He grinned, and she could’ve sunk five inches into the couch for the way she melted. His teeth were perfectly straight, even and dazzling against his olive complexion. “I couldn’t believe it when you walked into my parlor the other day. It was damn sure the most pleasant surprise I’ve gotten in a while.”

That warmed her all over, rendered her momentarily speechless. “Well, good. I’d have gone in to see you sooner if I’d known you…I mean, that you…”

“Missed you?” he asked, giving her shoulder a few teasing taps.

She shivered. “Well…”

“I did. More than I wanted to admit to myself.”

What did that mean? Apparently, he wasn’t going to elaborate. Tearing his gaze away from her suddenly, he took a drink from his beer and focused on the movie again. On her flat screen, the cave-dwelling monsters were launching their attack upon the hapless spelunkers. Candace shoved the wad of popcorn she was holding into her mouth and tried to concentrate. Her phone buzzed in her jeans pocket…probably Samantha requesting another update. They would have to wait.

“Can I ask you a question?” she blurted.


“I know I said it’s not my business, so feel free to shut me down. But…why did you and Michelle break up?”

“Honey, we were just totally wrong for each other. Two more wrong-for-each-other people never existed.”

She had the feeling he was patronizing her, as if she was a naïve little girl and he was trying to protect her from all the ugliness in the world. “But what finally made you decide that?”

“I always knew that. But I was willing to let it ride.” He shrugged. “I liked her.”

Hmm. She had the feeling “liked her” equated to “she was dy***ite in the sack”. Michelle was a self-proclaimed nymphomaniac. “Did she do something?”

“Not one thing. If you want me to pinpoint some catalyst for you, I can’t. The longer it went on, the more serious it started to get, and it wasn’t happening for me. Or for her. We were both two entirely different people, heading in different directions.”

“You don’t want a commitment,” she supplied, sounding too glum to her own ears.

“Actually, I’m not opposed to a commitment, Candace.” His use of her name right then sent a funny jolt through her stomach. He didn’t look at her. “It’s a matter of finding someone who doesn’t drive me up the f**king wall.”

“Is that all you need? Someone you can tolerate? What about finding someone you love?”

“Never known it.”

“But surely you know it’s out there.”

“I guess. My brother’s in love. My parents have always been disgustingly in love. I can’t see myself ever having that.”

“Why not?”

“Damn, girl, you are inquisitive.”

She straightened, certain she was blushing. “I’m sorry. Never mind.”

“It’s all right. But let’s put you on the hot seat. Ever been in love?”

I’m at least ninety-nine percent certain I am right now. Ohhh, that was a dangerous thought to entertain. And her mind returned it way too easily. So easily it could have rolled right off her tongue. “No. I mean, I’ve loved someone, but, um…I don’t think there can be true, unequivocal love unless that person loves you in return. If they don’t, it’s just…unfulfilled. Don’t you think?”

He was watching her now. “Any man you’re in love with who doesn’t love you back is a damn fool.”

She wanted to laugh out loud. If he only knew… “That’s sweet of you to say.”

“It’s the truth,” he said, his gaze lingering on her face. Something in that dark look stirred a longing between her legs that had her shifting positions. It brought back everything she’d felt lying on that table in his back room.

“So you’re saying…I’m lovable to you?”

He shook himself suddenly, emitting a laugh that made her jump. “Oh, hell. I’ve talked myself into a corner, haven’t I? Yes, sunshine, I think you are undeniably, exquisitely…lovable.”

But could you love me?

The question hung in the air, unspoken. She had the feeling he sensed it as well as she. His gaze still searched her face as if he pondered the answer.

Filling her lungs with adequate amounts of oxygen was proving to be more of a chore as this night wore on. For probably the millionth time, she wondered how it would feel to kiss him. Amazing, that for all her inexperience, in that one particular moment she was most concerned with something as simple as a kiss. Although with him, she would lay bets it would be anything but simple.

He was staring at her lips now as if he was wondering the same thing. Reflexively, she wet them with a tiny flick of her tongue. His mouth was so sensuous, it drove her crazy. The fullness of it, the beautiful definition. There was no question that it would be strong enough to make her weak, should she ever get lucky enough to feel it touch hers.

It wasn’t to be. Blinking as if coming out of a trance, Brian turned back to the bloodbath on the screen and took a breath. Candace pulled her poor, denied lips between her teeth to repress a sigh of frustration.

Damn, damn, damn. If she didn’t have the nerve to make a move tonight, she never would. He was here, they were alone, he was drinking. Not drinking a lot, but still. Maybe she really did need a beer. It might loosen her up a bit. Too bad she couldn’t stomach the stuff.

What the hell did she need to get his attention…and keep it? Bigger boobs? Fuller lips? Ass, she had in spades. It wasn’t big, but if she did put on a few pounds, it went straight in the trunk. And she had a few she was grappling with, truth be known.

Maybe you need to act out that fantasy you had in the kitchen. Could any man really resist a naked female straddling him?

“What are you thinking about so hard over there?”

She didn’t realize she was staring at him until he spoke. Tearing her gaze away, she shook her head and grabbed another handful of butter-drenched popcorn. Something else to go straight to her butt. “Nothing.”

“Doesn’t look like it.”

“I have a major headache,” she mumbled. At this point, it wasn’t a lie.

He laughed. “Well, with the way you were looking at me, I’m led to believe it’s me. You want to call it a night?”

“No, Brian, I really don’t. Seriously, tonight would probably suck so much more if you weren’t here.”

She watched in stunned silence as he grabbed one of her throw pillows and laid it in his lap, then patted it invitingly. “Come here.”

She couldn’t get the bowl out of her way fast enough, but for the sake of dignity, she managed to not sling popcorn all over the room. Settling her head on the pillow, she almost groaned in ecstasy when his fingers sank into her hair and kneaded her scalp. A moment later, the sound slipped out despite all her desperate restraint. He chuckled, his massaging fingers draining the last of her strength. “Better already?”

“Ohhh, yes.” She’d seen him do this so many times with Michelle. The girl was like a cat; she loved to be petted. And he was very good at it. From her head down to her toes, Candace felt the tension slowly ease its grip on her muscles.

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