Teresa backed against the fence and spread her legs, already feeling the twinges of excitement skitter across her skin.

“So you’ve got a little exhibitionist in you.” Pax said, skimming his hand across her breast.

It was hot out tonight. And humid. Teresa was glad she’d worn a skirt and a tank top, because her skin was on fire, especially when AJ put his hands on her, too.

God, she’d missed them both so much. AJ kissed her and Pax put his lips to her throat and she shuddered, embracing them, pulling them against her.

“I need one of you fucking me right now.” She was panting, her pussy was wet and she ready to be fucked.

Pax turned her around and bent her over to face AJ. He lifted her skirt and jerked her panties down. She thrilled to his possession of her and raised her gaze to AJ, who was already unzipping his jeans and pulling his cock out.

“This is why we love you,” AJ said. “Because you’re perfect for us.”

“I know,” she said.

Both of them belonged to her now. She smiled at AJ and reached for his cock, drawing him closer so she could lick the wide crest as Pax nestled his hips against her and thrust inside her. She closed her eyes and felt her pussy convulse around him, then took AJ’s cock between her lips, taking all of him as he thrust deeply into her mouth.

“Ahh, baby, it’s going to be so good,” AJ said, holding on to her hair and sliding his shaft along her tongue. “I love you so much.”

She loved that he felt free enough to say it to her now, that he caressed her hair as he fucked her mouth. Pax bent over her and held her hips, stroked her breasts and nipples and kissed her neck while he fucked her.

“I love you, Teresa,” he whispered as he stroked his cock inside her. “You’re ours, forever.”

He reached around and found her clit and started to rub her. “Now come for us, honey. Come on my cock.”

She was so tightly wound, so filled with love and desire for them, that she felt the sensations deepening inside her. Pax kept the pace of massaging her clit while pounding his cock inside her, and AJ lifted her chin, forcing her gaze to his.

“I’m going to come in your mouth when you come, Teresa. We’re all going to go off together.”

The way he looked at her, the tension on his face, the love in his eyes, set her off. She kept her focus on AJ and let go, moaning around his cock, grabbing his shaft with her hands and stroking him into her mouth as she rocked back into Pax. Pax groaned and dug his fingers into her hips, pressing himself against her as came inside her in a couple hard thrusts.

AJ let go and came inside her mouth. She took all he had, holding on to his shaft and swallowing what he gave her.

They lifted her, held her while she licked her lips. Pax withdrew and pulled her panties up, helped her put her clothing back into place. Then they came together and kissed her, held her while she gathered her balance.

She wrapped her arms around both of them. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

They had both said it.

She closed her eyes and felt like the luckiest woman alive. She’d had to go through hell to get here, but she had survived and she deserved this happiness with these amazing men. She was never letting go.

PAX’S HEART SWELLED WITH MORE EMOTION AND MORE LOVE than he’d ever felt in his life. He had everything he’d ever wanted, and he was almost afraid to believe it was real. His best friend and the woman they both loved.

“So now what? How do we make this work?”

They sat at a coffee shop in town and ate, sipped coffee and talked about the three of them.

“AJ and I will still have to do our jobs, but Grange has gotten used to his people moving on with their lives and changing locations.”

AJ nodded and took her hand. “Which means we can live wherever we want, but we’ll have to travel on assignment.”

“I can live with that,” Teresa said.

“We did ask that unless there are so many assignments that all the Wild Riders are out, AJ and I won’t be assigned at the same time. That way one of us will always be here with you.”

“I thought the two of you always went out on assignment together.”

AJ nodded. “We do. We did. Now we have a woman to take care of, so we’ll change that.”

“You’re our first priority now, Teresa,” Pax said. “We want to be here for you.”

Her eyes glittered with tears. She reached out and grasped their hands. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you two.”

The waitress came over and refilled their cups, glanced down where Teresa had her hands linked with both of theirs, looked over at Teresa and winked, then walked away.

“I supposed not everyone will think me being with two men is acceptable.”

AJ grinned. “The waitress thought it was just fine.”

“What if—”

“What?” Pax asked.

“It’s jumping the gun. Never mind.”

“Teresa. If this is going to work, we need to be able to talk about anything.”

“What if I get pregnant?”

The thought of her carrying his child . . . Pax’s chest damn near burst with pride and excitement. “Do you want kids?”

“Yes, I do. Very much. I thought I’d never have them after the rape, thought I’d never be whole enough to let a man touch me. Now the thought of it—yes, I do want children.”

“Then what’s the problem?” AJ asked.

“Whose baby will it be?”

Pax looked over at AJ, and they both nodded. “It’ll be ours,” Pax said.

Teresa closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, a tear slid down her cheek. “I love you.”

Pax knew whenever she said the words, she meant she loved them both. And that would always be good enough.

“Come on,” he said, puling out his wallet to pay the bill.

They headed outside to climb on their bikes. Teresa grabbed her helmet.

“Oh, Pax?”

“Yeah, Teresa?”

“AJ’s name is Adirondack Jolon.”

Pax’s eyes widened. He looked over at AJ, who cringed.

“No shit?”

Teresa grinned. “No shit. Now that you know, it’s kind of like a secret bond. You’re sworn to never to reveal that to anyone.”

Pax shook his head. “Dude. I’m sorry.”

AJ slammed his helmet on. “Not as sorry as I am.”

Pax laughed and fired up his bike. “Let’s go home.”

He finally had a home to go to, and a woman who loved him as much as he loved her.

THEY TOOK OFF, AJ TAKING UP THE FRONT, LAUGHING AS HE realized he now had the family he’d always wanted. His best friend, and a woman they both loved.

Families were never alike from one house to another, from one generation to another. He thought of the children he and Pax would give Teresa, and realized he was nothing like his stepfather, any more than Pax was a product of the world he’d grown up in, any more than the children they’d create would be anything like they’d been.

Things were going to be different. Tonight was their new beginning.

He rode the night with a wide grin on his face and led his family home.

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