The sense returned, and Rhyn looked down. Toby’s hand was all that felt realafter the past three days.

“Is that it?” the angel asked in a hushed voice.

Rhyn looked up at the brightest of the portals lining the otherworldly landing between worlds. He released Toby’s hand.

“Rhyn,” Kris said. “Be careful. I mean that. We’ll figure out something.”

Rhyn glanced back to see both Kris and his mate frowning as they watched him. He didn’t understand both their concern and eagerness to get rid of him, but felt familiar coldness settle into his chest. There had been two other people in the entirety of the universe that cared for him, and the two people with him now were not the same.

Adrenaline shot through him as he faced the portal. The only other thing that made him feel alive was killing and destroying – the demon side of him that always won out. He salivated at the thought of demon blood and walked to the portal.

“Toby!” Hannah cried.

A streak tore past him just as he reached the portal. The angel moved with inhuman speed as he sprinted and dived through the portal ahead of Rhyn, disappearing.

“Shit! Rhyn you – “

Surprise and then alarm filled Rhyn. He’d walk happily to his own death, but angels were sacred creatures among the Immortals. He ignored Kris and plunged through the portal.

Kris had opened it near the cliff. On the other side of the world from the Caribbean Sanctuary, the French Alps were dark and cold, and it was sleeting. Rhyn slipped in the muddy snow beneath him and looked around for the angel. His plan of blowing up everything hadn’t included an innocent like Toby being hurt.

“Toby!” he shouted, furious at the angel.

He neither saw nor heard anything else around him. Too fast, he felt the buffers’ effect on his powers lessen, and magic exploded through him. He dropped to the ground, unable to stabilize the raging power within him or release it to destroy everything around him as he planned. He gritted his teeth to keep it contained, silently cursing both the angel and Kris for not just letting him die-dead, like he deserved. Agony tore through him as will combated magic, and he seized on the ground, helpless.

Katie! Copyright 2016 - 2024