“Maybe she cares for you more than you thought,” Katie said thoughtfully.

“Hardly. She’s not capable of acting anyone’s interest but her own. And, if I don’t try to get you out of here, she’ll still take you and your baby’s souls.”

“Then why would she have done something against her nature?”

Gabe glanced at her, his frustration at Death on his face.

“Ah, ok. It’s a sore subject,” Katie said. “But, maybe she did something for you?”

“She never does something without getting something in return.”

“If Rhyn can learn to overcome his nature, she can to.”

“You’ve never met her.”

“I hope I never do, but not because I’m not curious. More because I’m not ready to die.”

“Speaking of dying, do you still sense someone following?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she replied after a pause.

His pace quickened. She looked around, waiting for Andre or a demon to leap from her surroundings. Nothing did, and she trailed Gabriel once again.

“No. I came to tell you that you saw something I didn’t.”

He said nothing, aware the creature before him wasn’t capable of communicating a truth in a way most others could understand. Death was from a time before time. He would never understand what she saw when she looked out over humanity and saw its Past, Present, Future, and the soul of each human that ever lived. The size of her vision rendered her unique interpretations puzzling, even to him.

“You saw something I almost missed,” she added. “Maybe I was more interested in detailing your human weakness than in understanding what your instincts told you. Deities don’t need instincts. We simply know. But even I cannot know all.”

“You’re not pursuing us, because I was right about something,” he said. “What was I right about? We’ve spent millennia arguing. Not once have you uttered those words.”

“I didn’t utter them now,” she pointed out. “Let’s just say, I may have misjudged more than your affection for me.”


“Perhaps. Though I will say, I haven’t yet made my final determination. He has a test he must pass. I didn’t expect him to get so far, and he may not pass at all. In any case, I have a much larger problem. I interfered when I shouldn’t have,” she said. “And now, it might be too late to make things right.”

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