He stared at her for the longest time. Teresa did her best to look miserable and scared.

“I’m not going to let them hurt you, Teresa. I hurt you enough.”

Understatement, asshole. “Then help me. Untie me so I can get away when the time is right.”

Russ turned to look around. No one was even paying attention to them.

“Now, Russ. Please.”

He shifted back to her. “Okay. But don’t move until I tell you to. Let me do this for you. I’ll make sure no one hurts you.”

“Okay. I trust you.” About as much as Dorothy trusted the Wicked Witch of the West.

He reached around and loosened the ropes at her wrists and ankles enough that she could wriggle out of them within seconds.

“Now sit back and don’t move until I tell you.”

She sniffed and tried to look helpless as she sat back on the sofa. “Okay. Thank you, Russ.”

“I’m going to go . . . see what’s going on. I’ll be back to check on you.”

She nodded and offered up an encouraging smile. “Thank you for helping me.”

He looked down at her with such guilt. “It’s the least I can do.”

Yeah, buddy. It is the least you can do. The very least.

If he thought untying her ropes meant all was forgiven, then he was dumb as a box of rocks. She would never forgive him for what he’d done to her, for betraying his fellow club members and especially his best friend.

Some things were unforgivable.

But she’d managed to manipulate him into untying her. Step one was successful. At least she’d be free and untethered now when it all went down; she could move around the building and possibly do something to help AJ.

She kept her eye on the guy she’d found out was named Magee, the one who’d actually stabbed Larks. He wore a knife sheath on his belt, and she saw the blade handle sticking out the top. She’d bet a million bucks that was the knife that he’d used to kill Larks. All she had to do was come out of this alive, identify Magee as the one who’d stabbed Larks, and they’d be able to test that knife against the wounds on Larks’s body.

It was the whole “come out of this alive” part that was going to be difficult. But this time, she wasn’t going to just lie there and be a victim. This time she was going to fight harder. Even if it killed her.

She heard shots outside and immediately sat up. Everyone went running to the double doors, weapons raised. The police must be here. Or AJ, but it sounded like a hell of a lot of firepower. Maybe AJ had brought an army with him.

For the first time since they’d grabbed her and tossed her in the van, she felt hope.

Someone killed the lights inside the building. Disoriented in the darkness but damn glad for it, Teresa stood and kicked out of the ropes at her feet and pulled away the ones at her wrists. She couldn’t see, but she could move now, and she had to get the hell out of here before someone came looking for her. She knew there was a wall directly behind the couch. She headed for it, found it and used it to guide her toward one of the exits at the back of the building, figuring soon enough they were going to grab her to use her as a hostage.

She found the door and the knob, turned it and eased outside, shut the door and ran like hell. There were rusted-out cars littering the otherwise barren landscape, which at least provided plenty of places to hide. She wound her way through the automotive graveyard, keeping her head up and her eyes focused for anyone who might be following her. So far all the action seemed to be centered on the front of the building, flashes of gunfire lighting up the dark night. All she had to do was climb inside one of these vehicles and hide until it was over.

Something caught her hair and jerked her backward. She screamed at the stinging pain in her scalp and reached up to hold her head. Strong arms circled her and she was tugged against a very hard chest.

“Where are you going, honey? The party is just starting.”


She screamed again, hoping someone would hear her. Walter turned her around and slapped her across the face so hard she fell. An explosion of pain hit her cheek and she rolled into a ball, cupping her face to shield it from the excruciating sting.

Walter grabbed her arm and hauled her up. Something cold and metal pressed against her temple.

“Scream again, bitch, and I’ll put a bullet in your goddamn brain.”

He dragged her out of the row of cars.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Shut up.”

She tried to slow him down, make her body heavy as he propelled her down the side path and toward the front of the building.

“Move, goddammit.” His fingers dug into her upper arm as he dragged her toward the door she’d exited earlier. He pulled it open and pushed her so hard she fell on knees already bruised from her tumble on the motorcycle earlier.

Gasping for breath, panicked and scared out of her wits, she tried to focus on what to do next, how to get out of this. It was dark in here, but she could see better now than she could earlier. Walter bent over her and grabbed her arm again.

“Get up. It’s show time and you’re the main event.”

He dragged her toward the open double doors. She was going to be their bargaining chip, the way they escaped. She couldn’t let it happen. Russ stood at the door, and when they got there, he cast her a worried look. She shook her head and Walter shoved her toward the open front door.

Teresa closed her eyes and waited for bullets to riddle her chest as she was thrust in front of the open door like an easy target, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes and looked around, but saw no one. They must be hiding behind those thick rocks in the hills, the only cover in the otherwise deserted landscape.

Walter came up behind her and put his gun to her head. “Listen up,” he yelled to whoever was outside. “We’re leaving and she’s coming with us. She stays alive as long as we stay alive. One shot fired and a bullet goes into her head.”

There was no response, so Walter walked out of the doorway, pulling her with him.

“T-Bone, back the van in. The rest of you, drag up the weapons and ammo. You—” He pointed at Russ and thrust Teresa at him. “Hold on to her and don’t let her go. If she tries to get away, shoot her but don’t kill her. Not yet, anyway.”

Teresa relaxed a bit as soon as Russ had her. Now she had a chance to get away. As soon as Walter busied himself elsewhere, she lifted her gaze to Russ. “Please. Now’s your chance to right all your wrongs.”

Russ clamped his lips together, his gaze moving over Walter and all the guys scurrying around to load up their weapons.

“This is my only chance, Russ. He’s going to kill me.”

Russ looked down at her, tears filling his eyes. “I really am sorry, Teresa.”

She waited and a black SUV screamed up the road toward them. Walter came running in their direction and Teresa shot a look at Russ.

“Go now. Run!” Russ pushed her, and she tore out of the opening like she was on fire. She heard shots but didn’t stop to turn around as a barrage of gunfire exploded around her. She headed straight for the SUV, which circled her and protected her from the bullets. As soon as it was within range, she opened the back door and dove inside, shutting the door behind her.

“Get down on the floor!”

Pax? She lifted her head. “You’re alive!”

“Yes, now get down on the goddamn floor. I’m going to ram this SUV down their throats. Feds are coming in right behind me.”

She curled herself into a ball on the floor and jerked when the SUV accelerated, tires squealing as Pax drove it right into the devil’s mouth. Bullets pinged off the side and Teresa broke into a cold sweat, praying the SUV’s windows were bulletproof. Shattering glass told her they weren’t.


He didn’t answer, and the SUV fishtailed as he crashed into the building. Suddenly gunfire was everywhere and Pax dove into the backseat, covering her body with his. It sounded like the Fourth of July all around them. Teresa knew any minute someone was going to yank open the door and shoot both of them. She felt his heart pounding against her back, knew he was worried about keeping her safe. She searched around and found his hand, laced her fingers with his, felt his body relax a bit against hers.

The gunfire finally stopped, and all she could hear was the sound of Pax’s labored breathing.



“You’re wounded.”


“I think we should get up now. There’s no more gunfire.”

“Not until someone gives us the all clear.”

“You’re wheezing.”

“I’m going to be fine, Teresa.”

She felt something warm and wet against her back. “You’re bleeding on me.”

He laughed. “Sorry.”

“Dammit. Don’t be sorry. Let me look at you.” She tried to shift but he wouldn’t budge. “Pax.”

“We’re not moving until there’s an all clear.”

The door opened and Pax tightened against her.

“Is that all you two think about is sex?”

AJ. Teresa slumped in relief. “AJ, help him.”

“I can get up on my own.” Pax pushed off the floor, grunting in pain as he did. He slid out, though he didn’t do it fast. AJ helped Pax out, then grabbed Teresa’s hand and pulled her from the SUV, then jerked her against him. She wrapped her arms round him.

“Are you all right?” he asked, smoothing his hands over her.

“I’m fine. You?”


“Pax is hurt.” She pulled back and turned to Pax, wanting so much to go to him, but he was leaning against the car looking like he might drop any minute.

“Ambulance is on its way,” AJ said, then he searched her face and frowned. “Who hit you?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Walter hit me. And Magee, the guy with the neck tattoo, is in there. There’s a knife in his belt. It might be the same knife he used to stab Larks.”

AJ nodded. “We’ll be sure to tell the feds about that.”

“What about Russ?”

“He’s dead. Shot. Not sure whether it was us or the Fists who did him.”

She nodded, waiting to feel remorse since he had set her free and for years she’d believed they were friends. She couldn’t feel sorry for him. Not after what he’d done to her. Not after what he’d done to Joey.

She heard the scream of sirens and went to Pax, sliding her shoulder under his arm. He pressed his lips to her hair. “Glad you’re okay.”

“You saved my life.”

He frowned. “You were stupid not to hide in the woods.”

She smiled at him. “I was trying to save your life.”

“I can take care of myself, Teresa.”

“Uh-huh.” She peeled back his jacket to see a bright stain of blood. “You do a fine job of that.”

The ambulance pulled up and Teresa and AJ helped Pax over. The paramedics got him on the gurney, and before long it took off toward the hospital. Teresa shuddered out a sigh. “I want to go to the hospital to make sure Pax is all right.”

AJ studied her, then nodded. “Okay. You need to get checked out anyway.”

“I’m fine. Just bruised and battered.”

He grazed his knuckles across her cheek. “Yeah, you are fine.”

“There’s something I need to tell you.”


“Walter and Russ were the guys who raped me. Russ was in on the plan to merge the two clubs and Walter wanted Russ’s loyalty. Raping me was Walter’s way to ensure Russ would be loyal to the Fists—there would be no going back to the Thorns after that.”

AJ raked his fingers through his hair. “Christ. I can’t believe he did that to you. I’m sorry, Teresa.”

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