“I have to get back tomorrow. I have finals starting Monday.”

“Shouldn’t you be studying?”

“I’ll be okay. And I know there are other options out there for me, so I don’t give a damn what they think or do anymore. But I’m so used to them taking care of everything. I’m scared.”

“It’s scary for anyone. You just buckle down and get through it. But in your case, I’d wager it’s mostly their fault for sheltering you so damn much.” He gently stroked her face with his thumb. “All locked up high in your tower. I want to rescue you.”

“Like a knight in a fairy tale?” Her voice was quivering, and he wondered why. Here he was trying to be all white-knight dashing for her…

“Yeah, sweetie. Just like that.” He kept soothing her, rubbing her back, tracing the line of her nose with the barest brush of his lips until he felt her relax.

“That’s what I’ve always dreamed of. What I’ve always wanted.”

“Well, that’s good. You’ve got it now.”

“But what I’ve realized lately is that as much as I’ve fantasized about the fairytale, and wanted it to be you, what’s become most important to me is getting to a point where I’m able to save myself.”

He probably had no business being proud of anyone. It sounded condescending, and he was certainly in no position for that. The emotion that swelled in his chest for her was more like reverence. If she would keep him around so he could watch her spread her wings and fly, it would be enough. But he wanted to be right by her side. “I’m there in whatever capacity you need me. Savior or cheerleader, whatever. I’m flexible.”

“God, I love you,” she whispered, tilting her head so that she captured his mouth with hers.

Let tomorrow take care of itself, he thought. She might have left a clusterfuck waiting back home, but tonight, they only had each other. And her lips were so sweet against his, he could have eaten her alive.

In fact, that sounded like a damn good idea.

Chapter Seventeen

His friends were going to take one look at her and know, but Candace didn’t mind. In fact, it gave her a wicked little thrill.

Every time she moved, she felt him. He’d left a raw, aching fullness between her legs that kept her on the verge of arousal even when he wasn’t anywhere near her. Whenever she sat, she found it hard to resist grinding her hips in tiny circles to drive the sensation deeper, to send aftershocks through her body.

The faint pink mark of possession he’d left on her neck when they’d been waiting in line after the concert was plainly visible when she was wearing this tank top. She loved that it was there…even if her mom would have called her a trashy whore. The thought made her chuckle, though it was grim.

There was the music to face today.

She didn’t want to go. She could’ve lived forever in that hotel room with him, if it meant never having to face the world again. With his arms around her, she had the only thing she needed.

They stopped for breakfast and lingered over coffee, putting off the inevitable as long as possible. Her stomach felt jittery as she watched him, finding pleasure in even the most mundane things like his lips closing around his fork and the way he held his coffee mug. She would probably never get over her fascination with his mouth and his hands. Both were such efficient instruments at driving her wild.

Back at Kara’s, the crew was apparently still asleep. Brian said they’d probably only just gone to bed. Kara answered his insistent knocking with a big yawn, wearing a huge T-shirt and her hair an unruly mess. “Hey, guys. You look way too bright-eyed. Coffee?”

“Just had some, but I can always use more,” he said. They stepped in, and Candace had to laugh at the carnage of bodies and blankets and air mattresses strewn throughout the spacious living room.

“Yeah, we had a few more people come over last night,” Kara said, following her gaze as they walked toward the kitchen. She wasn’t bothering to keep her voice down. Given the snores, those guys could have slept through an earthquake. “Probably a good thing you two went elsewhere if you wanted privacy. Our neighbors are going to lynch us someday.”

“Sorry to get you up, but we need to round up my guys and get back home.” His hand stroked up and down Candace’s back. “She has finals starting tomorrow and I want to make sure she studies.”

“I told you I’d be fine,” she protested, giving him a pinch on the butt.

Kara was watching them with a knowing smile as she pulled mugs down out of the cabinet. “Awww. You guys.”

“By the way,” Candace said to her, “thank you. A million times.” The memory of the way it had felt when he stroked her depths with those beads still drove shudders through her.

Brian looked at her suspiciously as Kara laughed. “You’re welcome a million times. And I was joking yesterday. All I require as thanks is that you come with him whenever he visits us. We’d like to get to know you better.”

“Deal,” she said.

“I won’t let you corrupt her,” Brian said with mock warning. “That’s my job.”

It took forever to get the others roused, and then a heated argument ensued over who was going with Brian and who was staying to get some more sleep and riding back later with Connor and Tay. Since space was limited in Connor’s car, at least a couple of them were going to have to go with Brian.

“I’m never riding with anyone else again. I’ll find my own damn way,” Ghost complained. “Dragging my ass out of bed two days in a row…” He grumbled on into incoherence.

“Good,” Brian said, cutting him off. “All I know to tell you guys is to draw straws. And anyone scheduled to work tonight better have their asses there on time.”

A chorus of groans went up. “Shit, that’s me,” Starla said. “I’d better ride with you, then. Oh, Brian, I almost forgot.” She tugged her shirt up a bit, separating it from the waistband of her shorts to reveal a funny little happy face drawn on her midriff. “I got Jonathan Davis’s autograph! He was doing a DJ set at the club we went to after the concert. Can you ink it on when we get back?”

Brian grinned. “Cool. Sure thing.”

“Why can’t I?” Ghost asked.

Starla dropped her shirt and rolled her eyes. “Because I’d rather not be molested throughout the process.”

The closer they got to home, the tenser Candace grew. It was back to reality. Yesterday it’d been easy to pretend today wouldn’t come. Now it was in her face.

Brian kept a firm grip on her hand as he drove. At least she had him beside her now, and she wasn’t defending this all for nothing. He was hers, and she was his, and nothing her family could say or do would change that at this point. But it was going to get ugly. Really ugly.

“What do you want to do?” he asked after everyone was dropped off and they were alone in his truck. “Do you want to come home with me?”

She blinked at him. “Really?”

“Sure. You can stay with me as long as you want.”

That would be a dream come true. And it might actually have to happen before it was all said and done, but for now, she couldn’t ask that of him. It would only be more running. She had to try to get through this on her own.

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