t for Candace, I would have no problem moving away with you and Kelsey. Starting over somewhere else…yeah, it sounds pretty awesome right about now. You were right. But now she’s in the picture, and…” He trailed off, frustrated at his own inability to express in words what he was feeling: that no matter what she said to him, or what she did, he wasn’t going anywhere. He could keep his word on that, at least.

“You’ll get things up and going again, don’t worry. Shut down for a couple of weeks or so, get everything functional and you’ll be fine. While you were in giving your statement, I called to have your front windows replaced. They’re going to get to it as fast as they can, so at least everything will be protected from the elements.”

“Thanks, man. For everything. And I’m sorry about all— Shit. I’m just sorry.”

Evan glanced at him, then clapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t mention it.”

Brian drew a deep breath, trying to clear out all the gnawing emotion. “Does Dad know?”

“Yeah, I called him too. He’ll help out any way he can. We all will.”

“You guys have given me too much already. I’m starting all over again.”

“Now you’re just being dramatic. Your insurance should cover criminal mischief.”

“That’s great and all, but I still feel like I’m rebuilding the place practically from the ground up, and I want that piece of crap to pay for it, because he can. This was personal, and I want it taken out of his ass.”

“Regardless, we can’t sit around and wait for that to happen. I know you’re pissed, but keep your head on straight.” When Brian didn’t reply, Evan went on. “Everyone is really proud of you, whether you see it or not. And we’re all outraged about this. The damage is definitely in the felony range. If Jameson Andrews did this, they won’t let me work the case but I’ll have a damn good time watching his ass get nailed for every penny.”

They turned onto Dermamania’s street, and Brian’s stomach pitched in sick dismay as the eyesore it now was swung into view. Dramatic, my ass, he thought. Somehow, after being away for a few hours, it looked even worse than before. “You and me both.”

Candace took the week to concentrate on her finals and unwind from the wild events of the prior weekend. Once that was over and done with—and she somehow passed all her courses—she welcomed the lazy days of summer break. She didn’t plan on having too many of them; she spent most of her time poring over want ads and turning in job applications. Even if it was something part time she could fit around her class schedule this fall, having that tiny bit of independence could only be helpful to the soul.

And thank God, she got her period. When it was a day late, she’d nearly panicked, thinking that one moment of forgetfulness might’ve had far more serious repercussions than she’d imagined possible. It might feel awesome and romantic in the moment to think about Brian’s baby growing in her belly, but for twenty-four long hours she’d done nothing but bite her nails and wonder what on God’s green earth she’d do with a kid at this point. Yeah, she’d definitely been scared straight on that one. She’d gone straight to her doctor and gotten on the Pill.

Whenever Brian called, she answered, like he’d said she would. But surprisingly, he didn’t push her. He talked about how Dermamania V2, as he called it, was coming along. She could tell how excited he was to be reopening soon. He and his employees and Evan had been working every day cleaning up the place. Kara and Marco had come down to lend him any equipment he needed until he got his own. Candace was disappointed she didn’t get a chance to see them, but she was determined to stay away for now.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out his strategy. His way of chasing her was giving her the space she’d demanded. It was working better than any flowers, gifts, candy or stalking techniques he could ever have employed, because she missed him like crazy.

She wanted to run to him, and knew she couldn’t. Not yet. There were so many reasons: for herself, for her family where things were slowly getting back to normal. For the fragile relationship with her parents, who seemed to be looking at her in a new light. Despite everything, she found she needed and wanted their support. In the beginning it had been much like walking on eggshells, but now she and her mother had been getting along better than she could ever remember since she was a kid. Seeing Brian again so soon might only tear it all down again.

And then there was her brother to deal with.

Jameson was an entirely different story. He’d sported two black eyes for days. She visited her parents quite often, and he was always there, as if he was hiding out. He might as well move back home, for the way he lingered. It was one more thing that added to her suspicion.

He was scared. A ringing phone or a knock at the door could make him jump out of his skin. But damn if she could get him to crack, no matter how many knowing smiles she sent his way. Her very existence had become all about torturing him.

“It’s only a matter of time before they catch the guy,” she told him ominously one night at dinner when her mom and dad left the room for a moment.

And the next evening: “The investigation is moving right along. Evan says they’re closing in.”

“Who cares,” he would growl every time.

And she’d return with some variation of, “Doesn’t it bother you that vandals are running loose through town? Although it’s funny they haven’t hit any other businesses, don’t you think? Just Brian’s. I wonder why.”

There were times he would get up and leave the room.

He was so freaking guilty. And there was nothing she could do about it…except make his life hell, as Starla had said.

Nothing she could do about it…until one very shocking phone call.

Macy sounded funny from the moment Candace answered. It was extremely odd for her to ask how things were going with Brian, but it was one of her first questions.

“They’re…okay,” Candace told her. “We’re just talking, letting things cool off. I think all I needed was to step back and catch my breath. Now I’ve caught it, and everything is clear, and I don’t feel right without him.”

For some reason, that made Macy dissolve into tears. “I’m so sorry.”

Dumbfounded, Candace muted the volume on her TV and sat up straight on her couch. “Mace, what’s the matter?”

“I’ve got something to tell you,” she sobbed. “You’re going to hate me.”

What in the hell? Candace spent the next two minutes trying to calm her friend down, assuring her there was nothing she could do to make Candace hate her. Although, given the girl’s reaction, that still remained to be seen.

“I was at Dermamania the night it was vandalized. I saw Jameson’s SUV drive by once, really slow. The only reason I even noticed it is because it looked so much like his, and I wondered if it was him and what he would be doing there. When I left later on, it was parked in a lot a couple of blocks down. I thought surely I was mistaken. But now, after what happened between him and Brian…”

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